Тема: Велика Британія. Культура, традиції і звичаї англійського народу. Англійська
чайна церемонія.
Цілі уроку:
Освітня: розширити знання учнів про історію виникнення чаю, поглибити їх
знання про облив ості вживання чаю в Англії, з чайним етикетом;
розширення світогляду учнів.
Практична: удосконалювати лексичні навички монологічного мовлення за
темою «Культура, традиції і звичаї англійського народу. Англійська чайна
церемонія»; удосконалювати лексичні та граматичні навички діалогічного
мовлення на рівні мікро діалогу без опори; удосконалювати навички
аудіювання та навички читання про себе тексту, ігноруючи невідомі слова, з
метою отримання необхідної інформації.
Розвивальна: розвивати мовну здогадку та логічне мислення учнів;
розвивати творчі здібності учнів; розвивати здібності до розподілу та
переносу уваги, до напідсвідомого запам’ятовування при сприйнятті на слух
та при перегляді відеоматеріалів; розвивати здібності підбору виразів,
адекватних ситуації.
Виховна: формувати культуру мовлення та культуру поведінки; формувати
потребу та здібності до співпраці та взаємодопомоги при роботі в групі;
виховувати шанобливого ставлення до способу життя інших народів.
Обладнання уроку: інтерактивна дошка, звичайна дошка, відеоматеріали та
зображення за темою уроку, фонограма пісні, роздатковий матеріал.
Хід уроку:
І. Початок уроку
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Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra, Ricardo Chailly - Д. Шостакович - (Tea for
Presenter 1: Good afternoon, dear friends!
Presenter 2:
The Ukrainians, the British…
What makes people different?
Перегляд Video 1. 1: 44 . Ten Things That Make Us British- Tea
Pr 1: The topic of our lesson is TEA. ENGLISH TEA CEREMONY.
Welcome to our tea party.
ІІ. Основна частина уроку
Pr 1:
It’s common knowledge that the English are very fond of tea. They like to have a
nice cup of tea from 6 to 8 times a day, sometimes even more.
Pr 2:
Millions of people in factories and offices look forward to their tea breaks in the
morning and afternoon. They are called elevenses and 5 o’clock tea.
Let’s read and translate some posters to see what the English think of tea.
(Учні читають та перекладають по черзі)
Student 1:
The English know how to make tea and what it does for you.
Student 2:
Seven cups of it make you up in the morning; nine cups will put you to sleep at
St 3:
If you are hot, tea will cool you off, and if you are cold, it will warm you up.
St 4:
If you take it in the middle of the morning, it will stimulate you for further work;
if you drink it in the afternoon, it will relax you for further thought.
St 5:
The test of good tea is simple: If a spoon stands up in it, then it is strong enough; if
the spoon starts to wobble, it is a feeble makeshift.
Pr 1:
(звертаючись до гостей) I think that all of you like to drink tea but I also think
that you know too little about this magnificent beverage. I think that at the end of
our tea-party you’ll be able to answer a lot of questions about tea.
Pr 2:
(звертаючись до учнів) So, you've learnt some facts about the history of tea and
tea ceremonies.
St 6:
History of tea.
Chinese tea history. It is a sheer pleasure to speak about the history of tea. Part of
this history goes far beyond the scopes of the comprehensible past and relates
rather to the mythological times than to history. This means that those crumbs of
legends that came to us from Ancient China can be turned into impressive narrative
rich in dramatic tension but with a happy ending. It is only natural that tea dealers
(and the Chinese in the first place) practice such myth-making most actively.
Pr 1:
Do you know what are the best tea leaves?
Перегляд Video 2. 1:00. Tea. What are the best tea leaves?
Pr 2:
There are some students who have found very interesting facts concerning tea. Let
us listen to them.
St 1:
English tea history. When a person thinks of the origin of tea, China is always the
answer. However, the culture of drinking tea is most always associated with the
Quite surprisingly, it was in a coffee house owned by Thomas Garway in London
where tea was first offered. He sold the beverage and the dry tea around 1657 and
touted its medicinal effects as “preserving perfect health until extreme old age”.
