Веб - квест "Знайомство із Лондоном з Lonely Planet" - використання автентичних матеріалів на уроці англійської мови (рівень В1+ ) для розвитку читання та аудіювання

Про матеріал

Мета цієї низки вправ - стимулювати інтерес учнів до вивчення інформації про столицю Сполученого Королівства - Лондон, розвивати навички пошукового читання та слухання для визначення специфічної інформації, а також збагачення словникового запасу. Цю роботу запропоновано провести у формі вебквесту, який складається із двої частин : перегляд відео , та пошук відповідей на сайті відомого тревел агенства Lonely Planet. Учні вчаться працювати з автентичними матеріалами, знаходячи необхідну інформацію. Логічно завершити ці вправи рольовими іграми з використанням тієї інформації, яку дізналися учні. Вправи доповнені транскриптом відео.

Перегляд файлу

LONDON TREASURE HUNT (Together with Lonely Planet) 

The aims of this activity is to stimulate the Students’ interest in learning about the capital of the UK, develop their scanning reading and computing skills,  listening for specific information skill, and enrich vocabulary . It can be arranged as individual, pair or group competition. As a follow up to this activity the teacher may ask students to enact roleplays .

Outcomes: By the end of the lesson the students will be able

to recognize in the context  16 words, related to the topic

to have had some practice in listening for specific information (5 London sights)

to have had practice in scanning reading (10 facts about London)

to have had exposure to an authentic reading (website) and listening text (video)

to develop their general knowledge about London

to have had practice in computing gskills

The activity consists of two parts :

  1. Watching the video on the Lonely Planet site
  2. Searching for information on the Lonely Planet site

1. Watch the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uY02DzhpPzI

Preteach vocab


  1. smorgasboard
  2. the Duke
  3. have sprawled
  4. surreal
  5. a revelation
  6. eventually
  7. the spectacle
  8. displays of pageantry
  9. a thriving port
  10. space –age
  11. pods
  12. a half - hour spin
  13. prominent role
  14. imprisonment
  15. execution
  16. torture


2. What are the five landmarks?

_________________________       _________________________    ____________________

__________________________    _________________________


3. Look through the London page of the Lonely Planet  https://www.lonelyplanet.com/england/london

Answer the following:


1. What is the attraction, whose name has the name of a famous writer mentioned on the page ? _______________________________

2. Where is the Westminster Abbey situated? ___________________________________

3. Click  on the British Museum. What did the Rosetta Stone help to do? _______________

4. (British Museum) When was the museum founded? _____________________________

5. (British Museum) How many people visit the museum every year?__________________

6. Click on the National Gallery. Whose paintings are in the Gallery? (mention 3) _____________ _____________________________________________________________

7. (National Gallery) On what day can you stay in the gallery  until 9 p.m.?______________

8. Click on the Natural History Museum. What can kids enjoy there? (1)________________

9. (Natural History Museum) What can adults be interested in ?(2)____________________

10. Which attraction has a collection of modern paintings and sculpture? _______________



Appendix for the teacher :

Transcript of the video LONDON with the LONELY PLANET

London is home to some of the most recognizable landmarks in the world.

Not only does the city offer a smorgasboard of historical buildings dating back centuries, but modern equivalents have sprawled around the city. Here’s our top iconic landmarks to tick off on your London –to –do list.

The Palace of Westminster sits on the north bank of the River Thames. Coming face to face with one of the world’s most recognizable landmarks, is always a surreal moment, but in its case it is a revelation. The historic seat of the British power is impressive, with the mother of all parliaments and father of all cathedrals nestled side by side. And, of course , there is Big Ben, a famous court tower, completed in 1859.

Buckingham Palace was built in 1803 for the Duke of Buckingham, eventually replaced St James’ Palace, the monarch’ s London home. Watch the spectacle that is  the changing of the guards when the regiments of guards outside the palace change the shift in one of the worlds’ most famous displays of pageantry.

The Tower Bridge is the world famous neo-Gothic icon that stretches across the River Thames. It was built in 1894 , when London was a thriving port, and its famous door bridge mechanism still opens a few times a week for  incoming ships. A tour on an open roof double –decker bus is a great way to take a look at this historic structure.

The London Eye is a 135- meter- tall ferris wheel erected in 1999. Visited by over 3.5 mln people annually I has quickly become one of the most popular modern landmarks in London. Jump into one of the space –age pods and enjoy a half - hour spin, offering one of the finest views in all of London, stretching out 25   miles on a good day.

Her Majesty’s royal palace and fortress, more commonly known as the Tower of London,  has had a prominent role in British history. It’s a castle with more than ten centuries of royal intrigue, imprisonment, execution, torture and murder.

Urazova Olena
7 травня 2020
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