Веб-квест "Love is in the air!"

Про матеріал

1. Термін проведення – 4 дні.

2. У змаганні приймають учні 8-10 класів.

3. При вирішенні завдань необхідно використовувати мережу Інтернет, творче натхнення та хороший настрій.

4. На вирішення кожного завдання дається 1 доба.

5. Відповіді відправляються на електронну адресу не пізніше 21.00 останнього дня виконання кожного завдання.

6. Веб-квест проходить у вигляді змагання, тож бажано виконувати завдання як тільки вони з'являтимуться на стенді, адже відповіді учні надсилають поштою, де зазначається час і дата отримання листа.

7. Зараховується не тільки швидкість, а і правильність виконання завдання!

8. Кожне питання має певний бал.

Перегляд файлу



"Love is in the air!"

Children, do you like holidays? And play fun games? And give and receive presents? It is fine when the people are friendly and they want to do everything for their sweethearts.

What is love? 

Love is a very special and meaningful word to each human being. Each human being has his or her own thoughts about love to guide himself or herself to land safely and smoothly into the kingdom of Love. Without this proper idea of love, people would be acting like a blind person searching for the light with thousand of obstacles in front of him. 

Love is the world’s greatest mystery. It is a feeling that holds the most happiness and the most extreme sadness or anger. 

Dear children,

I invite you to take part in a Web-Quest “Love is in the air!”

I wish you success!

Порядок проведення квесту

1. Термін проведення – 4 дні.

2. У змаганні приймають учні 8-10 класів.

3. При вирішенні завдань необхідно використовувати мережу Інтернет, творче натхнення та хороший настрій.

4. На вирішення кожного завдання дається 1 доба.

5. Відповіді відправляйте на мою електронну адресу pucenko_sveta@ukr.net не пізніше 21.00 останнього дня виконання кожного завдання.

6. Підсумки - 16 лютого на лінійці.

7. Веб-квест буде проходити у вигляді змагання, тож бажано виконувати завдання як тільки вони з'являтимуться на стенді, адже відповіді Ви надсилатимете поштою, де зазначатиметься час і дата отримання листа. Будьте уважними, зараховується не тільки швидкість, а і правильність виконання завдання!

8. Кожне питання має певний бал.

9.Для пошуку відповідей на запитання Ви будете користуватися Інтернетом. Але щоб не потрапити "у пастку" повторіть основні правила поводження в мережі Інтернет.


10. Виникають будь-які запитання – пиши на електронну адресу.


Всім учасникам квесту бажаю сил, натхнення і успіхів!!!

Отже, займай своє місце біля компа і розпочнемо!

Let's start our Quest !

You are welcome!






Step 1

(February, 12)

Look! Find! Make!


Look at the sentence! I ... to ... ...and... .

Find out the missing words and get an extra score.

Let's go!

“If you want to be loved, then love”, wrote Robert Bills. Being inspired by these words let me open our English web-quest of love and romance. 

Ok, I propose you to create an associative chain "Love". You can use your knowledge of the world and the words of famous people about love. You must find these words through the Internet. Find 5 statements about love (5 points) and create a knowledge map (5 flow-charts) using these expressions. (5 points)

Your expressions and map knowledges send to my email address:


(deadline 21.00 12, February)


Related image














Step 2 (February,13)

Read! Find Answer the Questions!

 Create a Power Point Presentation!

Celebrating love around the world

Although Valentine’s Day is recognized around the world, there are a number of different ways in which it is celebrated and there are unique celebrations of love on other days during the year.

Take a look at the facts below. Read the sentences in pairs and try to guess which country they relate to.

  1. In this country, Valentine’s Day is more commonly referred to as ’Lover’s Day’.
  2. In this country, Valentine’s Day is often called ’Boyfriends’/Girlfriends’ Day’. It is celebrated on 12 June, possibly because the following day is St Anthony’s day. St Anthony is known as the marriage saint.
  3. In this country, they celebrate ’Friend’s Day’, a day which is about remembering all of your friends.
  4. As in Japan, in this country, women give chocolate to men on 14 February and men give non-chocolate sweets to women on 14 March.
  5. In this country, they celebrate ’All Hearts’ Day’, which is a celebration started in the 1960s by the flower industry.
  6. In this country, they have their own equivalent of Valentine’s Day and it’s celebrated on the 15th day of the month of Av (which is usually in late August).
  7. In this country, flowers become very expensive on Valentine’s Day.
  8. In this country, Valentine’s Day is known as ’Affection Day’.


1. Read these texts and write the names of the countries. (5 points)
2. Create a presentation of 5 slides about Valentine’s Day Around the World. (5 points)

Your answers send to my email address:


 (deadline 21.00 13, February)

Related imageGood luck!!!








Step 3 (February,14)

Quotations about love


Search the answers through the Internet :

  1. Who is the author of the words " Love conquers all." 

                                                                                     (1 point)

2. Match the quotes of famous people about love:

  1. Love is a game that          a) being stupid together. Paul Valery
  2. Love is                             b)two can play and both win. Eva Gabor   
  3. Love is the magician       c) you've got to let grow. John Lennon 
  4. Love is the flower           d)that pulls man out of his own hat. 

                                                                                        Ben Hecht                   

  1. Come live in my heart,   e) it is not love. Pedro Calderon de la Barca
  2. When love is not madness,    f) and pay no rent. Samuel Lover                
  3. Where there is love          g)there ought to be as many for love.
                                                                                                              Margaret Atwood
  4. The Eskimos had fifty-two names for snow because it was important to them:            h) there is life. Mohandas Gandhi
  5. Love is when you meet someone    i) for which love is the          

                                                                           honey.Victor Hugo

  1. Life is the flower          j) who tells you something new about    

                                    yourself. Andre Breton

(1 point for each right answer)


Answers send to my email address:


(deadline 21.00 14, February)

Image result for love

        Wish you success!






Step 4 (February, 15)

Valentine facts!

Visit www.history.com/topics/valentines-day/valentines-day-facts and decide whether the following facts are true (T) or false (F). Correct those that are false.

1. There are 34 single men aged 65 or older for every 100 single women of the same age.

2. In the US, there are 2.2 million marriages every year, which is more than 600 a day.

3. More than 50% of all Valentine’s Day cards are bought in the six days before the celebration.

4. In 2004, there were 21,667 florists across the US and between all these businesses 109,915 people were employed.

5. 70%: the percentage of men and women aged 30 to 34 who had been married at some point in their lives in 2006

6. Valentine’s Day is the most popular time to send greetings cards with 141 million cards sent every year.

7. In 2008, 112,185 marriages were performed in Nevada. So many couples ’tie the knot’ there that it is the fifth most popular US state in which to marry even though it only ranks 35th in terms of population.

8. 904: the number of dating service companies in America in 2002

9. More than 50% of the US population celebrate Valentine’s Day by purchasing a greetings card.

10. There are 100 single women in their 20s for every 119 single men of the same age.                                  (1 point for each right answer)

Image result for love


Answers send to

my email address.


(deadline 21.00 15, February)

Good luck for everybody!



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