St 2:
Coffee houses were a hub of social and business news. Literature, politics and art
were discussed freely. They were patronized entirely by men. In fact, some of
those coffee houses evolved into “men only” clubs, one such being established by
Edward Lloyd. It later became the insurance company Lloyds of London.
St 3:
Many stories end with a marriage, this story is different. It starts with a marriage…
In 1662, Prince Charles II married the Portuguese Princess, Catherine of Braganza.
The princess was very fond of tea and accustomed her royal spouse to this new
drink. She replaced wine, ale and spirits with tea as the court drink. Because tea
was served primarily in male frequented coffee houses, she was instrumental in the
acceptability for women to drink the beverage.
St 4:
We must say that tea was familiar to the English before the marriage of the high-
standing persons; Garway's Coffee House, for example, traded in tea in London
since 1657. However, tea was mostly known as a medicinal drink, and was much
less popular than coffee.
St 5:
The English East India Company brought small gifts of tea from Europe in an
attempt to please Charles II, but the company didn’t consider tea to be worth
importing from China until later in the century. When tea and other imports from
Holland were prohibited, the English East India Company began the trade of this
St 6:
The biggest problem England had in the tea trade with China was that the Chinese
would only sell tea in exchange for silver. It was too expensive for England to ship
the silver. This created yet another industry…. opium. They brought opium to
China from India, sold it to the Chinese for silver and then bought the tea with the
silver. This continued until about 1839 when large.quantities of English opium
were destroyed, starting the First Opium War. The Opium Wars continued until
1860 and during that time, trade between England and China fell apart.
St 7:
This led to the beginning of the tea industry in India.
Tea blending began in England in 1870 when R. Twining & Co. Ltd. blended teas
to improve the taste and standardize quality. This resulted in blends such as
English Breakfast. In 1875, Sir Thomas Lipton opened his first shop. By the end of
the nineteenth century, the foundation was laid for the modern tea trade. In
England, Indian and Ceylon teas became more popular than those from China.
St 8:
In 1875, Thomas Lipton opened his first shop. Then he became the father of the
modern aggressive advertising, founder of the tea empire, and the man who made
Ceylon a tea island.
By the end of the 19th century, the forming of the Tea Britain was for the most part
over. Brooke Bond and Lipton laid the foundation of the modern tea trade; in
England, blends of Indian and Ceylon teas became more popular than Chinese tea;
tea became an element of the English mass culture; tea manufactories of India and
Ceylon began to become tea industry.
St 9:
One reason for tea’s increased popularity over coffee was it’s preparation. Since
coffee could only be used once, it was less expensive to prepare tea, since it could
be brewed more than once.
St 10:
The price of tea per pound has always been more than coffee, but less tea is used
per cup.
It was decisively a key component in British culture.
Pr 1:
Every country has its own tea – drinking habits. When tea was first brought to
England people didn’t know how it ought to be used. They boiled the leaves and
put them on a piece of bacon, and than ate them.
Pr 2:
And what do you know about ‘English Tea Ceremony’?
St 1:
‘English Tea Ceremony’ is not an obvious concept. On the one hand, at this
undertaking, rather fixed and regulated actions take place. On the other hand, all
these actions are very simple and comprehensible. They are not at all that strict as,
for example, in the Japanese ceremony. But if the English themselves consider
their tea drinking a ceremony, let us also consider it a ceremony.
So. The English tea ceremony has developed from the English tradition of
Afternoon Tea or Five-o-clock Tea. To conduct an English tea ceremony one needs
certain table appointments, tea, snacks for tea, and the ability to manage tea during
the process of tea-drinking. Let’s look into these things one after another.
Перегляд Video 3. 1:26. The English tea ceremony.
Pr 2:
But now let’s speak without humour.
St 2:
Table appointments. One-color table cloth. White or blue (better white).
