Відкритий урок "Pancake day in Britain and pancake week in Ukraine"

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Pancake Day in Great Britain and week in  Ukraine

Form 3


  • tо form language competence in speaking and reading;
  • to revise vocabulary on topics “Food”
  • to develop pupils' attention and reaction, memory, logical thinking creative abilities;
  • to develop listening comprehension
  • to develop pupils` interest to learning foreign languages.
  • Learn new facts about history and traditions of Pancake Day;
  • Speak about main symbols and food of this day;
  • Compare Ukrainian and British traditions.

Learning outcomes:

By the end of the lesson students will be able

  1. to remember new vocabulary;
  2. to read and demonstrate good comprehension of texts about British and Ukrainian traditions;
  3. to speak about Pancake Day in Great Britain and  Pancake Week in Ukraine;
  4. to evaluate their knowledge.


Forms of work: individual, group

EQUIPMENT:  didactic materials,  a presentation ,songs









  1. Introduction

Т: Good morning, children! I am glad to see you!

II. Warm-up

What season is it now? What date is it today?

What is the weather like today?(answers)

What kind of day is it today?

What winter holidays do you know?

2. Matching game.

            Match the date with the holiday and make the sentence as in the example.

         1. January, 7                              a) Christmas

         2. December, 19                        b) New Year

         3. December, 25                       c) St. Nicholas Day

         4. February, 14                         d) Christmas in Ukraine

         5.January,1                              e) St. Valentine’s Day                                                                  

         e.g.: English people celebrate St. Valentine’s on the fourteenth of February.


Today we are going to talk about one more winter holiday - Pancake Day.

Look at the screen. You can see two words: pan+cakes.

Teacher: Before we start doing the tasks, read the words:

[ æ ]  pan, tasty, сandy

[ ei ]  cake, race, game

   [ i: ]  eat, tea, meat

III. Main Part

3. Presentation of New Material

  • Let's watch the presentation and learn some new words:
  •  Pancake Day
  • Pancake race
  • Lent
  • Toss
  • Street festival
  • A symbol of sun
  • At the same time

Now let's read about tradition of celebrating Pancake Day in Great Britain and Pancake Week in Ukraine.

Answer the questions:

  1. When do people in Britain have Pancake Day?
  2. How do we call Pancake Week in Ukraine?
  3. What do people do during the pancake race?
  4. Why do people in Ukraine make pancakes?

4. Practice

 Let's guess the riddles:

  1. Clean, but not water,

          White, but not snow,

          Sweet, but not ice-cream,

          What is it? (Sugar) 

  1. It is white. Little children usually drink it. (Milk)
  2. It is white outside and yellow inside. (Egg) 
  3. They don't eat me alone, but cannot eat without me. What am I? (Salt)
  4. We use it to bake, it sounds like flower. (Flour)
  5. I am yellow,
  6. I am made from milk
  7. You eat me with bread. What is it? (Butter) 

Group work.

Now choose what you need to make pancakes. Lets make shopping list…

Children: We need flour, butter, eggs,….for pancakes.

Do you like pancakes? Let’s sing a song:


In Ukraine people make pancakes with different berries, jam, cottage cheese, meat and mushrooms. Which of them do you prefer?(answers)

Group work.

I've got some pancakes for you with words inside. Make sentences. Work in groups.Children make pancakes with words on the board.

  1. We are eating pancakes with strawberry jam or chocolate.
  2. We like pancakes with meat and mushrooms. 

Listen to the poem:


Group work. Put these sentences in the correct order to make a poem.

Mix a pancake,

Stir a pancake,

Pop it in a pan.

Fry a pancake,

Toss a pancake,

Catch it if you can.

  1. Feedback


  1.          Put a tick or a cross.
  1.          In Britain, Pancake Day is on Tuesday. V
  2.          People cook and eat a roast turkey on Pancake Day. X
  3.          The pancake is a symbol of the moon. X
  4.          People in Ukraine make pancakes to celebrate the end of winter. V

2) What do we need to make pancakes? Underline the words.

Oranges, butter, milk, bread, eggs, juice, ice cream, flour, rice, sugar, sausage, oil.

  1. Evaluation.

Compare your answers with your neighbor’s.

Look at the screen and check the answers.

Homework. Play these game on the blog: https://learningapps.org/display?v=poeoroq2v20

You were very active today and worked hard. Did you like the lesson?

Thank you for your work. Our lesson is over. Happy Pancake Day! Goodbye!


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Англійська мова, Розробки уроків
14 березня 2022
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