Відкритий урок для учнів 5 класу з англійської мови, присвячений Дню Святого Валентина.
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Тема: “St. Valentine’s Day”
Мета: ознайомити із новим лексичним матеріалом та тренувати його вживання в усному мовленні; ознайомити учнів з історією виникнення свята; розвивати навички читання та аудіювання, письма, усного мовлення; сприяти розвитку самостійного мислення, уваги та розвивати зорову і слухову пам'ять; виховувати культуру спілкування.
Обладнання: різнокольорові повітряні кульки, телевізор, роздруківки із завданнями, музичний супровід, малюнки, роздатковий матеріал, інформаційно –комп’ютерна мультимедійна система, відео файли, валентинки.
Хід уроку
1.Привітання Warming up
T. Good morning, dear boys and girls! I'm glad to see you. How are you today?
Ps. We are fine..
T. Do you know what holiday is it today?
Ps. Yes. it's Valentine's Day because it's the fourteenth of February today.
T. How do you know that it's Valentine's Day?
PS. Because there are bright balloons and red hearts everywhere. It means that today we celebrate a very nice and pretty holiday called Valentine's Day.
T: That’s why we’ll have an unusual lesson today. We’ll learn new words that we can use when you talk about Valentine’s Day, also we will learn about the history of this holiday, how and when it appeared. Today on our lesson we’ll do a lot of interesting tasks, learn a song and dance. At the end of our lesson we’ll try to make a nice Valentine’s Card. So, be attentive and let’s start.
2. Знайомство з новими словами :
First of all,we’ll learn new words. Watch a video and try to remember as many words as you can.
1) Перегляд відео - Valentine's Day Vocabulary in English https://youtu.be/VP2ElkPO9Hg
Mind map на дошці по новій лексиці.
3. Розвиток навичок читання та аудіювання : Історія виникнення свята.
Now you’ll get a text about the history of Valentine’s Day. After reading the text, try to do all the tasks.
Now you will watch the video. Think and answer on these questions:
2) Перегляд відео : All About Valentine's Day | Valentine's Day Story for Kids
3. Виконання тренувальних вправ :
1) SEE IF YOU CAN GET 10/10!!! Word Scramble Valentine's Day Edition
2) Multiple-choice ( додаток 2)
3) Word Search ( додаток 3)
4) A Secret Message (завдання на картках)
Use the code key to find the secret message.
Code Key
33=D 83=H 7=A 42=Y
77=L 79=N 69=T 66=V
19=I 56=0 17=U 2=P
51=S 8=E 26=K 10=W
19 69 83 19 79 26 69 83 7 69 42 56 17 10 19 77 77
83 7 66 8 7 83 7 22 42
66 7 77 8 79 69 19 79 8 51
5) Fill in the missing letters and get a piece of advice from your friend. (завдання на картках)
Dear Kate,
I don't □ike wr□ting letter□. Bu□ now it's th□ right time. I am both happy and sad. It looks like I'm i□ love. Some□imes I am glad, the □ther time ver□ nervous. When I see him (we are classmates) I d□n't know what to do. My secret wish is to give him my heart. I want to let him know abo□t my love. But how? That is a p□oblem. Is it all right to be the first to tell □im about my lov□? C□n you help? W□ite □o me, please!
Nina B.
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6) Complete the sentences. (завдання на картках)
1. Valentine's Day is in______________.
2. February is the second month of the_____________.
3. We give our_____________pretty Valentine post cards.
4. It is fun to get____________Valentine cards than our friends.
5. Some people make their own Valentine cards but some________them at the shops.
4. Хвилинка для відпочинку :
Valentine's Day Exercise Dance | Freeze Dance | Indoor PE Workout for kids
5. “Greeting Valentine’s Poems” Виготовлення святкової валентинки
May everything
That makes you happy
Be yours today, tomorrow
And always.
We love you.
I want to wish you
A lot of happiness and love
On the Valentine's Day
Because you mean
So much for me.
Let me call you sweetheart
I'm in love with you.
Let me hear your whisper
That you love me too.
Keep the love light glowing
In your eyes to true
Let me call you sweetheart,
I'm in love with you.
Friendship like love lasts forever
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Sugar is sweet
And so are you.