Disposable cloth is allowed. A small vase with flowers. Better natural and white. A
fork and a knife for every tea-drinking person. A tea cup and a saucer, the teapot
with tea (either one for all or individual), a jug with boiled water, a jug with milk
or cream. Sugar-bowl with lump sugar (ideally — with both white and brown). Tea
spoons… Tea snacks, of course, are served in dessert-dishes with fork and knife.
St 3:
All plates and dishes, of course, must belong to one set. China set. White or blue
and white (as for me, I like blue and white more). One will also need a quilted or
woolen cover — tea-cozy. Tea. Any tea. Usually, guests are offered 5 to 10 kinds
of tea. Among which without fail there will be Earl Grey, of course. Heavily
flavored teas are also possible, as well as tea bags (they do not make all that good
impression though. It is very prestigious to have and offer your own specialty tea
St 4:
Snacks for tea. Snacks for tea are the most difficult part of the English tea
ceremony to reproduce in Ukrainian surroundings.
St 5:
On the one hand, English tea pastry does not constitute anything supernatural. It
can be easily made at our kitchens — one just needs to get recipes. In the Internet,
for example.
St 6:
On the other hand, all their scones, teacakes, ginger cakes, large-cell waffles,
creams and jams are very unusual and beyond the bounds of our culinary
discourse. Although they are very tasty sometimes — the warm teacakes with
salted butter, for example.
St 7:
Ginger bread and cakes are good for emphasizing the taste of tea.
St 8:
Modern English tea table. It is quite acceptable to change traditional English
pastry for our neutral one. Pancakes with caviar will not suit English tea-drinking,
of course, but some simple cake will be just right for it. A very simple cake —
fancy pastry will suppress tea.
St 9:
Tea drinking. The main secret of the English tea ceremony is hidden in it, of
course. It is a very simple secret, though. Thus. Tea is brewed proceeding from the
assumption that when in cups it will not be mixed with water anymore. That is one
teaspoon of tea per person. If a teapot is big — for five-six people — one more
teaspoon of tea leaves for all (for the pot) may be added. Tea is infused for 3-5
minutes (sometimes a sand glass may be used for control of time — it looks nice),
and then poured out into cups. Right after it, hot water from a water-jug is added to
the teapot. Teapot is covered with a tea-cozy not to get cold. When tea is brewed
for the first time, the teapot does not have to be covered, although it may be.
St 10:
This water-adding, on the one hand, dilutes tea, which will have drawn by the
moment when the first cup will be over. On the other hand, it will keep tea
relatively hot and still rather tasty for the repeated drinking. Hot water may be
added after the second drinking again — but with every next water-adding the
quality of the tea will gradually get worse.
This very hot water adding is the main secret of the English tea ceremony. Simple
and pleasant. Pleasant since it can easily be reproduced at home.
Pr 1:
Are you a good Tea Drinkers? What kind of tea do you like to drink and why?
Pr 2:
Watch and listen to the confessions of a tea bag.
How many colours of tea you will hear? Count, please.
Перегляд Video 4. 2:00. The confessions of a tea bag.
(8 – White, Green, Black, Red, Pink, Brown, Yellow, Orange)
Pr 1:
And now read through the lyrics of English Tea by Paul McCartney before you
listen to the song. Complete the lyrics.
(учням роздається текст пісні із пропусками)
Перегляд Video 5. 2:12 . English Tea - Paul Mc Cartney
English Tea. By Paul McCartney
Would you care to sit with me
For a cup of English tea
Very twee, very me
Any sunny morning
What a pleasure it would be
Chatting so delightfully
Nanny bakes fairy cakes
Every Sunday morning
Miles and miles of English garden, stretching past the willow tree
Lines of hollyhocks and roses, listen most attentively
Do you know the game croquet
Peradventure we might play
Very gay, hip hooray
Any sunny morning
Miles and miles of English garden, stretching past the willow tree
Lines of hollyhocks and roses, listen most attentively
As a rule the church bells chime
When it's almost supper time
Nanny bakes fairy cakes
On a Sunday morning
Pr 2:
Listen to the song again. Check your guesses and sing.
Перегляд Video 6. 1:50. Paul McCartney English Tea live lyrics.
