Відеокурс за мультфільмом "Coraline"

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Даний відеокурс розроблено на основі мультфільму "Coraline". Курс складається з 4 епізодів, кожний розраховано на 20 хвилин фільму. Завдяки Qr-коду, не доведеться шукати відеоматериал. Також додається список нових слів та фраз. Після перегляду учні виконують завдання, що дає змогу закріпити нову лексику та вдосконалити навички. Дана розробка буде корисною для позакласної роботи, або в якості самовдосконалення під час канікул.
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It doesn't make sense - ue 6e3FJIY3A0

It's just an ordinary branch - ue 3BuqaüHa FIJIKa It's a dowsing rod - I-le qap1BHa J103a

imageimageAnd I don't like being stalked, not by psycho nerds or their cats - I He JlK)6JIK), KOJIM 3a MHOK) CTexaTb 60xeBIJ1bH1

60BAypu      iXHi KOTU

He's kind of feral - BiH HenpupyqeHHF1

Bnamelll y HbOFO.

It's supposed to be so deep, if you fell to the bottomimage

HaneBH0, BIH HaCTIJ1bKH FJIH60KHü, LAO KOJIM Bnamelll Ha AHO You'd see a sky full of stars in the middle of the dayimage

TH 3Moxe111 n06aqHTH                   He60 HaBITb oniBAH1.

Surprised she let you move in - 3AHBOBaHHü, l.uo BOHa

дозволила вамimage

Му gramma, she owns the Pink Palace imageбабуся, вона власниця Рожевого Палацу.

Won't rent to people with kids - не здае квартири людям з Д1тьми.

I'm not supposed to talk about it MeHi не сл1д про це говорити

imageWhat'd уои get saddled with? - А T06i яким 1М'ям удружили?

I wasn't saddled with anything -         мен1 не удружили.

It's not real scientific - Це не науковий факт, 3В1сно

But I heard ап ordinary пате like Caroline - але я чув

                                    що              iMeHa типуimage

Сап lead people to have ordinary expectations about а person - можуть призводити людей до волоД1ння неординарними image особистост1.

I think I heard someone calling уои, Wyborne - MeHi здаеться тебе хтось кликав, Вайборне.

                                     I didn't hear anything - Я            не чув.

I definitely heard someone - Я абсолютно точно чула


Why-Were-You-Born -image

Well, great to meet а Michigan water witch - Ну, приемно було зустр1ти

imageводяну в1дьму

But I'd wear gloves next time - але наступного разу я             би рукавички.

It's poison оаК - Це отруйний дуб

I almost fell down a well yesterday - Maimce

imageBnana B KOJIOA%3b yqopa.

I would 've died - MORJ1a 3aFHHYTH.

I think it's perfect weather for gardening -

Ha MOK) AYMKY, noroma   caAIBHHUTBa IAeaJ1bHa.

Rain makes mud. Mud makes a mess - A01-u

P03BOAHTb 6pym. A 6pym ue 3aB)KAH Henop%A0K. It wasn't my fault - He BHHHa

You and Dad get paid to write about plants, and you hate dirt - Barvr i3 6aTbKOM nnaT%Tb 3a nucaHHHY npo POCJIHHH, a TH HeHaBHAH111 6pym.

You still have unpacking to do — T06i BCe l.ue

110TPi6H0 p03naKYBaTH peql

Some kid left this on the front porch - AKHüCb xnoneub 3aJIH111HB ue Ha raHKY.

Look what I found in Gramma's trunk - AHBHCb, l.uo 3HaüL110B y 6a6ycHHIVi


imageLook familiar? - HiKoro He Haramy€?

What's his name, anyway? - To AK Moro 3BYTb? And I'm way too old for dolls - I Ma6YTb B%ce 3a mopocna Jl%1bOK.

