Збірник вправ і завдань

Про матеріал
Навчальний посібник Communicative English представляє першу частину серії збірників вправ і завдань, призначених для формування навичок усного і писемного іншомовного спілкування здобувачів фахової передвищої освіти. Він побудований відповідно до силабусу вибіркової дисципліни «Communicative English» за освітнім рівнем молодшого бакалавра галузей знань 02 Культура і мистецтво, 05 Соціальні та поведінкові науки, 07 Управління та адміністрування, 12 Інформаційні технології спеціальностей 051 Економіка 076 Підприємництво, торгівля та біржова діяльність 075 Маркетинг 072 Фінанси, банківська справа та страхування 071 Облік і оподаткування. Перша частина посібника охоплює дві теми Mood Food і Family. Вправи і завдання розроблені на основі автентичного відео матеріалу з теми і мають уніфіковану структуру для формування як мовних лексичних, так і мовленнєвих навичок.
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Communicative English. Part 1








Потапенко Л.В., Іванова І.В., Палієнко А.В.





Part 1


Збірник вправ і завдань








Черкаси, 2023




УДК 81-26

Рекомендовано до друку рішенням методичної ради

Черкаського державного бізнес-коледжу

Протокол №   від                                2022 р.


Потапенко Л.В., Іванова І.В., Палієнко А.В.

Communicative English. Part 1. MOOD FOOD. FAMILY. Збірник вправ і завдань Черкаси, 2023 р.  33 с.


Рецензент: Смелянська В.В., кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри германської філології та методики викладання іноземних мов Ніжинського державного університету імені Миколи Гоголя.


Навчальний посібник Communicative English представляє першу частину серії збірників вправ і завдань, призначених для формування навичок усного і писемного іншомовного спілкування здобувачів фахової передвищої освіти. Він побудований відповідно до силабусу вибіркової дисципліни  «Communicative English» за освітнім рівнем молодшого бакалавра галузей знань 02 Культура і мистецтво, 05 Соціальні та поведінкові науки, 07 Управління та адміністрування, 12 Інформаційні технології спеціальностей 051 Економіка 076 Підприємництво, торгівля та біржова діяльність 075 Маркетинг 072 Фінанси, банківська справа та страхування 071 Облік і оподаткування.

Перша частина посібника охоплює дві теми Mood Food і Family. Вправи і завдання розроблені на основі автентичного відео матеріалу з теми і мають уніфіковану структуру для формування як мовних лексичних, так і мовленнєвих навичок.


Затверджено на засіданні кафедри економіки, підприємництва та маркетингу

Протокол № 5 віл 2 лютого 2023 року




© Потапенко Л.В., Іванова І.В., Палієнко А.В. 2023





Анотація навчальної дисципліни

Unit 1. Mood Food

Unit 2. Family

Рекомендовані джерела інформації 











Вивчення іноземних мов відкриває безліч нових можливостей у різних сферах людської життєдіяльності. Достатній рівень сформованості навичок іншомовного спілкування це запорука особистого і професійного зростання. Сучасний світ стає дедалі глобалізованішим, і прагнення здобувачів освіти до мультилінгвальності цілком зрозуміле і виправдане, адже ті, хто вільно володіють не лише рідною, а й іншими мовами матимуть, без сумніву, вищу конкурентоспроможність на ринку праці. Знання іноземної мови, особливо англійської, є нагальною потребою в отриманні інформації як професійного, так і загального характеру, й водночас розцінюється як важлива складова іміджу.

Головна мета навчання іншомовного спілкування – розвиток комунікативної, когнітивної, мовленнєвої, інформаційної, соціокультурної, професійної та загальнокультурної мовленнєвої компетенцій; розвиток умінь вирішувати засобами іноземної мови актуальні для здобувача освіти завдання.

Спілкування дозволяє нам ділитися ідеями, думками та почуттями з іншими. Саме спілкування не лише генерує ідеї, а й перетворює їх на кінцевий продукт.