Pr 1:
Have you ever read about Lipton Tea?
Now, Read the statements about Lipton Tea and after reading the text decide if
they are true and false.
(учням роздаються надруковані на окремих аркушах твердження до тексту)
1. The orange label of Lipton Tea is well known all over the world.
2. Lipton teas have Scottish roots.
3. The slogan of "from the tea fields to the tea pot" is the slogan of the best tea
that’s simply known as "Quality No. 1".
4. Lipton was knighted by Queen Victoria as one of the famous person of the
British Empire.
5. The Lipton Tea company now operates tea plantations in Australia.
1-F, 2-T, 3-F, 4-T, 5-F
History of Lipton Tea
If there's one name synonymous with tea, it's Lipton. As the top brand of tea in the
world in 2009, it's a company with a long history devoted to just a single product.
Consequently, their distinct yellow label is recognized the world over and they also
fund research into tea growing and the benefits of drinking it. This global beverage
empire started humbly enough, however, and has over a century of history behind
Lipton teas were created by Sir Thomas Lipton, who was born in Glasgow,
Scotland in 1850. In 1890, he journeyed to Ceylon, a country noted for tea leaves.
After experimenting with different tea crops, he finally developed a blend that he
brought to market back in Scotland. Eventually, his grocery business expanded into
Britain, and by the end of the 19th century Lipton was one of the most popular teas
in the U.K.
Under the slogan of "from the tea gardens to the tea pot" Lipton made it a point to
sell quality teas. The best tea was simply known as "Quality No. 1" and sold in a
yellow package with a red shield. This would go on to become the label associated
with Lipton, and is still used in packaging Lipton teas in 2009. Lipton began to
expand, even to the United States, which was less receptive (having been a nation
of coffee drinkers since that incident in Boston Harbor).
Lipton himself was knighted by Queen Victoria, and it was only fitting as he made
full use of the reaches of the British Empire. Aside from Ceylon, the Empire
included other places of notable interest in the tea world, including India and
China. Moreover, as tea was the drink of the British Empire, the company had a
built in global network of tea drinkers that it could tap into to create global sales.
Lipton's initial forays in Ceylon helped established one of the primary assets of the
company that bears his name. From a humble five acres owned by the Scotsman in
Ceylon, the company now operates tea plantations in Kenya and Tanzania. In
addition they have experts who scout tea crops in over 35 countries worldwide to
form their blend.
The tea business split from the grocery business and in a process that spanned from
1938 to 1972, was acquired by Unilever. Lipton has also partnered with Pepsi to
market ready-to-drink teas around the world. They also run the Lipton Institute of
Tea, which is dedicated to the study of tea and it's benefits. Although only the
black tea gets the full yellow label, they also market green tea, iced tea, milk tea
and herbal varieties.
Pr 1:
Hot tea is good when it’s cold. But who would drink tea in summer when it’s
hot? Iced tea is much better for hot weather. Iced tea is an American invention. It
was made in St. Louis, Missouri for the first time in 1904. You’ll be taught how to
make iced tea.
Pr 2:
The best way to make this is to make a pot of tea and after the tea has been infused
for five minutes pour the tea off into a jug and put it in the fridge to cool. Serve
with ice cubes, lemon or orange to flavor and sugar if you wish. This is an
excellent, economical and refreshing summer drink.
Перегляд Video 7. 1:31. Lipton Ice Tea with Hugh Jackman, Full Version.
Pr 1:
Now welcome to our tea break. Invite our guests to your tables. Serve them. Pour
some tea. Help yourselves. Go ahead. You are welcome.
Перегляд Video 8. 3:28. Kerli. Tea Party.
(під час перегляду учні накривають English Tea Table)
Pr 2:
Every English Tea Party starts with
St 1 - It’s a nice day today, isn’t it?
St 2 - It certainly is. It’s a beautiful day.
St 3 - It’s a nice day today, isn’t it?
St 4 - It certainly is. It’s a beautiful day
St 5 - Nice day today. Nice day today.
