Усна розмовна тема "Mass Media"

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Усна розмовна тема знайомить учнів з головними лексичними одиницями та мовними засобами із теми "Засоби масової інформації"
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We cannot imagine our life without mss media. Mass media play very important role in our everyday life. They serve to inform people of different events around the world. But the most important thing that newspapers, radio, or TV bring to people is information. Press is considered to be a classic form of mass media. It includes newspapers, magazines, brochures and other printed publications. Radio is a popular mean of mass media, especially when travelling or driving. Many radio channels can inform us about wars, fires, natural disasters, earthquakes or send emergency messages.

At first people started to get news rather quickly with the rise of newspapers. Newspapers are very important for a modern person. The choice of the newspapers is wide. But there are two kinds of them: quality newspapers and tabloids. Quality newspapers give us official information while  tabloids are usually full of juicy gossips about celebrities and MPs, scandals and human interest stories.

Anyway the Internet has advantages and disadvantages. We can find any information at any time there. Nevertheless there is also too much violence, fake information or commercials there. All in all mass media helps us to form our opinion and different events.

23 березня 2022
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