Look up and down,
And you will see
That I love you
Do you love me?
Here is the key,
To my heart.
Please, use it
Before I changed the lock.
If all the girls
Were across the sea
What a good swimmer
You will be.
My pen is black
My ink is pale
My love to you
Will never end.
6. Підведення підсумків уроку. Рефлексія.
Did you like our lesson today?
What new words have you known today?
7. Оголошення завершення уроку. Домашнє завдання :
виконати завдання в valentine’s day mini book, підготувати розповідь ,як провели свято Валентина ( 5-6 речень).
Додаток 1
Part A: Read.
Saint Valentine’s Day is on the 14th of February.
People all around the world write cards for their boyfriends or girlfriends on this day. Lots of people buy flowers and other gifts on St. Valentines Day.
But why do we have this day? Who was the first Valentine? This is the story of Saint Valentine.
About 1700 years ago there was a man called Valentine.
He was a priest. He liked to see young people in love.
He wanted people to get married because he wanted them to have a family.
But the Emperor Claudius didn’t want men to get married.
He wanted men to fight in the army.
He wanted more soldiers.
Valentine didn’t agree.
He helped men and women to get married in secret.
Emperor Claudius didn’t know about this.
When Claudius heard the story of Valentine, he was
very angry. He put Valentine in jail for 20 years.
After twenty years, Claudius killed Valentine on February 14th.
Everybody thought Valentine was a good man because he helped lovers. That’s why we have St. Valentine’s Day every year.
Part B: True or False.
1. Valentine was an emperor.
2. Valentine died on February 14th.
3. Claudius wanted men to get married.
4. Claudius put Valentine in jail.
5. Valentine was in jail for forty years.
6. Valentine helped people to get married.
Part C: Answer Yes or No.
1. Was Valentine a priest?
2. Did Claudius want people to get married?
3. Did Claudius want women to be soldiers?
4. Did Claudius put Valentine in jail?
5. Was Valentine an emperor?
6. Did Valentine help people to be soldiers?
Part D: Answer the questions. (Write full sentences please.)
1. Why did Valentine want people to get married?
2. When did Valentine live?
3. What did Valentine help people to do?
Part E: Now write three things about Valentine’s Day in your country.
Додаток 2
Додаток 3
Картка 1
A Secret Message
Use the code key to find the secret message.
Code Key
33=D 83=H 7=A 42=Y
77=L 79=N 69=T 66=V
19=I 56=0 17=U 2=P
51=S 8=E 26=K 10=W
19 69 83 19 79 26 69 83 7 69 42 56 17 10 19 77 77
83 7 66 8 7 83 7 22 42
66 7 77 8 79 69 19 79 8 51
33 7 42!
A Secret Message
Use the code key to find the secret message.
Code Key
33=D 83=H 7=A 42=Y
77=L 79=N 69=T 66=V
19=I 56=0 17=U 2=P
51=S 8=E 26=K 10=W
19 69 83 19 79 26 69 83 7 69 42 56 17 10 19 77 77
83 7 66 8 7 83 7 22 42
66 7 77 8 79 69 19 79 8 51
33 7 42!
Картка 2
Fill in the missing letters and get a piece of advice from your friend.
Dear Kate,
I don't □ike wr□ting letter□. Bu□ now it's th□ right time. I am both happy and sad. It looks like I'm i□ love. Some□imes I am glad, the □ther time ver□ nervous. When I see him (we are classmates) I d□n't know what to do. My secret wish is to give him my heart. I want to let him know abo□t my love. But how? That is a p□oblem. Is it all right to be the first to tell □im about my lov□? C□n you help? W□ite □o me, please!
Nina B.
Fill in the missing letters and get a piece of advice from your friend.
Dear Kate,
I don't □ike wr□ting letter□. Bu□ now it's th□ right time. I am both happy and sad. It looks like I'm i□ love. Some□imes I am glad, the □ther time ver□ nervous. When I see him (we are classmates) I d□n't know what to do. My secret wish is to give him my heart. I want to let him know abo□t my love. But how? That is a p□oblem. Is it all right to be the first to tell □im about my lov□? C□n you help? W□ite □o me, please!
Nina B.