Виховний захід "We are Ukrainians"

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Розробка виховного заходу спрямована на прищеплення любові до вивчення англійської мови та виховання почуття гордості за свою країну.

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        Виховний   захід

      з англійської   мови  “We  are Ukrainians”                       


















Мета:розширити й поглибити знання учнів та підвищувати мотивацію у вивченні англійської мови;розвивати навички монологічного мовлення;формувати навички сприймання на слух іноземного мовлення;виховувати почуття любові до рідного краю та гордості за свою країну.


Обладнання:вишиті рушники;портрет Т.Г.Шевченка,карта України,повітряні кульки,ноутбук,проектор, презентація.

Епіграф:”He who loves not his country can love nothing”.(Джордж Гордон Байрон)





Хід проведення заходу             


Ведуча 1: Good morning dear guests!  Welcome to our English-speaking party.


Ведуча 2: We are glad to see you in our school. We wish you health and happiness, kindness and peace!


Ведуча 1: If there is light in the soul,

                  There will be beauty in the person.    


Ведуча 2: If there is beauty in the person,

                There will be harmony in the house.


Ведуча 1: If there is harmony in the house,

                  There will be order in the nation.


Ведуча 2: If there is order in the nation,

                  There will be peace in the world.


(Звучить лірична музика.На сцену в українських костюмах виходять діти.)


Учень: I met a crane one sunny day.

             “Where do you live?” I asked the crane.

             “Where do you live?” I asked the crane.

             “My home is here, in Ukraine”.


(Учні виконують пісню “Smile” Music by V.Shainsky,Lyrics by M.Plyatskovsky,Translated by L.Cherepanova: from a cartoon movie “A Tiny Racoon”)


With a smile a gloomy day is bright

And a rainbow in the sky at once appears.

Share your smile and everything’s all right

And it will return to you and will be near.




Then for sure clouds in the sky

Will  be merry, dancing high.

A  grasshopper’ll  take at once a tiny fiddle.


From blue stream all rivers start.

Give a smile from all your heart!

Give a smile from all your heart, (Twice)

Just from the middle.


Ведуча 1: Ukraine is one of the dearest word filled with a  warmth and tenderness. It is our Motherland. How does it start? For one it starts from his native land, field, river, cherry’s orchard, the flowers, for the other is from a poplar tree, a snowball tree, native town or village, friends and family.   


(Учень читає вірш Т.Г.Шевченка ”Садок вишневий коло хати”).


Учень 1: Beside the hut the cherries are in bloom,

               And May bugs o’er them dance…The peasants from

               The fields return with weary step…This late…

               The young maids as they go sing songs…At home

               The tables have been laid, and supper waits.


Учень 2: Say where does Homeland begin for you?

                With pictures on ABC cards,

                With old and reliable friends of yours,

                Who live in the neighbouring yards?

                But maybe it starts with the cradlesong

                Your mother once hummed low and sweet,

                The memories which no one can take from you,

                Whatever ordeals you may meet.



Ведуча 2:  A man is happy when he was born, grows and lives in his native land. There are even expressions about how dear is Motherland and native home for people.



Учень 1: East or West

                Home is best.

                Keep your home tidy-

                Make the planet clean.

                There is no place

                Like home.



Учень 2: The Ukrainians are at home

                In Kyiv and Cherkasy

                And the English are at home

                In London and Newcastle.

                People can be happy

                When they are at home.


Учень 3: You can go to the East.

                You can go to the West.

                But at home it is the better.

                But at home it is the best.    



Учень 4: We live in Ukraine, a beautiful land

                It’s home for me and you, my friend,

                Its towns and villages are so nice

                The Ukrainian people are wise.



Ведуча 1: We were born in Ukraine, so we are Ukrainian children, the future of our wonderful country.


Ведуча 2: Pupils of our school dream to study, to get professions and work for our Motherland.


(На сцену виходять учні в костюмах представників різних професій і декламують вірші.)




1. I want to be a worker

    At a modern plant

    And make machines and lorries

    For our Motherland.


2. I dream I am a weaver,

    And make the cloth so nice

    That everybody likes it, 

    And everybody buys.


3. I want to be a driver

    Of a lorry or a car

    And to drive along the roads

    Very quickly, very far.


4. I am very fond of cooking

    That’s why I want to be a cook

    I’ll manage to cook meals

    Using my cookery-book.


5. I want to be a brave pilot

    I want to learn to fly

    In a plane or in a spaceship

    High up in the blue sky.


6. I want to be a teacher

    As all of you understand

    I’ll teach my pupils to read and write

    And love our Ukrainian land.


7. I want to be a miner

    Working in a coal pit.

    I want to get much coal,

    My Motherland needs it.

8. I want to be a soldier,

    I am ready to defend

    The peaceful work of Ukrainian People,

    The borders of our land.

Ведуча 1: A real citizen of the country loves his dear Mother and Motherland.


Ведуча 2: Blue and yellow field of grain

                  Is on the flag of my Ukraine.

                  Its emblem speaks to all the entire world

                  With Freedom-such a lovely world.


Ведуча 1: We live in a beautiful country Ukraine, that’s why the hostess Miss Ukraine takes the floor now.


