Урокт на тему "English-speaking countries"

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Даний урок розроблений для учнів 8 класу, презентація додається. Діти дізнаються багато нового про англо-мовні країни, дивлячись та обговорюючи відео, працюючи в групах

Перегляд файлу

                                     English- speaking countries                                                            1



Освітня: сформувати більш повне уявлення учнів про англомовні країни, поглибити та розширити знання про вже відомі факти, тренувати учнів в читанні, письмі, говорінні й аудіюванні.

Розвивальна: Розвивати пам`ять та логіку, розумові та речові здібності учнів.

Виховна: виховувати толерантне відношення й пізнавальний інтерес учнів до англомовних країн.



Introduction.  Greeting.


- Good morning children. How are you? I hope you are fine. I’m too.

I’d like to create a warm and friendly atmosphere. It is the basic of a good discussion. Wish something pleasant to your classmates. Let’s start a “wish chain”

1. I wish you good impressions.

2. I wish you witty answers.

3. I wish you to be successful in life.

4. I wish you excellent marks.

5. I wish you our dear teacher clever and creative pupils.


Warming- up

And now I want to draw your attention to the screen of the monitor.


                                Слайд 1                       

- Where are this people?

- What are they doing?

- Why are  they  buying this tickets?

- Do you like traveling?

- Why do people travel?


So, how do you think what is the theme of our today’s lesson?


                              Слайд 2

You are right. The theme of our lesson is “ Traveling around the English- speaking countries”


And how do you think, what are we going to do today in our lesson?


( We are going to speak about different ways of traveling

   We are going to play interesting games

    We are going to read and to speak about different countries and cities).


You are right.


Today we are going to travel to some countries but we’ll make our stop in London. We’ll sum everything up we know about Canada the USA and Great Britain through different kinds of activities: reading, speaking, making up dialogues. I think this experience will be useful for your further education for your geography and history lessons and of course if you have an opportunity to travel to this countries and to see everything in your own eyes.


                   So why the motto  of our lesson is

                                   Слайд 3


  Better to see something once than to hear about it many times.


Do you agree with it? 


( Yes we do. Because it is very interesting to visit different countries and cities to see all sights.

Travelling teaches us more than anything else.


I know English proverb


 He that travels far knows much.




Let’s recollect all kinds of traveling you know playing our favourite snowball game.

I like to travel by train. Sasha likes to travel by train and I am fond of traveling by car.

I prefer traveling by plane. I like to travel on foot. I think travelling by ship is the best way of traveling.


Modern life is impossible without traveling. We often get tired on the same daily routine. That’s why the best place of relaxation in my opinion is the one where you have never been before.


 So lets  imagine that  we are in a big city.  We are walking in a big

city.  Look to the right.


                                Слайд 4

You can see Big Ben. Where are we?



We are walking, walking.  Look to the left.

                                    Слайд 5

You can see the statue of Liberty. Where are we?


 We are walking, walking, walking look to the right .

                                        Слайд 6


 You can see the Niagara Falls . Where are we?


Work in a group.                                          

At our last English lesson I divided you into three groups. Each group had a task to find some information about your favourite country.  Read about it and the task for  the next groups will be to guess this country.


It is not a large country. It is situated in Europe. It is much smaller than France or Norway. It consists of 4 parts, but English is the national language in all the parts of this country. ( The U K)


This country lies in the middle of the North continent. The country  consists of 50 states. Its national emblem is eagle. The flag is called “ The stars and Stripes”


It is a very large country. Its territory is about 10 million square kilometers. People speak English and French there. Toronto is the largest city in this country. The national symbol of this country is a maple leaf.


And now I want you to answer the questions about this countries.


Come here and take the sheets of paper with question on it . Read and answer this question.


- What is the capital of Canada?

- What is the capital of England?

- What is the capital of the U S A?

-What American cities do you know?

- What are the biggest cities in England?


And now you’ll watch a short film about one city. Your task will be to answer my questions

                              Слайд 7

- What city is this film about? Where is this city situated? Why do you think so?




You have done a lot of tasks so why I’d like you to have a rest.

A minute of joke is for you.


                            “ A millionaire at the hotel”                           3


The second dialogue is between the members of the family. They are going to travel to the seaside. But now they are only near check in desk.


I think that you are in a good mood after our minute of joke. So why let’s go on.


Work in groups.


Let’s split up into three groups again. But make up your groups according to the seasons of your birth.



Are you ready to work? You can see a lot of pictures and the sheets of papers with notes. The task for the first group is


   To chose only the pictures  which are connected with England.  Find the flag of this country, national emblem, capital city, the biggest cities and the population.


For the second group it is the same but about Canada


And for the third group find useful information about the U S A. Glue everything on the sheets of paper you have.


And now we are going to make our excursion to London. But first of all lets discuss our trip. What kind of transport are you  going to choose and why?