Вибіркова дисципліна Communicative English спрямована на такі елементи мови як чіткість, економність та різноманітність. Чіткість має на меті навчити здобувачів освіти використовувати мову таким чином, щоб цільова аудиторія повністю зрозуміла ваші ідеї. Економність означає використання лише необхідних і відповідних слів та виразів, уникаючи пустот і складної лексики. Різноманітність: це здатність мовця використовувати комбінацію всіх різних типів мови, щоб успішно та творчо донести ідеї.





Мета: формування у здобувачів освіти умінь та навичок спілкування іноземною мовою на рівні незалежного користувача (A2-В1), який забезпечує необхідну комунікативну спроможність у ситуаціях особистої, публічної, професійної та освітньої сфер діяльності в усній та писемній формах.

Завдання: набуття навичок практичного володіння англійською мовою у різних видах мовленнєвої діяльності в обсязі загально побутової тематики; користування усним монологічним та діалогічним мовленням у межах побутової, ділової, суспільно-політичної , художньої, країнознавчої тематики.

У результаті вивчення навчальної дисципліни здобувач освіти повинен знати:

  •             лексичний матеріал за програмною тематикою у передбаченому для кожного рівня обсязі;
  •             граматичні правила оформлення речень, що їх передбачено програмою;
  •             фонетичні норми оформлення висловлювань у межах програмного матеріалу.


  •             використовувати програмний лексичний матеріал у підготовленому та/або непідготовленому (відповідно до вимог до кожного рівня) монологічному та діалогічному мовленні у межах вивченої тематики;
  •             здобувати та аналізувати інформацію під час прослуховування аудіо матеріалів чи перегляду відеоматеріалів відповідно до передбачених програмою обсягу, темпу мовлення, а також рівня лексичної та граматичної складності;
  •             підтримувати інтеракцію та висловлюватись про те, чого хочеш, у цілому ряді контекстів та гнучко справлятись із проблемами у процесі спілкування.


  1.      Brainstorming. What kind of food do you like/dislike?



I really like….

I enjoy…

My favourite dish is…

I’m keen on…

I prefer ….to…..

I’d rather eat …than…


I really don’t like…

I can’t stand….

I’m not keen on…

I really dislike….

  1.      A guessing game.

Choose a food item. Ask yes/no questions to work out what it is


Is it … big? small? long? round? green?

Is it … a vegetable? a fruit? meat?

Is it … sweet? spicy? crunchy? soft?

  1.      Make a sentence about your groupmates but without saying their names, e.g. ‘She likes bananas, milk and pizza, but she doesn’t like sandwiches or potatoes.’ The others have to guess the name of the person described.
  2.      Pre-listening task. Translate new words and expressions and memorize them. Then make five sentences with any of them.

Part I. Variety, flavour, butcher, pie, beef, savoury, cuisine, spicy, dip, rustic, scrumptious, moist, cutlery, plate, bowl, staff, onion, offer, accessible, burden, pleasure, instant food, convenience store.

Part II. Promote healthy eating; the first thing that comes to my mind; to be a big fan of; a good choice for; I wasn’t expecting; let me tell you a little bit more about; picky eater; to be familiar with; to go with the foods; to have a sweet tooth; on the one hand, on the other hand; to be worth trying; to enjoy food.

  1.      Listening task. Listen to a speaker talking about food. Use the QR code or the link below. Summarize what the episode is about


  1. Listen again and fill the gaps in the text

Episode 1. British food is worth trying…

British food has more _____ than you think. There`s so many _____ of British food and we don`t hear about it. So, the first one I want to tell you about is _____. There are so many types of sausages from around England and each _____ has their own sausage. So there`s all the different _____ and there`s Cumberland sausages and Landcaster sausages. I really _____ going to England, going to a _____ and trying all these different types of sausages and I _____ you at least you will think of England. When you think of sausages in the future, not just Germany. The next thing I think you should try is _____. Cheese also, every single region of England has _____ _____ cheese. So if you go to a cheese shop, there`s hundreds of types of cheeses and they are _____. Finally, I`ll tell you about _____ and I could talk about pies for days, but British pies are _____…there`s beef pies, _____ pies, _____ pies.

Episode 2. What is your favourite cuisine?

My favourite _____ is…Its’s really difficult to answer actually but for now I will say Indian. In England, we _____ a lot of Indian _____ people may not know but there are so many _____ Indian restaurants owned by Indian people very often and I love _____ curries, I love naan bread and I love the poppadoms with dips. So yeah, I would say Indian _____.