Міс Україна : My land is so beautiful and free

                        Ukraine, Ukraine,

                        The dearest land a man can see.      

                        When down the Dnieper I go boating

                        I hear a song, and it is flowing

                        To those green trees, To the land I love.


Ведуча 2: And now we will tell you the legend how God presented the people with gifts and gave Ukrainian a song.




Ведуча 1: Once the Lord of the world decided to present people of the planet with talents.

Frenchmen have chosen a beauty and elegance,

Germans-order and discipline,

Russians-power, Poles-the ability to trade,

Italians-talent for music.


Ведуча 2: Having given presents to all,

                  God saw a beautiful girl in an embroidered shirt and    



God: Who are you? Why are you crying?


Miss Ukraine: I’m Ukraine and I’m crying because my land is suffering from blood and fire, slavery and injustice.



God: Why haven’t you come earlier? I’ve already given all talents. How can I help you? Well, I’ll give you an immortal treasure-which will make you famous all over the world. I will give you the song.


Miss Ukraine: Thanks a lot, dear Lord. I’ll bring this song and

spread it among all the Ukrainians.


(Учні виконують пісню про Україну)


                        Pray for Ukraine


Open your heart to Ukraine

Believe and pray

I wanna be happy today

No tears, no pain


No pain (х 6)


Open your heart to Ukraine

Believe and pray

I wanna be happy today

No tears, no pain


No pain (х 6)


Open your heart to Ukraine

Believe and pray

I wanna be happy today

No tears, no pain


No pain (х )


Miss America: What a nice song, what a beautiful country. Hello my dear Ukrainian friends! I am Miss America. I am happy to be here in Ukraine, in your school. Thanks for your hospitality and friendship. Thanks for your love and kindness.

And now I want to tell you a poem about my native country-the USA.

               O beautiful for spacious skies,

               For amber waves of grain,

               For purple mountain majesties

               Above the fruited plain!

               America! America!

               God shed his grace on thee

               And crown thy good with brotherhood

               From sea to shining sea!


Miss Love: I am Love. Love is the best feeling the humanity has. Love can unite hears and cover the longest distance. There is no doubt  “Love will save the world”.


                   I am happy when I am with you

                   I’m in sorrow when I’m not,

                   And what I’ve done, I’ve done for you.

                   Oh, please, don’t break my heart.

                   I want to be with you all the time

                   Because I love you so.

                   And if we parted I would die,

                   I’ll never let you go.


Miss America: Oh, Love… It’s a very complicated feeling. We the Americans appreciate Love too. We must think about our sweethearts, never hurt them in order, never to regret what we said yesterday.


 Mister Peace: I’m Peace…


                        Peace is something we all seek,

                        When we lack it, we feel weak.

                        Since it’s rooted deep inside,

                        With our peace, we’re closely tied.


                        Peace is something you can’t buy,

                        You won’t catch it from the sky.

                        Something about it is truly sublime,

                        It does not follow distance nor time.


                        Peace is something we mutually share,

                        For it is just, and always fair.

                        When we find it, peace is sweet,

                        It will make our life complete.



Ведуча 1: We are Ukrainians! We are proud of our country!


Ведуча 2: We want to have a rich and flowering country!


Ведуча 1: We don’t want know the word “war”!


Ведуча 2: We’ll love and take care about Ukraine!




( Учень декламує вірш Володимира Сосюри ” Любіть Україну”).



                                Love Ukraine

                     by   Volodymyr   Sosyura       


                Love Ukraine, love it like the sun;

                Like the wind, and grass and water…

                In the hour of happiness and in time of joy,

                Love it in the hour of misfortune.

                Love Ukraine in your dream

                And when you are awake,

                Your cherry-like Ukraine.

                Its beauty, eternally live and new,

                And its tongue like that of the nightingale.




( На сцену виходять всі учасники заходу.Звучить гімн України)



                              Anthem of Ukraine


Glorious spirit of Ukraine shines and lives forever

Blessed by Fortune brotherhood will stand up together

Like the dew before the sun enemies will fade

We will further rule and prosper in our promised land

We will lay our soul and body for the cherished freedom

Cossack blood will raise the nation of the joyous people

For the liberty the folk strives ardently from San to Don

And will let no alien power in our common home

Ages Dnieper and Black Sea arm in arm rejoice

And Ukraine will see daylight and live by Fortune’s choice

We will lay our soul and body for the cherished freedom

Cossack blood will raise the nation of the joyous people

Passion and hard-working hands prove bright future true

Song of freedom, louse and clear, guides us all way through

Over mountains and steppes it flows, over ages told

Valorous Ukraine stands strong in a thriving world

We will lay our soul and body for the cherished freedom

Cossack blood will raise the nation of the joyous people

We will lay our soul and body for the cherished freedom

Cossack blood will raise the nation of the joyous people



Ведуча 1: Dear guests! Our party is coming to the end. We’ve spoken and thought the most precious things in our life.


Ведуча 2: Things that can unite people all over the world. Things that can change our planet and make it better.


Ведуча 1: So lets unite our efforts and build a happy home for everyone. Let’s say “yes” to Peace, Friendship and Love.



Усі разом: We live in Ukraine!

                   We love Ukraine!

                   We want to have peace and friendship in Ukraine!



3 лютого 2023
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