Відпочинок. Види відпочинку. Розробка уроку

Про матеріал
Розробка уроку з англійської мови для учнів 7 класу на тему "Відпочинок. Типи відпочинку" Містить тексти для ознайомлення з новими лексичними одиницями та лексико-граматичні вправи до тексту. Можна використовувати для спеціалізованих шкіл з поглибленим вивченням іноземних мов.
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Департамент освіти  і  науки

Київської обласної державної  адміністрації

Комунальний навчальний заклад Київської обласної ради

"Київський обласний інститут післядипломної освіти педагогічних кадрів"





Методичні матеріали для проведення уроків англійської мови з теми

«Відпочинок. Види відпочинку»

у 7 класі




Автор проєкту: Олексієнко Інна Олександрівна, слухач курсів підвищення фахової кваліфікації вчителів англійської мови, вчитель англійської мови Білоцерківської загальноосвітньої середньої школи I-III ступенів №7 імені генерал-полковника Геннадія Воробйова

Керівник: Крупа Альона Валеріївна, завідувач відділу міжнародних зв’язків


Біла Церква



Aim - to present new vocabulary, to express an opinion, to personalize a topic, to present means of transport, to categorise new  vocabulary, to match contextual language to means of transport.

Materials: Presentation  power point, theme cards,  books, copybooks, “On Screen” Students book 2 b .

Learning outcomes

By the end of the lesson children will be able to

-make up dialogues

-describe different means of transport

-complete the diologues

-speak about holidays

Lesson procedure:

  • Introduction.

-Good morning children. I am glad to see you. How are you?

Today we will speak about different kinds of holidays, transport, and write  about a holiday problem. Are you ready? Let’s start.

  • Warm up.

Ex 1 . A) Label the pictures- cruise, safari, beach holiday, skiing holiday, sightseeing holiday, adventure holiday.

b) Which is your favourite type of holiday? Why?

Example: My favourite type of holiday is a beach holiday because I love the sea and swimming.

  • Presentation of the new material. Writing activity.

Fill in is, stay, go on, travel, go, go to, rent Check any new words in the Word List.

1.___________In a hostel/hotel/cabin/cottage/guesthouse/B and  B/apartment/with friends

2.___________ a boat/holiday/a tour

3.___________the beach/a museum/an art gallery/ an aquarium

4.___________skiing/dog sledding/camping/sightseeing/windsurfing

5.___________a car/a bicycle/a boat/a house/ a seaside cottage/

6.___________ travel by car/coach/plane/train.

7.It ______ warm and sunny/cloudy/windy/freezing/foggy/hot/cold

  •  Group work. Speaking activity.
  • Use words from ex 1 and 2 to ask and answer  questions  as in the example.

A: How was your holiday?

B: It was great. We went____________

A: Where did you stay?

B: We stayed ___________

A: How did you travel?

B: We travelled __________

A: What did you do?

B: We ______and _______.

A: What was the weather like?

B: It was ______________

  •  Speaking activity.

-  Let’s  remember means of transport. Check any new words in the Word List.

Coach, boat, bus, car, ship, taxi, van ,underground, helicopter, bicycle, motorbike, scooter, tram, train, plane.

List the words  under the headings: land-air- sea.

Ex. Which of the means of transport do these sentences match?

1 Please keep away from the edge of the platform (train)

2 Passengers for flight AB216 to Manchester, please go to Gate 12 as the flight is ready to board (plane, flight, gate, board)

3 12 Beckon Street, next to the Hilton Hotel, please (12 Beckon street, next to, please)

  • Writing activity.
  • Use adverbs of frequency and the adjectives in the list to write sentences about various means of transport.

Noisy, safe, boring, tiring, expensive, fast, comfortable, cheap, relaxing, slow, dangerous.

Example- I never travel by train. I think it’s tiring.

I often travel by bus. It’s cheap.

  •  Speaking activity. Using the prepositions.

Choose the correct preposition.

1 We went to London by/in/on car.

2 He went in/on a Mediterranean cruise.

3 The train departed of/from Platform 3.

4 He spent his holiday in/by the sea.

5 Doha is famous for/with it’s tall buildings.

6 We went to Krakov by/in our car.

  • Writing activity.

Write a short paragraph about a problem you had while on holiday. Write where/ when you went, weather, means of transport, what happened. Tell the class.

  • Summarizing.

Let’s summarize what we have learnt today?

Your marks for today’s lesson are____ I hope, you’ve enjoyed our lesson today.

Your homework for the next lesson to learn new words and to write a short paragraph about your holiday. Our lesson is over. Have a nice day.






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Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Несвіт А.М.)
4 листопада 2021
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