Episode 3. What`s your favourite meal of the day?

My favourite _____ of the day has to be _____. I do like _____ a lot and it’s very important to me, but there’s not enough _____ at breakfast so dinner to me is the most _____ meal.

Episode 4. Tell me about your favourite restaurant

I’d like to tell you about my favourite _____ which is a French restaurant in Seoul. I can’t remember the _____ but it’s a very lovely restaurant in Seoul. In...about 8 years ago, I went to this restaurant for my birthday and it’s...I wasn’t expecting much. I went into the restaurant and it was very nice looking restaurant, it was quite _____ and I was a big _____ of French _____. So this was a good _____ for me, but they really put on a great course _____ it was actually wonderful. Scrumptious! And at the end of it, they gave me a birthday _____ because we had told them it was my birthday. I wasn’t expecting it, but they brought out a really nice, moist birthday cake and it was a great end to great meal. Let me tell you a little more about this restaurant. I’ve actually been there few _____ now because it was such a good _____ but it’s a red-coloured restaurant and it’s little bit _____ inside. They’ve got really nice cutlery, plates, bowls etc. And the _____ are really nice. That’s an important thing. They also have a very large menu. I’m not a picky eater so I do like to see all the unusual foods that I can _____. On the other hand, I do often go with the foods. I’m _____ with that I like, such as French _____ soup. So for me personally, it’s my _____ restaurant in Seoul. I wish I could tell you the name of it so that I could _____ it, but I always forget because it has a French name. In the future, I really want to go back there ____ times perhaps I’ll live in Korea another 5 years so I hope to go back there another two or three times in the next _____ of years.

Episode 5. How can we make people eat healthier food?

I think there are so many picky eaters and... a lot of people I know have a _____tooth so how can we make people eat healthier food? Maybe you can make sweet food...or healthier food sweeter and make it therefore more _____ the problem sometimes is that healthy food can be quite bland and I know this is not entirely true. I know it can be _____ . You can cook very _____ food that’s also _____, but it does take time. So, if there could be a way to offer food that is perhaps sweeter, perhaps stronger, more accessible to people then that would be a way to make people eat healthier food.

Episode 6. Do you think that cooking is a pleasure or burden for most people?

I think for most people _____ is ______. A lot of people work long _____ or they have children. They have commitments and cooking very often takes getting on for an hour or maybe even longer. I know for me, when I cook _____ at the _____, I have some more time, I take almost 2 hours to cook but that’s because I like it. A lot of people don’t _____ cooking and they just see it as a _____.

Episode 7. Do you believe that the 21st century diet is a healthy one?

I think the 21st century _____ is on the whole not very _____. We have a lot of fast food and we eat a lot of _____ foods from the convenience store or quick _____, things like that. So that’s not a _____ thing. On the other hand, there is a bit of a _____ towards healthy food because of Instagram _____ that promote healthy eating and ______ who _____ healthy eating, so I wouldn’t say it as bad as 10, 20 years ago, but it could be a lot better.

  1.      Post-listening task. Discussion. Answer the questions
  •             What is your favorite cuisine?
  •             What is your favourite meal of the day?
  •             What is your favourite restaurant?
  •             How can we make people eat healthier food?
  •             Is cooking a pleasure or a burden for most people?
  •             Is the 21st century diet a healthy one?
  1.      Vocabulary Practice. Find synonyms to the following words in the list of active vocabulary (Ex. 4)

Taste, propose, village, available, diversity, delicious, satisfaction, load, cooking, wet

  1.      Vocabulary Practice. Complete each line with the most suitable word from active vocabulary
  1.           Baker, confectioner, …
  2.           Tomato, potato, …
  3.           Junk food, processed food, …
  4.           Supermarket, grocery store, …
  5.           Pork, chicken, …
  6.           Cake, biscuits, …
  7.           Sweet, sour, …
  1. Language development. Make two questions using phrases from the active vocabulary (Part II) and ask your partner to answer them

E.g. S1: What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of Ukrainian cuisine?

S2: The first thing that comes to mind is varenyky.

