виховний захід на тему "Time and Life"

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Time and Life

Narrator:  Good morning, dear guests!Today you will see our show “Time and Life”   Doctor Time invites.

Narrator:  “Tick-tock, tick-tock”

                     Merrily sings the clock.

                     I hear it sings

                     Through the day.

                     It’s time for walk

                     And time for play.

                     “Tick-tock, tick-tock”

                     Merrily sings the clock.

Narrator:  Dear children! I invite you to the stage.

Pupil :  Every morning we go to school

              Our school is beautiful.

               The lessons begin at eight

               And we are ready

               To read and translate.

               Take the duster! Take the chalk!

                Are you ready? Let us work!

Narrator: Dear children! Doctor Time came to us today. He wants to ask you some questions.

Doctor Time: Good morning, children!

Children: Good morning, doctor Time !

Doctor Time:  I’m old Doctor Time,

                          I have clocks that will chime

                          I know every way

                          To tell the time of the day.

Doctor Time:  And now I want to ask you some questions. So, let’s begin.

Doctor Time: How many seconds  in a minute?

Children: Sixty and no more in it.

Doctor Time: How many minutes  in an hour?

Children: Sixty for sun and flower.

Doctor Time: How many hours  in a day?

Children: Twenty-four for work and play.

Doctor Time: How many days  in a week?

Children: Seven both to hear and speak.

Doctor Time: I know the days  brothers

                         Which look like each other,

                          But they aren’t just the same

                          And each one has his own name.

Doctor Time: What are their names?

Children: They are : Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.

Narrator: Doctor Time, now children will tell you how they spend their week.

Narrator: Listen to a poem ”My week”.

Pupil 1 : On Monday I play basketball

            On Tuesday I swim and skate

             Wednesday is tennis and volleyball

             On Thursday I read till late

             On Friday I do my homework

              For seven hours at least

              And on Saturday and Sunday

               All I do is sleep.

Narrator: A poem “ On Monday I’ll buy a tool”

Pupil 2 : On Monday I’ll buy a tool,

                On Tuesday I’ll make a stool,

                On Wednesday I’ll read a book,

                On Thursday I’ll try to cook.

                Something very, very sweet

                For my little brother Pete.

                On Friday I’ll brush my hat

                On Saturday I’ll dust my flat.

                On Sunday if the weather’s good

                I’ll go into the wood.

Doctor Time: Thank you very much.

                Song “ I always go to school”

Narrator: Children! I invite you to the stage again. Try to guess some riddles.

Pupil 1 : I have a face,

                I have a little hand,

                 I have a big hand.

                 My face is white.

                 My hands are black.

                  I have no feet.

                  I can run.

                   What am I?

Children : A clock.

Pupil 2 :  Whose face needs no washing?

 Children : The clock’s face.               

Doctor Time: Do you know the time? Let’s check!

What time is it?

Pupil 1: It’s one o’clock.

Pupil 2: It’s a quarter past one.

Pupil 3: It’s twenty to two.

Pupil 4: It’s a quarter to two.

Pupil 5: It’s ten past one.

Pupil 8: It’s half past one.

                 Song “What time is it? “

Doctor Time: Thank you. And  now I want to know how you spend your working day.

Pupil:  Breakfast  in the morning

             Dinner in the day

             Tea comes after dinner

              Then comes time to play

               Supper in the evening

               When the sky is red

               Then the day is over

                And we go to bed.

Narrator: Do you know how a little hare spends his day? Listen to “The clock Song”

Uncle Hare: Now it’s one o’clock, one o’clock, one o’clock

                       Now it’s one o’clock,

                       And what do you do at one o’clock?

Nephew: I take a nap.

Uncle Hare: And what do you do at two o’clock?

Nephew: I wake up.

Uncle Hare: And what do you do at three o’clock?

Nephew: I go for a walk.

Uncle Hare: And what do you do at four o’clock?

Nephew: I play with my friends.

Uncle Hare: And what do you do at five o’clock?

Nephew: I come home.

Uncle Hare: And what do you do at six o’clock?

Nephew: I take a bath.

Uncle Hare: And what do you do at seven o’clock?

Nephew: I have my supper.

Uncle Hare: And what do you do at eight o’clock?

Nephew: I go to bed.

Uncle Hare: Now It’s time to close your eyes, to close your eyes, to close your eyes. Now It’s time to close your eyes …..Hr ……

Nephew: Wake up! Uncle!                          Uncle is asleep.


Doctor Time: thank you very much.

Doctor Time: Look! Here are some proverbs about time. At the first columns there are the beginnings of the proverbs, at the second columns

there are the endings. Dear guests , please, help children to find the beginning and the ending of every proverb.

An hour in the morning

What you can do today

Never do tomorrow

Is never found again

There is time

Is worth two in the evening

Lost time

For everything


Doctor Time: Children, what do these proverbs teach us?

Pupil 1: They teach us to be hard-working.

Pupil 2: They teach us not to waste our time.

Pupil 3: They teach us not to be lazy.

Doctor Time: You are right. I see you are clever and hard-working children. But how do you spend your free time?

Pupil 1: I like to read.

Pupil 2: I like to watch cartoons.

Pupil 3: I like to play computer games.

Pupil 4: I like to go in for sport.

Pupil 5: I like to ski and sledge in winter.

Pupil 6: I like to sing.

Children : Everybody likes to sing.

                           Song “What do you like to do”

Doctor Time: I’m glad that you like to sing, that you like to read and to watch cartoons. So,you are welcome to a wonderful world of your favourite book characters.

Narrator: In these pictures there are some of your favourite characters. Be attentive and try to guess their names. Let’s ask our guests to help you.

Pupil 1: She is beautiful and clever.

              She is always tidy and clean.

               This girl is kind and hard-working.

               She is ready to help other people.

               What is her name?

Pupil 2: She is strict and at the same time kind. This woman likes children.

She is clever anf full of wonderful ideas. She can make things magic. This wonderful woman can make children happy. What is her name?

Pupil 3: He is brave and strong. He is clever and honest. He lives in the jungle. He is a true friend of his animal friends. What is his name?

Pupil 4: This is a wooden boy .he has got a round face and a long nose. His eyes are blue. He has a white and red hat on. This funny boy has a key in his hand. What is his name?

Pupil 5: This is a doll-girl. She has got a nice face and large blue eyes. Her hair is long and blue.She has got a nice blue dress on. What is her name?

Pupil 6: This boy  is lovely and brave. But at the same time he is naughty and lazy. He is a true friend. He is fond of adventures. What is his name?

Narrator: Do you like cartoons? Try to guess the names of cartoon characters. Look and say who they are and what they are doing.

Pupil 1: This is Ariel. She is swimming.

Pupil 2: This is Mickey Mouse. He is singing.

Pupil 3: This is Alice. She is reading.

Pupil 4: This is Cinderella. She is dancing.

Pupil 5: This is Winnie-the Pooh. He is flying.

Pupil 6: These  are Tom and Jerry. They are running.

Doctor Time: Dear  children! Did you like our show?

Children : yes, of course.

      A song “If you are happy”

Narrator:  “Tick-tock, tick-tock”

                     Merrily sings the clock.

                     I hear it sings

                     Through the day.

                     It’s time for walk

                     And time for play.

                     “Tick-tock, tick-tock”

                     Merrily sings the clock.


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