Вчимо англійську з українськими піснями

Про матеріал
Тут представлені практичні завдання на основі популярної української пісні англійською мовою для закріплення різних граматичних конструкцій. Рекомендовано як додатковий засіб вчителям англійської мови та літератури, студентам, учням, а також усім, хто цікавиться вивченням англійської мови та культури українського народу.
Перегляд файлу

The Present and Past Tenses



(Українська народна пісня)




Match the verbs in the Present (in the first column) to the same verbs in the Past (in the second column) and their translations (in the third column):


1. To appear  a) flew   I.  починати

2. To know  b) began  II.  з’являтися

3. To let  c) could  III.  літати

4. To hide  d) appeared  IV.  знати

5. To find  e) gave   V.  могти

6. To go  f) found  VI.  дозволяти

7. To give  g) went  VII.  давати

8. Can    h) knew  VIII. ховати

9. To fly   i) hid   IX. йти

10. To begin   j) let   X.   знаходити




You will read a narrative of what one woman told about her life when she was a young girl. Change the underlined words from the Present into the Past and you’ll get our famous Ukrainian song



Why didn’t you come

Why don’t you come dear, when the moon appears,

As I am waiting for you so?

Or you don’t have a steel, or don’t know the path to me,

Mother will not let you go?


I have a horse and I know the path,

And mother let me leave,

My little sister, although not yet grown,

Hides the saddle, little thief,


And the older sister finds the saddle,

She saddles the steed

-Hey, go brother, to your maiden,

That is waiting for you.

A small river flows,

If I want to – I can jump over.

Give me away, my dear mother,

For the one I like


Gives me away for an old man

My own dear mum

Tells me to honor and respect him

Like I would a young one


I honor him for a year, I honor him for two,

On the third one I can’t take it anymore.

I turn into a grey cuckoo

And fly into the world.


I fly through the grove and sprinkle the earth

Tiny tears falling on the land

I fly through the grove, branches I break

With my white hands.

I fly into the garden and begin to cuckoo

On the guilder rose in the garden.

And begin to cuckoo feeling pity and blue,

Grief in the strange land.




Questions for discussion:


Have you ever wondered what love is?

What is more important: to love or to be loved?

Is it difficult to find ‘one and only’?

Do you believe in love at first sight?

How do you know that you are in love? Symptoms?

Do you believe in “2 halves of the same apple”? Could you love only one person forever? Why/ Why not?


До підручника
Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання) 9 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
10 січня 2024
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