  1. Idioms in English. Match the idioms with their definitions and translate them or find their Ukrainian equivalents
  1. Cool as a cucumber
  1. An intelligent person
  1. Couch potato
  1. Very easy
  1. Apple of someone eye
  1. Someone you admire
  1. A piece of cake
  1. A person who watches a lot of television
  1.    A smart cookie
  1.    Very relaxed
  1.   Big cheese
  1.   Life is good
  1. Sell like hot cakes
  1. To be in a difficult situation
  1. Not my cup of  tea
  1.   Something you don’t like or can’t do
  1. To be in a pickle
  1.     Bought by many people
  1.            Life is just a bowl of cherries
  1.     Very important person
  1. Explain the following proverbs. Find Ukrainian equivalents. Choose one and write an opinion essay giving your reasons and examples

An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

Man does not live by bread alone.

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.

You are what you eat.

You can’t make an omelette without breaking eggs.

Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.

  1. Phrasal Verbs for English Fluency. Memorize the following phrasal verbs
  1. Go for


  1.  Eat out

Їсти в ресторані

  1. Run out of


  1.  Cut down on

Зменшити вживання

  1. Eat/drink up

З’їсти /випити все

  1. Cut out

Виключити з раціону

  1. Go/keep on

Продовжувати вживання

  1. Try out

Експериментувати з

  1. Take to

Почати любити щось

  1. Throw away/out


  1. Phrasal Verbs in Use. Fill in the gaps with following phrasal verbs

Go for, run out of, cut out, try out, take to, throw away, go on, eat up, eat out, cut down on

  1. I generally ………………….at least once a week.
  2. If you …………….eating so much sugar, you will have problems.
  3. What I ………………….in the restaurant was not as good as I had expected.
  4. We have …………………..of bread so I am going to the store.
  5. You need to eat up all of your salad to get all of the vitamins.
  6. Have you ………….with your new recipe of cake yet?
  7. I have ………………..making curry. I can´t get enough of it.
  8. We had better …………….the left-over pasta, I think it has gone off.
  9. I need to ……………………the amount of coffee I drink.
  10. I am thinking of ………………..meat………………..of my diet.
  1. English across Cultures. A national dish is any country’s culinary and even cultural identity. Read the information about national dishes matching the description with the name of the dish and the country. Compare your options with a partner. Tell about Ukrainian cuisine

1) Layers of eggplant and/or potatoes and spicy ground lamb topped with Béchamel sauce and baked



2) A spicy tomato-paprika-based stew of meat, noodles, and potatoes.



3) Wheat noodle soup made of meat broth, flavored with soya sauce and topped with slices of pork, seaweed, onions, and ‘menma’ (fermented bamboo shoots).


The Middle East

4) A stew of cabbage, mushrooms, tomatoes, ham, and an assortment of different meats such as pork, beef, veal, bacon, etc.

Döner Kebab


5) Rice simmered in a broth of garlic, tomatoes, freshly cooked vegetables, and fried meat/seafood. 



6) Sliced crisp beef folded in flat bread with tomatoes, onions, lettuce, and cucumbers.



7) Pork sausage is typically fried and cooked with beer, potatoes, and red cabbage



8) Balls made of deeply fried chickpeas, beans



  1. What is the story? Write a paragraph imagining the story behind the picture. Use active vocabulary, phrasal verbs and idioms


Source; https://priceonomics.com/the-economics-of-eating-out/

  1. Emotional Eating Quiz. How do you know if you are an emotional eater? You may turn to food when you are struggling with something or even when you are happy. Sometimes, you may not even realize you are using food as a coping mechanism. Take the quiz below to see how much emotional eating is affecting your life.

1 . I eat when I am sad or upset.

   Yes     No

2. I have trouble losing excess weight.

  Yes     No

3. I find myself on and off diets on a regular basis.

  Yes     No

4. I feel powerless around food.

  Yes     No

5. I am constantly thinking about food, even after I just ate.

  Yes     No

6. I turn to food when I am stressed.

  Yes     No

7. I still feel unsatisfied after I eat.

  Yes     No

8. I prefer to eat alone.

  Yes     No

9. I eat my food quickly and without really chewing it. 

  Yes     No

10. I have strong cravings for specific foods.

  Yes     No

11. I hide my eating from my family and friends.

  Yes     No

12. I feel a lot of shame and regret after I eat too much.

  Yes     No

13. I eat when I am not hungry, just because food is there.

  Yes     No

14. Snacking makes me feel better in the moment and worse after.

  Yes     No

15. I feel out of control and unable to control myself around food.

  Yes     No

How did you score? Give yourself one point every time you answered yes to a question. Add up the points below and let us see how much you use food as a tool to comfort yourself.