I prefer train travel. I find it more interesting then air travel. The train is much slower, of course, but it has its advantages too. Long distance trains have sleeping cars and dining cars. We can sleep or read. As for me I like to spend long hours at the window watching the changing of the scenery.


I don’t quite agree with you. No doubt, that we can go to London by train. But honestly speaking I prefer traveling by car. This traveling has its advantages: you will never miss your train, ship or plane you can make your own time- table, you can stop wherever you wish.       4


May be you are right. It goes without saying that traveling by car or by train is exciting. But for all that as for me the best way of traveling is traveling by plane. We can’t see the country we are traveling through only the clouds but if we want to go to London and get there as quickly as possible let’s travel by plane.


To sum it up let’s think once more. We haven’t got too much time. It will be very difficult for us to visit all London’s sights to have only one day. So why, I suggest you to go to London by plane. Do you agree with me?


              Imagine that you have just arrived in London.

                                      Слайд 8


Try to make up short dialogues about your first impressions and about your further ideas.


You’ll work in pair .Your task will be to put the phrases into the correct order to make  the dialogues.


-Is it possible to see anything in London to have a day or two?

- Yes it is. I think.

- What do you think I ought to see?

- Well, what do you want to see? Are you interested in historical places?

- Yes, I am.

-Then go to Westminster Abbey, the houses of Parliament and the Tower.

- Do you like pictures?

- I am very fond of pictures.

- Then why not go to the National Gallery.




-This is great. I have heard and read so much about London. Have you ever been to London?

- Yes, I have.

- When did you last go here?

- I was in London a year ago. It was a business trip.

- Did you see any places of interest?

- Well, we saw the famous old  buildings: Buckingham Palace, the Houses of Parliament, Westminster Abbey and the Tower of London.   5

- I see. There is much to visit. Let’s go to the Tourist Information office to get some ideas about what we should see.


T. Dear pupils I have already been at the Tourist information office.


They advised me to go about London on a double - decker bus and start our excursion  from Trafalgar Square.


- And what do you think about it?


T. Dear children, now we are in Trafalgar Square

                            Слайд 9


and in a few minutes we’ll get on a red double-decker bus.

                             Слайд 10


( the pupils see the picture of it).The guides will help us with our trip. They’ll tell us a lot of interesting things about the sights of the city.


G1. But what about our guests? May be they also would like to go with us. Dear guests would you like to join to our excursion?

So, we welcome you to London Sightseeing tour. As you know, London is one of the biggest cities in the world. Our city is famous for its sights. You’ll see the houses of Parliament, Westminster Abbey, the Tower of London, Buckingham Palace and Trafalgar square. You’ll see much more of London from our red double-decker. We start from Trafalgar square.

                                 Слайд 11


G 2. Trafalgar square is in the centre of London. There is Nelson’s Column with the statue of Admiral Nelson on the top. It was erected in 1843. The four lions  were added in 1867. In the north of Trafalgar Square there is the National Gallery. In the middle of the road there is a bronze statue of Charles 1 on the horseback.


                                       Слайд 12


G5. Now we are crossing the Tower Bridge. From the Tower Bridge you can see the Tower of London.

The Tower served as palace, prison, royal treasure and now it’s the museum. You can see the jewellery of the queen here. Among the 

Among the  jewellery  tourists can see the crown of Elizabeth. Tourists can see the ravens there. The legend says if the ravens leave the Tower the crown and all Great Britain will fall.


G4. In a moment you’ll see Westminster Abbey.  


                                    Слайд 13


Westminster Abbey. It is the place where all kings and queens of Great Britain are crowned. They are buried there. Inside of Westminster Abbey tourists can see the Poet’s Corner. All poets, writers of Great Britain were buried here. You can see memorials to Burns, Byron,

Walter Scott and Shakespeare. It is a very beautiful church built in 11th century.


                                   Слайд 14


G1. So, we’ll go on. We have just turned left. And now you can see the house of Parliament with its Big Ben.

The British Parliament sits in the Building which is called the Palace of Westminster. It’s also called the Houses of Parliament because there are two Houses: the House of Lords and the House of Commons. You can go in the buildings , if you make arrangement


                                           Слайд 15


G3. And now we are near Buckingham Palace. Let’s get of the bus and come to the palace.

Buckingham Palace is the Royal residence. A very interesting ceremony takes place every day here. It is a changing of the guard. It lasts 30- 40 minutes.



G1.  Our tour has finished. I hope you liked it very much. Thank you for your attention.


T. And now to sum everything up I propose you to watch a short film about London. And at the end you’ll answer the question


                               Слайд 16


What sights of London haven’t you seen during your sightseeing  tour?


Do you like this film?

What places of interest did you see ?




Unfortunately, time flies quickly. Our lesson is coming to the end. You worked hard so your marks are……….


                                    Слайд 17


Your homework is to make a story ”London’s Sightseeing Tour”.


























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15 березня 2018
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