RENEWABLE ENERGYWind power (listening)by Iryna Kahamlykreference: Oxford Exam Trainer B1
Номер слайду 2
How many types of renewable energy can you name?
Номер слайду 3
Wind power. What are the advantages and disadvantages of wind power?Proswind power is cost-effectiveit’s a clean fuel sourceit’s sustainablewind turbines can be built on existing farms. Cons. Wind power must still compete with conventional generation sources on a coast basis. Wind resource development might not be the most profitable use of the land. Turbines might cause noise and aesthetic pollution. Wind plants can impact local wildlifeppt_x
Номер слайду 4
Learn vocabulary with pleasure!
Номер слайду 5
Listening. Listening strategy Mind that the information in the audio can be presented in different answers to the question. Listen carefully to find out what answer is really correct. What does the presenter say about wind turbines?A They are better than solar panels. B They are very effective. C They are becoming more common.
Номер слайду 6
Listening. Ex. 3 p. 120 Listen to the text. For questions (1-5) choose the correct answer. According to the presenter, what is the main focus of the interview?A where wind turbines should be placed. B the effectiveness of wind power. C different types of renewable energy Germany is a country that_A produces quite a lot of renewable energy. B doesn’t want to use renewable energy. C stopped producing renewable energy. What is true about the reliability of wind power?A The technology is getting better. B Only off-shore farms are reliable. C It depends on the number of turbines. How does Lisa feel about the future of wind power?A hopeful. B pessimistic. C uncertain According to the presenter, what is the main focus of the interview?A where wind turbines should be placed. B the effectiveness of wind power. C different types of renewable energy Germany is a country that_A produces quite a lot of renewable energy. B doesn’t want to use renewable energy. C stopped producing renewable energy. What is true about the reliability of wind power?A The technology is getting better. B Only off-shore farms are reliable. C It depends on the number of turbines. How does Lisa feel about the future of wind power?A hopeful. B pessimistic. C uncertain According to the presenter, what is the main focus of the interview?A where wind turbines should be placed. B the effectiveness of wind power. C different types of renewable energy Germany is a country that_A produces quite a lot of renewable energy. B doesn’t want to use renewable energy. C stopped producing renewable energy. What is true about the reliability of wind power?A The technology is getting better. B Only off-shore farms are reliable. C It depends on the number of turbines. How does Lisa feel about the future of wind power?A hopeful. B pessimistic. C uncertain According to the presenter, what is the main focus of the interview?A where wind turbines should be placed. B the effectiveness of wind power. C different types of renewable energy Germany is a country that_A produces quite a lot of renewable energy. B doesn’t want to use renewable energy. C stopped producing renewable energy. What is true about the reliability of wind power?A The technology is getting better. B Only off-shore farms are reliable. C It depends on the number of turbines. How does Lisa feel about the future of wind power?A hopeful. B pessimistic. C uncertain According to the presenter, what is the main focus of the interview?A where wind turbines should be placed. B the effectiveness of wind power. C different types of renewable energy Germany is a country that_A produces quite a lot of renewable energy. B doesn’t want to use renewable energy. C stopped producing renewable energy. What is true about the reliability of wind power?A The technology is getting better. B Only off-shore farms are reliable. C It depends on the number of turbines. How does Lisa feel about the future of wind power?A hopeful. B pessimistic. C uncertain
Номер слайду 7
Do you think that wind turbines are a good source of energy?Why? Why not?
Номер слайду 8
What should be done in Ukraine to create renewable energy?
Номер слайду 9
What should be done to make renewable energy cleaner and more reliable?