If you scored 0-3

Great news! You turn to food minimally. Chances are you are able to manage your emotional eating on your own.

If you scored 4-7

You use food to manage many of your emotions. You feel some guilt when you use food. You may benefit from some support and learning new tools to deal with your emotions.

If you Scored 8-15

You use food regularly to deal with your feelings and emotions. You have

trouble sitting with your feelings and want to distract yourself. You continuously think about food and tend to get on and off diets.
Source:  http://static1.squarespace.com/static/56f429b50bb4ebe5692332bb/t/5760aa972eeb8180041817e4/1465952920392/emotinaleatingquiz.pdf

  1. Brain Training. Follow the clues and fill in all the puzzle’s squares


2. Used for weighing ingredients, when cooking.

5. Vegetable similar to a pea; popular in Britain, in tomato sauce.

6. Type of fruit, often used in drinks.

7. Put this in your drink on a hot day.

9. Drink to finish a meal with.

10. A salmon is one, so is a sardine.

13. Like a tart, but upside-down.

14. Fruit often used in 13 - can be green, red, or yellow.

16. A slice of beef, usually grilled.

18. Cereal much used in Oriental cooking.

19. White crystals used in food.

food crossword

Source:  https://linguapress.com/puzzles-inter/xwd-f111-food22.htm



1. It is often eaten at teatime.

3. Popular breakfast cereal.

4. Hot pot of meat and vegetables.

8. Kind of potato associated with 10 across in a classic English meal.

9. It’s made from milk, and its most common form is called “Cheddar”.

11. You usually do this while you eat

12. Meat taken from a young cow.

15. Outside of orange or other types of fruit.

17. Do you prefer your potatoes boiled __ mashed?


  1.      Brainstorming. Write down as many words related to FAMILY as you can
  2.      The game “My family”. Who is the quickest to answer the questions?
  1. What do you call the father of your father?
  2. What do you call the daughter of your sister?
  3. What do you call the wife of your brother?
  4. What do you call the son of your parents?
  5. What do you call the sister of your father?
  6. What do you call the mother of your grandmother?
  7. What do you call the son of your uncle?
  8. What do you call the daughter of your aunt?
  9. What do you call the mother of your wife?
  10. What do you call the son of your sister?
  1.      Family vocabulary tennis

One student (or team) “serves” with a word for a male member of the family and the other has to “return” with the female equivalent. This continues until one student (or team) pauses too long, makes a mistake or gives up, making the other student (or team) win the game.

4. Pre-listening task. Translate new words and expressions and memorize them. Then make five sentences with any of them

Part I. Introduce, an only child, a middle child, immediate family, extended family, aunt, uncle, nephew, niece, relatives, new-born, secondary school, primary school, find out, relationship, overseas, sample, gap

Part II. Start a conversation, add information, draw a line; that means; give more details, to be kind of; get used to things, start school, be close to, as much time as possible; come from; close in age; get together


  1.      Listening task. Listen to a speaker talking about family. Use the QR code or the link below. Summarize what the episode is about


  1.      Choose the correct alternative to complete the sentence.
  1.           My brother is my grandparent’s oldest grandson / son-in-law.
  2.           Mary is a single / an only child and she doesn`t like it.
  3.           Nick has three nephews, but his sister`s daughter is his only niece / aunt.
  4.           Kate’s uncle is her aunt’s second husband / son.
  5.           I really like my brother-in-law / stepbrother. I’m happy that my sister married him.
  1.      Post-listening task. Discussion. Answer the questions
  •             What three words do you think best describe your family?
  •             What is your favorite family tradition?
  •             What do you think makes a family close?
  •             How are you like each of your parents? How are you different?
  •             What are some ways to show love to family members?
  •             Who are you closest to in your family?
  •             Do you know your extended family? Have you met any distant relatives?