St 6 - Day today. Day today. Nice day today
(Учні обмінюються репліками за темою «За столом»)
St 1. Would you like a cup of tea?
St 2. Yes, please. That would be nice.
St 3. Help yourself, please. These scones are home-made.
St 4. Delicious
St 5. Could you pass me the….., please?
St 6. Yes, certainly
St 7. Can I have another scone, please?
St 8. Yes, of course. Go ahead
St 9. Say when.
St 10. That's enough. Thank you.
St 1. Would you like some more tea?
St 2. No, thank you.
St 3. Could you pass me the biscuits, please?
St 4. Yes, of course. Here you are.
St 5. Do you want another cup of tea?
St 6. No, thank you
St 7. May I have another sweet?
St 8. Of course, go ahead.
St 9. Would you like some apple pie?
St 10. Thank you. That would be nice.
St 1. Do you take sugar?
St 2. No.
Pr 1: It’s interesting to know that…
Jasmine Tea. The most renowned Chinese ‘additive’ to tea is Jasmine. Jasmine is
usually added into green tea. It’s for a stylish and elegant person.
Pr 2:
Peach Tea. Almost forgot — you can add some sugar into Peach tea — to
combine sweet flavor with sweet taste. It’s for a good-natured and shy personю
Pr 1:
Orange Tea is flavored with orange peels and some other orange flavoring. In
England such tea is often called Windsor Blend and considered a special royal
blend. Orange teas are quite multi-purpose — they are good in winter as well as in
summer, with snacks as well as without them. It’s for a self-possessed and
impatient person.
Pr 2:
Black Currant Tea– is Churchill’s favorite tea, tea mentioned in one of James
Bond movies— a drink for real men, a specific drink with specific taste and flavor.
It’s for a very tactful and capable person
Pr 1:
Mint Tea — is a wonderful tea, with a very light — one may even say fine —
smokiness. They say that a small amount of this tea is yearly ordered by the Royal
Court of Great Britain. Maybe, Churchill drank this very tea. It’s for the devoted
friends and unique people.
Pr 2:
Cardamom Tea is rather heavily smoked. For want of habit, one can easily catch
notes of turpentine, ski grease, and smoked fish. More sophisticated people find
notes of fire smoke and prunes. In short — it is a matter of taste and habits.
Pr 1:
Wild Raspberry. Naturally, any variant of this tea is drunk without sugar —
unless you are a lover of sweet tea. It’s for a gentle and modest person.
Pr 2:
Earl Grey Tea — is the most famous fragrant tea. The marketing legend that
accompanies it usually tells a story of Charles Grey, a British diplomat, who was
given a secret recipe of tea flavoring by a Chinese grandee. Since then black tea
flavored with bergamot oil has been called Earl Grey. It’s for a strong-willed and
hard-working person.
Pr 1:
Strawberry Tea is usually drunk without sugar, and with light snacks. If you
want to please your mother or impress a lady — go ahead, tea is waiting.
Pr 2:
Greenfield “Spring Melody” – is black tea for associable, friendly, good-
tempered and sympathetic person.
Pr 1:
English Breakfast – is black tea for a generous, honest, respectable and broad-
minded person.
Prs or Sts:
You can tell someone’s personality by the kind of chocolate they choose.
If you choose a round chocolate, you are a very sociable person.
And if you choose a square chocolate, then you are very honest and reliable. Do
you believe this?
People, who choose oval chocolates are very creative,
and if you choose a rectangular one, you’re a sympathetic person, a good listener.
If you choose those spiral ones, you’re dynamic – but very disorganized. Is that
true? Suppose it is, really.
Now then, if you chose a diamond-shaped chocolate, you’re probably materialistic
and interested in money,
and people who chose a triangular chocky are insensitive.
ІІІ. Кінець уроку
Підбиття підсумків уроку.
Повідомлення та пояснення домашнього завдання:
Our Tea Party is over. Thanks to all of you.
You can see a lot of tea advertisements on the pages of newspapers and
magazines, of the screens of your TV sets. Your home task is to advertise any tea
you like. You are welcome.
Мотивація та виставлення оцінок.