Урок закріплення знань "Clothes and weather"

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Урок для учнів 5 класів на повторення та закріплення знань з теми "Одяг і погода".
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Topic: Clothes 
Цілі уроку:

Навчальна: узагальнене повторення  вивченого  матеріалу  з  теми «Одяг. Пори року»;     автоматизувати навички  говоріння, письма з теми;

 Розвивальна:   розвивати вміння працювати в групах, парах, індивідуально

 Виховна: ви­ховувати свідоме ставлення до на­вчання,  прищеплювати любов до іноземної мови.

Тип  уроку: урок узагальнення знань.

Обладнання: тематичні картинки, римування, роздатковий матеріал, ІКТ.



Teacher: Good morning! How are you? It’s high time to begin the lesson. But today we have an unusual lesson. . There is a picture on the board, but it is hidden. We’ll open it space by space by doing some interesting exercises. Ok? We continue to speak about “clothes”. So, let’s open the first space.Will you smile? Well, I see you’re in a good mood today. So, don’t be shy. Let’s begin our lesson.

1. Фонетична розминка

Look at the screen. Read the poem; mind your sounds and intonation, please.


The sun is shining

 And I am smiling,

 The weather is bad

 And I am sad.

 When it is dry

 We are fine…

 The weather is nice,

 Isn’t it a surprise?


2. Мовленнєва розминка

Teacher:  Do you like today’s weather?

 What is the weather like today?

What season is it ?

What winter month do you know?





1). Lead-in

T – Let’s play a game, which is called “The chain”. The first student says a word, which refers to “Clothes”. The second student repeats the first student’s word and adds his own word. The third has to repeat two words and add his one. Fo example, 1: T-shirt; 2: T-shirt, suit; 3: T-shirt, suit, blouse. […]

T: Well done. Let’s open the next space.

2). Practicing lexical material  

       a)   -Teacher: There are some pieces of clothes on the washing line and the names of             them on the screen. Will you match the number of the picture and the word?

Fur coat, cardigan, waistcoat, trainers, tie, tracksuit, belt, suit.

( учні з’єднують зображення з графічним образом)


b) Teacher:  Good for you. Your next task will be to read the sentences with the hidden words and to guess them. The pictures on the slides will help you.

1. Girls and boys can wear cardigans when it is chilly.

2. Men often wear suits.

3. You can wear a belt with a skirt, dress or trousers.

4. A businessman usually wears a tie with a shirt.

5. Women like wearing fur coats in winter.

6. For our PE classes we usually wear tracksuits and trainers.

7.  Pupils of our school wear waistcoats as their uniform.







  1. Look at the tables. Try to make up sentences.




At weekends


At weekdays





I usually wear


I don’t wear

a raincoat, a coat, a belt, trainers, boots, gloves, a suit, a scarf, jeans, a tie, a tracksuit, a cap, a hat, a skirt, trousers, a T-shirt, socks, a shirt, shorts, sandals, a blouse, shoes, a jacket, a jumper, boots.


4). Moving  

Reading (5 minutes)

It's July. The weather is hot and sunny. The kids are  on the beach. Jane  is wearing her swimsuit, but  Denis is  wearing his black trousers and a white shirt. He is playing  football wearing them.


It's autumn. It's October and it's cold and rainy.  Children are running to school. Some are wearing coats or raincoats. They are wearing scarf and hats. Julia isn't wearing her coat. She is wearing her shorts and a T-shirt. She isn't wearing any hat.


It's cold and windy, because it's late November. Winter is coming. Children are outdoors. Some are wearing their winter coats and gloves, scarf and mittens. Almost all are wearing hats. Alexandra isn't wearing a hat and her hair is wet. She's wearing a jacket and a mini-skirt. She is freezing.




  1. - опрацювання значення слова

Teacher: You’ve coped with the previous task quite well and now let’s face the challenge of the next one. A strong wind was blowing and it mixed the clothes from different washing lines. You are to put the words into right washing lines – groups: menswear, ladieswear, accessories, footwear.

Words: a raincoat, a coat, a belt, trainers, boots, gloves, a suit, a scarf, jeans, a tie, a tracksuit, a cap, a hat, a skirt, trousers, a T-shirt, socks, a shirt, shorts, sandals, a blouse, shoes, a jacket, a jumper, boots, an umbrella.










2) T – Let’s check whether you can spell the words. There are some words, but letters are mixed. Our task is to unscramble the words.

H:\урок\Задания\Clothes Unscramble.jpgH:\урок\Задания\ColourChildren.jpg

(невстигаючі учні працюють окремо за картками)


ShirttrainersjacketbootssockssandalsmittensT-shirtsweaterdress jumperscarfjeansblousecapskirt.  

T So, what is the hidden picture?

III Заключна частина уроку.

Підведення підсумків, виставлення оцінок. Пояснення домашнього завдання.


Teacher: I believe you see now that if we have proper clothes on, we’ll weather the weather, whatever the weather, whether we like it or not.

Your work today was excellent. Your marks are

Your homework is to do ex.2 and ex.3 on page 40 in your workbooks. In ex.1 you are to fill in the correct words in the gaps and in ex.3 you should answer the questions in written form.

Thank you for the lesson. The lesson is over. Good-bye!


1 березня 2019
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