  1.      Vocabulary Practice. Find synonyms to the following words in the list of active vocabulary (Ex. 4)

Abroad, elementary school, present formally, close family, connection, learn, neonate

  1.      Language development. Make two questions using phrases from the active vocabulary (Part II) and ask your partner to answer them

E.g. S1: What is the best way to start a conversation?

S2: I think that the best way to start a conversation is to introduce yourself.

  1. Time for Fun. Watch the episode where a young man is getting ready to meet his bride’s family. Use the QR code or the link below.



  1. Listening for details. Watch the episode again and say if the following statements are true or false?
  1.           Her brother is a doctor 
  2.           Her brother likes rock music 
  3.           Her aunt is divorced 
  4.           Her aunt has five kids
  5.           She has eight brother and sisters 
  6.           She has fourteen aunts and uncles 
  7.           The name of her sister`s husband is James 
  8.           Her sister has four kids
  9.           Her nephew David is a student
  10.       Her nephew David likes classical music
  1. Idioms in English. Match the idioms with their definitions and translate them or find their Ukrainian equivalents
  1.            Like taking candy from a baby
  1.     Someone close to you
  1.           A  tiger mother
  1.      To start an independent life
  1.            To keep mum
  1.    To Keep quiet about something
  1.         To fly the nest
  1.    A strict and demanding mother
  1.           Nearest and dearest
  1.     Very easy
  1.         One’s own flesh and blood
  1.      Very similar
  1.         To rule the roost
  1.   A family trait
  1.         A close-knit family
  1.    A friendly family
  1.         It runs in the family
  1.      Like to command
  1.       Like father, like son
  1.     Blood relatives
  1. Explain the following proverbs. Find Ukrainian equivalents. Choose one and write an opinion essay giving your reasons and examples

The apple does not fall far from the tree.

Home is where the heart is

Blood is thicker than water

There‘s no place like home

In time of test, family is best.

  1. Phrasal Verbs for English Fluency. Memorize the following phrasal verbs
  1.         Bring up


  1.         Grow up


  1.         Take after

Бути схожим

  1.         Look after


  1.         Sleep over

Ночувати у друзів

  1.         Act up

Погано поводитися

  1.         Turn to

Попросити про допомогу

  1.         Pass away/ on


  1.         Stand up for

Захищати когось

  1.     Spit up

Розірвати стосунки

  1. Phrasal Verbs in Use. Fill in the gaps with following phrasal verbs

Bring up, grow up, take after, look after, sleep over, act up, turn to, pass away, stand up for, split up

  1.           He ……………………. his brother when he lost his job.
  2.           Who …………………your children in the summer holidays?
  3.           They were ………………………………. to be polite.
  4.           His grandfather ……………………………suddenly from a heart attack.
  5.           When my kids are tired, they begin to ……………………….. .
  6.           His parents ………………………….. when he was a child.
  7.           I think he ………………………….. his father.
  8.           Her daughter is having friends to ………………… this weekend.
  9.           He’s always ………………………his brother at school.
  10.       Oh! Your children are …………………fast!
  1. English across Cultures. Read the information about families around the world completing it with the most suitable word. Compare your options with a partner. Tell what is true for your native culture

Families Around the World

In all cultures, families are important. However, they have 1)_____ structures and values. In the US, the UK and similar Western cultures, when we think of “family”, we think of one or two 2)_____ and their 3)_____. This is a “two-generation” or “nuclear” family. Children usually move out of their parents’ homes either when they reach adulthood or after they _____. In other countries, however, it’s the norm to see households made up of extended families, with parents, children, 4)_____, and sometimes aunts, 5)_____, and cousins sharing a home. Extended family households are most common in 6)_____, the Middle East, Central and South America and parts of Africa.

Marriage looks and feels different. For example, marriage in the US, the UK and much of Europe is seen as something that two adults choose to do when they fall in 7)_____. Usually, marriage isn’t expected until after they’ve completed 8)_____ and 9)_____ a career.  In other cultures, marriage often happens earlier, and 10)_____ often has more involvement in the decision to marry, sometimes even to the point of arranging a match.

