Відкритий урок англійської мови з теми"Coronavirus"

Про матеріал

The aims of this lesson are to raise students' awareness about coronavirus

- to revise the vocabulary related to the topic “Illnesses and health"

- to develop reading and listening skills

- to get to know how to talk about coronavirus

- to be able to use Learning apps, Wordwall (Occasional Wheel), Liveworksheets, Rebus Generator, Mind Map

- to be able to work in pairs in breakout rooms and collaborate

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Online lesson . Form:7

Topic:  Coronavirus


- to raise students’ awareness about coronavirus

- to revise the vocabulary related to the topic “Illnesses and health”

- to develop reading and listening skills

- to get to know how to talk about coronavirus

- they will be able to use Learning apps, Wordwall (Occasional Wheel), Liveworksheets, Rebus Generator, Mind Map

- they will be able to work in pairs in breakout rooms and collaborate



  1. Greeting.

- I hope you are well and wait for this lesson as much as I do, because our lesson is going to be fun and educational. You’ll see that English can be quite exciting.

2. Warm-up. 

- I suggest starting with a song which will help you to revise the vocabularyin a very fun way. Look at the presentation and sing along. (Учніспіваютьзамовцем. Далі йдуть картинки і учні повинні проспівати за зразком пісні.)


3. Main part.

- It may seem that being ill is something not very serious, but it’s not like that. Sometimes children suffer a lot  from different diseases.

Watch the video

And now I want you to watch a funny video, but firstly  try to guess what it is about.

Pupils try to answer the questions.

- Is the girl well or sick?

- Is she at the party?

- Does she have a high temperature?


(Учні переглядають відео, після чого відповідають на запитання та визначають чи правдиві речення.)


Say if the sentences are true or false.


1.Avelina looks sad.

2. She wants to go to school.

3.Avelina puts the thermometer into a cup of tea.

4.Amelia stays with her.

5.Avelina’s father sees well without glasses.

6.The thermometer shows 36.6.

7.Father goes to work and Avelina stays at home.

8.Avelina goes to school.

9.Amelia calls her and says that the teacher is sick.

10.Avelina eats crisps and candies.

- Don’t be like Avelina – go to school and study English.

- But do students all over the world pretend to be ill and don’t go to school?

- Of course not, so why do students stay away from school nowadays?


- Because of the flue, cold and virus. So our today’s lesson is dedicated to a very serious problem. We’ll talk a lot about it, do very fun activities, listen and watch about it. You’re gonna like it. It’s because of this problem we've learnt such words as lockdown, quarantine, sanitizer, distant learning.

- So, do the rebus and guess the topic of our lesson.




- Raise your hands what you know about the coronavirus (pupils' answers).

(It started in China.)

(A lot of people died from it.)

(People are on lockdown.)

(All mass events are banned.)

(People work from home.)

(People wait for vaccine.)

(Kids stay at home.)

(All the non-grocery shops are closed.)

(People wear masks and wash hands.)


Let’s play the game. Complete the sentences by choosing the right answer. And let’s get to know some other facts about the coronavirus.


 Group work.

- So, now I am going to split you into breakout rooms. In groups discuss the questions:

Team 1: “The symptoms of coronavirus.”

Team 2: “The prevention of coronavirus”

(Вчитель об’єднує учнів в сесійні зали для виконання завдань за допомогою інтелектуальних карт. Після чого вони презентують свої роботи.)



- Present your ideas.


- Remember these rules and try to keep them.

4. Reading. Reflection

- You have learnt a lot about the coronavirus and now it’s time for reading. You will find the texts in your chat rooms. Actually is the link to the text. After the reading of the text, do your task and send the answers to my e-mail. You will find it in the chat room.





5. Hometask

- You have learnt a lot about the coronavirus. And I hope you will use this information for doing your homework. Your hometask is to prepare the leaflets with information about the coronavirus. Don’t forget about the symptoms and the prevention from this virus.

6. Feedback

- Well, I’ve got an important message to you. But I want you to guess what it is.

- You have to put the letters in the correct order and complete the whole phrase.


- This is my wish to you “Stay healthy all your life!”

- What did you like at our lesson?

- Thank you for your cooperation. You all have been very creative, energetic and enthusiastic.


27 лютого 2021
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