It's pouring out there, isn't it? - Ta Tarvr xe JIJI€, AK 13


Don't even think about — HaBITb He myrvmaü npo

Disgusting bugs - MeP30TH1image

To pester - A0KyqaTH

                                                                       Zip             3aK1)HTH

Oh, my twitchy-witchy girl - Ox, MOA Henocvvuoqa


Fusspot — HerlAHHU%

Make up a song — CKJ1amaTH HICHK)

She is a pal if mine — BOHa MOA nonpymca

Starving — BMupaTH 3 POJIOAY

Request — 3a11HT

Task 1 — reading

1.     imageCoraline Jones has to adapt to life in the Pink Palace apartments, while her stay-athome parents, Charlie and Mel, have to work and ignore her.

2.     The girl crosses paths with a black cat and Wyborne (or "Wybie"), the landlady's grandson, who leaves her a ragdoll lookalike.

3.     That night,  a jumping mouse leads Coraline back to the door, now a portal leading to the Other World, an alternate universe where her parents' buttoneyed lavish her with food and attention.

4.     She meets the other residents of the Pink Palace: upstairs, the Amazing Bobinsky, an eccentric Russian liquidator-turnedgymnast who owns a mouse circus; and downstairs,          retired burlesque performers

April Spink and Miriam Forcible. Bobinsky and Ms. Spink (who reads tea leaves for

Coraline) warn her about the Other World.

imageTask 2 - What does it теап?

1.    What do уои теап?

а) Що це означае? Ь)       ти родом?

с) Що ти маеш на YBa3i?

2.    Not ту idea, of course

а) 3BicH0, це не моя 1дея.

Ь) Це не моя проблема, звичайно

с) Не маю жодного уявлення. З. That sounds exciting

а) Це ж дивовижно. Ь) Звучить захоплююче!

с) Загалом, непогано.

4.     That's weird

imageа) Це ж дико. Ь) Це безглуздо.

с) Дивно це.

5.     Garden tools

а) Садов1 1нструменти

Ь) Садов1 кв1ТИ

с) Частини саду

6.     А rusty water heater

а) Новий котел Ь)          бойлер

с) Автоматичне подання води

7.     Уои stay out of the way

а) Ти на imageЬ) Ти     на шляху

с) Ти не плутаешся         ногами

8.     Gravy

а) Бруд



9.     kiddo

а) Малятко

b) Зайчик

с) image

10.Mud facials

а) Брудн1 рушники

b) Брудне взуття

с) Грязьов1 маски


imageList of words and phrases from this episode

Cripes almighty — трясця

It's допе — Все пройшло

Ве dingbats — бути не в своему розум1

То sneak ту home — пробратися до мого дому

То реек at mooshkas — подивитися на мишок Cease your infernal yapping - Припини свое пекельне тявкання

Acquire а tall stepladder — роздобути сходи

Не is а wuss puss — боягузливий котяра

Jeez — божечки

                                                  Dang —          c06i

So thoughtful of уои to send this nice cheddar, Coraline - Так чуйно з твого боку було над1слати цього чудового Чеддера, Коралайн.

Go оп —image

Stop tickling те! - Досить лоскотати мене!

Daughter in distress - Дочка у небезпец1.

Нор оп - Застрибуй

Воу, she knows уои like the back of her hand - Вона тебе знае, як CB0i п'ять пальц1в.

А know-it-all Ьоу — всезнайка

Look at уои —            подивись на себе

Making hearts to thump - змусити ваш1 серця битися част1ше

Task З - Who is that?

                     Mel April and Miriam Mr Bobinsky Coraline         w.ybie



Task 4 — Let's talk about it.

1.     When Coraline returns again to the Other World, this time during the day, the cat tells her he can traverse the two worlds.

2.     The cat suggests Coraline propose the Beldam a game.

3.     The parts of the Other World turn lifeless as the entire dimension gradually disintegrates


Put them back - ITOKJ1aAH Ha Mlcue.

Feel safer — 6YTH y 6e3neL11

imageGive it a try — cnp06yvi

You wanna come along? - Flinelll 31 MHOK)?

You can pick out something you like Momcel-ll BH6paTH, LAO cnom06a€TbC%.