  1. What is the story? Write a paragraph imagining the story behind the picture. Use active vocabulary, phrasal verbs and idioms

Retro family line art vector drawing

Source: https://publicdomainvectors.org/en/tag/family/3

  1. To be a good listener is one of the ways to strengthen family relationships. Are you a talker or a listener? Take the quiz below and tell if you agree with the result.
  1. You are watching your favourite band play live and a friend is trying to tell you about the problem he/she is worried about. What do you do?
  1. Talk to them about the band
  2. Pretend to listen even though you can hardly hear anything and agree with everything he/she says
  3. Take him/her to quiet place, sit down and listen to the problem before you give any advice
  1. Your best friend is telling you of a bad experience he/she has just had. The same thing happened to you a few months ago. What do you do?
    1. Listen to the story and show interest by saying ‘Yes! That’s exactly what happened to me’ every few minutes
    2. Interrupt and tell all about your experience – it’s good to let him/her know he/she is not alone
    3. Let him/her tell the story, ask questions to find out how he/she feels and use your experience to give advice if you think it is needed.
  2. When you join in the conversations with your friends, do they say
    1. Oh! Are you still here? You were so quiet we thought you’d gone!
    2. You always know when to say the right thing
    3. Yes, OK, we know what you think
  3. If you had a chance to watch a talk show in a TV studio, where would you sit
  1. In the front row, so you’d have a good chance to express your opinion to the guests
  2. In the back row, you don’t want to speak in front of so many people
  3. Wherever you were asked to sit, you can always stand up if you have something to say.
  1. You are having trouble making an important decision. What do you do?
  1. Talk about the choices with everyone you know, tell them what you think you are going to do and ask if they agree
  2. Talk to a few close friends, tell them your ideas and ask for their suggestions
  3. Talk to someone you really trust, ask what they’d do in your position, then ask what they think of your own idea
  1. You and your best friend are talking about your girl/boyfriend (as usual). You are just getting to how romantic and kind they are. Your friend looks distracted. You ask him/her what he/she is thinking about. What is the answer?
  1. Aah! I was just thinking it’s good to have a bit of romance, isn’t it?
  2. Please stop! If I hear this story one more time, I think I’ll die.
  3. I was just thinking that’s the first time you’ve told me something really personal about your girl/boyfriend. Usually it’s me that tells you.
  1. You are in the same situation as 6, except that this time it’s you who looks distracted. Why?
  1. You were thinking about how romantic your girl/boyfriend is and were getting ready to tell your friend all about it
  2. You’re just thinking that it was nice to hear good things instead of someone’s problems and were going to ask for more details!
  3. You were just thinking how nice romance is
  1. Someone asks you the following question |I’ve got a really good joke. Do you want to hear it?’ What’s your reply?
  1. Yes, I love hearing jokes because I am not much good at telling them
  2. Go on, then I’ll tell you my new joke
  3. Yes, but first, did you hear my new joke about …?

Now add up your score

1 a = 3  b = 2   c = 1

2 a = 2  b = 3   c = 1

3 a = 1  b = 2   c = 3

4 a = 3  b = 1   c = 2

5 a = 3  b = 2   c = 1

6 a = 2  b = 3   c = 1

7 a = 3  b = 1   c = 2

8  a = 1  b = 2   c = 3 

8-13 There is nothing you like better than the sound of your own voice. You are not interested in what other people have to say unless they are asking you to tell them about you latest adventure, or tell you how funny your jokes are. You think everybody needs to know all about you and your life.

14-18 You are happy to take an active role in the conversation but also just as happy to sit back and let others do the talking. That way you keep on top of the situation, giving and taking advice.

19-24 You are definitely the quiet type, but that doesn’t mean you don’t have anything to say. You have the patience to listen to other people’s problems and are prepared to spend some time working through their problems with them.

