Урок за темою "Я, моя сім'я та друзі. Професії"

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Урок англійської мови у 2 класі за темою "Професії" на базі підручника Family and Friends1 (Susan Iannuzzi / Naomi Simmons / Tamzin Thompson and Liz Driscoll, 2013)

Урок має чітку структуру, розподіл часу за хвилинами, опис дій вчителя та учнів, супроводжується коментарями з приводу альтернативного оцінювання, додатками з текстами пісень та малюнка.

Перегляд файлу



A. Students and Setting:

The students are aged 7-8 y.o., 2nd grade, have been studying English for one and a half year.



It is a public school; there are 30 students in the class. They have two 40 minutes lessons of English per week; they never use the language outside the class. The group consists of 22 boys and 8 girls. Their parents rarely can help them with English, so they cannot practice at home. I try to use TPR exercises due to the amount of kinesthetic children in the class.


B. Lesson Background:

The pupils know English ABC, basic phonics, most of them can read basic words they have learned. They can identify numbers, school things, toys, animals and job names. They can say their name, say and understand short simple sentences.

This is the second lesson of a new module. On the first lesson the new vocabulary was introduced (teacher, pupil, housewife, fireman, pilot) and read the story in their textbooks. Today they have to practice saying what people’s jobs are, to practice to choose between he and she for describing people, to practice speaking and working in groups. The next lesson will be for more jobs words and developing the ability to describe their family members’ jobs. In a story, it is not easy for some of them to identify the words of each character of a story while reading it. So, on the previous lesson this has been taught as well. The pupils have already had an experience of group plays, so they have already had the criteria of the assessment developed earlier (appendix 1). There is a bell for the case if the children are speaking too loudly


C. Learning Objectives/Expected Results:


Students will be able to read and apply the new vocabulary, simulate using it in the real context, improve their English skills and group working skills.

Vocabulary: teacher, pupil, housewife, fireman, pilot, hero

Structures: Is he a..(pilot)? – Yes, he is/No, he isn’t

Leaning outcomes: to identify job words, to act out a short story



D. Materials and Sources:


A story poster from the previous lesson, a Student’s Book, a tape recorder, a CD with the audio of the story; job flashcards, a video recorder, a video with the Hello and Good bye songs (Appendix 3-4), a poster with criteria of acting in groups (Appendix 2 ).  Some objects to identify the characters in the play: a toy pan for Grandma, a cap for Billy, a cap for Rosy, a plastic bottle instead of a hose for Grandpa. A bell to make a signal for the class if they are working too loudly and when the time of the group work is finished.



Susan Iannuzzi / Naomi Simmons / Tamzin Thompson and Liz Driscoll. (2013) Family and Friends1

Hello song from Dream English Kids


Good bye song from



E. Procedures / Timing: 

Teacher does/says . . .

Students do/say . . .

Approximate Time

Has hung the Story poster on the blackboard. Has written the number of the page in the Class book needed to open later

Plays a hello song on the video recorder

Stand near their desks and sing the song(Appendix 3) with the gestures they have learned before

3 min

Says: Hello, kids! How are you today? Ann, how are you today?

Take your places and let’s start our lesson. Are you ready?

 Let’s play a game. Pretend that I am putting out fire with a horse. Ask the class to guess my job.

Invite a child to come to the front of the class. Give him/her one of the jobs flashcards and mime for the class to guess the job.

Good morning, teacher. We are fine. Thank you.




Guess the job word: Fireman

Guess the other jobs

(teacher, pupil, housewife, pilot, hero)

4 min

Says: Let’s look at the story poster. Who is this?

What happened in the story? Can you remember the jobs? Why is the grandpa a hero?

Name the characters from the story and say (in the mother tongue is acceptable, too) what happened. Some words they say are in English.

(Rosy is walking around the house and teaches Billy job words)


Says: Open your books on page 28 of your class book. Shows the number 28 written on the board to open if the kids don’t know where to open the book.

Plays the recording, pausing for children to repeat.

Open the book, follow the lines and repeat after the recording.

3 min

Says: Today we are going to start acting a play. I will put you in groups and you will act pretending to be Billy, Rosy, Grandpa and Grandma. Let’s decide together, what each character does during the story.


Propose the actions for every character and read the part of each character with gestures


3 min

Says: You are going to act the story in groups. At the end, you are going to watch each other’s performance and asses them together. Let’s check the criteria




Watch the Handout (Appendix 3) and say how they understand each line


2 min

Says: You have a time limit (8 minutes) so please don’t waste your time.

Don’t forget – there is our bell which reminds us if we are too loud working in groups


Divide the class into groups of four. Each child gets a different role: Billy, Rosy, Grandpa, Grandma.

Circulates from group to group to help with actions, to make sure  that each student knows what to say and how to act.

Determines which students have difficulty pronouncing the words and helps them and asks the other students to help.








Go to different parts of the classroom to work in groups.

Decide who plays which role. Practice the story in groups.

10 min

Makes the class to take their places and to get ready for watching and assessing the others. 

Gives each group a handout to fill in the marks

Take their places and get the handouts with assessment (Appendix 2). The weakest students can sit separately and still learn their parts. Watch the 4 presentations performed. Decide in groups, what marks each group member gets.

8 min

Says: You have worked very well. Let’s summarize our work.

(a discussion phase)Each group tells what is their mark to the group they have seen and why

5 min

Says: To prepare for homework, let’s open the workbooks on page 28. Your task is to write the names of the jobs under the pictures. Ask any question if you have ones.

Open your daybooks and write down the home task for the next lesson and sing our good bye song

Get to their places, write the home task and sing the good bye song(Appendix 4)

1 min


Alternative Assessment Comments:

A simple checklist of the groups’ names and rubrics is used by students and a teacher to asses the students’ work. There is 12 points grade system, so each student gets 1- 3 points for each criterion, together 12 maximum. While one group is performing, the others are evaluating by making notes in the checklist. During the discussion stage, the evaluation is explained by a different representative of the group, and each group gets a grade point average. Each student of the group gets the same grade, but incentive bonuses are possible and stimulate creativity, assistance, high language proficiency.

Appendix 1




Appendix 2





Angry Birds Group

ABC Group

Stars Group

Superheroes Group

Speak loudly and clearly


1      1         1

1      1         1

1      1         1

1      1         1

Speak accurately, correctly


1      1         1

1      1         1

1      1         1

1      1         1

Creative and original


1      1         1

1      1         1

1      1         1

1      1         1

Polite and friendly

1      1         1

1      1         1

1      1         1

1      1         1


Total: ____________

Appendix 3

Song scripts


Hello, My name is Matt. What’s your name?

I can hear your wonderful loud voice

Are you ready to sing the Hello song with me?

You are! That’s great!

Here we go

Hello, hello, hello

How are you?

Let’s make a circle

Good idea

Let’s walk this way

Good idea

Hello, hello, hello

How are you?

Let’s clap our hands

Good idea

Hello, hello, hello

How are you?


Appendix 4




Good bye song

G-o-o-d- -b-y-e

That spells good bye

I can jump

I can run

I can stamp my feet I can sing 1-2-3

Good bye teachers

Good bye teachers

Good bye friends

Good bye school

I‘ll see you again

I can dance

I can clap

I can play guitar

I can dance

I can clap I can sing 1-2-3-4

Good bye teachers

Good bye teachers

Good bye friends

Good bye school

Good bye


21 жовтня 2018
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