If things go well today — AKI-UO CbOFOAH1 BCe npoüme A06pe

Won't be long - HeHaAOBFO

The new outfit - HOBHM Hapqm

Dream come true — MPiiimage

We cats, however, have far superior senses than humans - Mm X, KOTH, AK 6m TO He 6YJ10

Ma€MO 6iJ1b111 3arocTpeHe image HIX JIK)AH

So if you go swimming With bowlegged women - I "CIAO KynaTHMe111C% 3 KPHBOHOFHMH naH%HKaMH

A big-bottomed sea witch - BiAbMa MOPCbKa

Let's banish them from — maBaüTe npomceHeM0 ix 3

I'm far more nutritious — 6iJ1bL11image

Be green with envy — 1103eneHITH BIA 3JIOCT1

imageThis mermaid enchantress - Pycamca qap1BJIHBa

Will send sailors swooning all day - Mopmcu BTpaT%Tb POJIOBY Ha YBecb meHb

"What a piece of work is man! - "1110 3a MaicTepHe CTBOPiHH% JlK)AHHa!

                                                   How noble in reason! - TOHKHM p03YM" !

How infinite in faculty — AK HeCKIHqeHH1 Moro 3Ai6HOCT1

Apprehension — image3AaTHiCTb


The Paragon — 3pa30K, caMa AOCKOHaJ11CTb

That was just a disguise — ue 6YJ10 JIH111e MaCKYBaHH%

A tiny little thing we need to do — HeBeJIHKa cnpaBa, mcy Tpe6a 3P06HTH

You're not sewing buttons in my eyes - He maM image ryA3HKH c06i AO oqeü !

I just need to sleep on things - MeHi 110TPi6H0 nomyrvmaTH AO paHKY.

I'll be happy to tuck you in - i3 3aAOBOJ1eHH%M 111AITKHY T06i K0BApy.

But this one was sounding an alarm - Ane l.ue i 6HJ1a TPHBory.

Apologize at once — BH6aqcq 3apa3 xe

She spied on our lives through the little doll's eyes - B0Ha 3HaüL11J1a Hal-Ill imageqepe3 ManeHbK1 0111 Jl%1bKH.

Task 5 -Find the odd word

At least


Rat craplmposters



TaK IHaK111e





For a while



No way



Hang on








rvrmuaqvlü ITOCJIIA


Task 6 — These words belong to...

1.    Dreams aren 't dangerous — CHU He He6e3neHH1

2.    Though you might make me jealous - Ane         noqaTH 3a3Al)HTH.

3.    All will be swell, soon as Mother's refreshed - Bce 6yme LIYAOBO, KOJIM

Marvra Binnoqvme.

4.    To lure with treasures — 3arvraHHTH cKap6aMH

5.    Soon you'll see things our way - He3a6ap0M TH TIOAHBHIIIC% Ha CBIT



Challenge her - BapT0 KHHYTH iM BHKJIHK.

She may not play fair, but she won't refuse - HecH0 rpaTH BOHa He 6yme, ane BOHa 1 He BIAMOBHTbC%.

Deal — no pyKax

Not till you give me a clue - Ane cnoqaTKY TH MeH1 macu 111AKa3KY.

Don't worry. I'm getting the hang of it - He imagenoqvmmo p03YMITH, LAO TYT AO qoro.

The pearl — nepJIHHa

Give it back - Binnaü

Neglect — 3HeBara

You don't get it — Tbl He p03YM1€111

I think you might have said something like that - AYMmo, TH POBOPHB LUOCb nomi6He.

A vermin — XH%CaK, 111KiAHHK

Hold on - FIOROAb

You horrible cheating girl — TH xaXJIHBa 6pexyxa

You selfish brat! - EroicTHHHa noraHb!

To set them free? - 3BiJ1bHHTH ix?

Out of my way — reTb 3 moporu

Hugs — 06iüMH

With grease and worms and mug — 3 %MPOM, qepB'mcaMH i 6pyA0M

Stuff — 111TYKa

He can't duck his wings forever — BiH He MO%Ce nypxam BIMHO

Task 7 - What's that?


Task 8 -What is your opinion about them?



Task 9 -Answer the questions

1 . Will you go through a small door in a new house?

2.     Will you run after an animal?

3.     Will you eat food in a magic place?

4.     Do you like helping people?

5.     Tell me a story from your life that could be a cartoon.

14 листопада 2023
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