Source: English Learner’s Digest

  1. Brain Training. Follow the clues and fill in all the puzzle’s squares



















































































































































































































































































































2. The daughter of your son

4. A female child

5. The son of your daughter is your ____

8. Your uncle's wife

9. A male child having both parents in common with another child

10. Male partner in marriage

11. A son of one’s brother or sister

12. A female child having both parents in common with another child

13. The brother of your mother or father


1. The male parent of a child

2. The father of your mother or father

3. The mother of your father or mother

6. Your brother or sister’s daughter

7.  Female partner in marriage

12. A male child

14. Your uncle’s son or daughter






  1.      1. Antonia Clare, JJ Wilson. Speakout Intermediate, Students’ Book Pearson Education Limited, 2011. 163p.
  2.      Antonia Clare, JJ Wilson. Speakout Intermediate, Workbook Pearson Education Limited, 2011. 95p.


  1. Барановська Т.В. Граматика англійської мови. Збірник вправ: Навч. посібник. Видання друге, виправлене, доповнене. Мова англ., укр. Київ: ТОВ «ВП Логос-М», 2011. 384с.
  2. Кубарьков Г. Л., Тимощук В. О 1000 English. Збірник нових тем із сучасної англійської мови.. Донецьк: ТОВ ВКФ «БАО», 2007. 1166 с.
  3. Гужва Т. М. Англійська мова: розмовні теми: навч. посіб. [для студентів фак. інозем. філології, університетів, ліцеїв, гімназій та коледжів] Харків: Фоліо, 2006. 414 с.
  4. Практична граматика англійської мови: Навчально-методичний посібник [Мустафа О.О., Устиченко С.В., Григораш О.А., Прозоровська І.М., Синєбрюхова О.Ж.]. Черкаси: РГ „Фламінго”, 2002. 204 с.

Інформаційні ресурси

  1.      BBC Video Podcast. [електронний ресурс]. Режим доступу: https://www.english.com/speakout/bbcdvdclips/intermediate/
  2.      Intermediate BBC Interviews Video [електронний ресурс]. Режим доступу: https://www.english.com/speakout/bbcinterviews/intermediate/
  3.      Speakout 2nd edition Reading and Listening Extra. Intermediate Audio [електронний ресурс]. Режим доступу: https://www.english.com/speakout/speakoutextra/listeningreadingextra/listeningreadingextra.html?page=intermediate



ПОТАПЕНКО Людмила Віталіївна –канд. філол. наук, доцент, викладач циклової комісії іноземних мов Черкаського державного бізнес-коледжу. Закінчила Черкаський державний педагогічний університет за спеціальністю «Англійська та німецька мови». У 2012 році захистила кандидатську дисертацію за спеціальністю 10.01.05 порівняльне літературознавство. Викладає дисципліни «Professional English in Use» та «Communicative English». Автор понад 60 публікацій, у тому числі 1 колективної монографії.

ІВАНОВА Ірина Вікторівна канд. пед. наук, доцент, доцент кафедри економіки підприємництва і маркетингу Черкаського державного бізнес-коледжу. У 1994 році закінчила з відзнакою Черкаський державний педагогічний за спеціальністю «Англійська та німецька мови». У 2010 році захистила кандидатську дисертацію за спеціальністю 13.00.09 на тему «Конструювання змісту підручника з іноземної мови для студентів вищих немовних навчальних закладів на основі культурологічного підходу». Викладає дисципліни «Бізнес-англійська», «Академічне письмо», «Introduction to Public Speaking», «Communicative English», «English for Career Development». Автор понад 60 публікацій, у тому числі 3 колективних монографій, 1 навчального посібника.

ПАЛІЄНКО Альона Володимирівна – викладач циклової комісії іноземних мов Черкаського державного бізнес-коледжу з 2022 року. У 2012 році закінчила Черкаський національний університет ім. Богдана Хмельницького за спеціальністю «Мова і література (англійська)», освітній рівень «спеціаліст» та здобула кваліфікацію філолог, вчитель англійської мови та літератури. Викладає дисципліни «Professional English in Use» та «Communicative English». Є співавтором 5 наукових праць, у т.ч. 2 наукових публікацій у наукових виданнях, включених до переліку фахових видань України.

Modern family father mother son and daughter having breakfast at table at home line style black and white color


Навчальне видання



Потапенко Людмила Віталіївна, Іванова Ірина Вікторівна, Палієнко Альона Володимирівна






Part 1


Збірник вправ і завдань





Комп’ютерний набір Потапенко Л.В.





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