Виховний захід з англійської мови для учнів 6 класу на тему " Безпека на дорозі"

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Виховний захід для 6 класу



- активізувати знання учнів по темі «Безпека руху»;

- розвивати навички усного монологічного і діалогічного мовлення та


- вчити дотримуватись правил дорожнього руху;

- виховувати почуття відповідальності за збереження життя і здоров` я.


- слайди з текстами та ілюстраціями до теми, роздруковані для кожного учня

тести, карточки з запитаннями, магнітофон.

Перегляд файлу

Виховний захід для 6 класу



 - активізувати знання учнів по темі «Безпека руху»;

 - розвивати  навички  усного монологічного і діалогічного мовлення та    


 - вчити дотримуватись правил дорожнього руху;

 - виховувати почуття відповідальності за збереження життя і здоров` я.


 - слайди  з текстами та ілюстраціями до теми, роздруковані для кожного учня              

   тести, карточки з запитаннями, магнітофон.


BOY:   Good morning, pupils.

GIRL:   Good morning, dear guests. We are very glad to see you at our meeting.

BOY:   But what we shall speak about?                                                                                                                          

GIRL:   Why? Do not you know? The topic of our meeting is very important. We shall   speak about road safety.

BOY:   Is it really important? I do not think so.

GIRL:   Let’s ask the children. How do you think, pupils, is it important to know road safety?

PUPILS:   Yes, it is. It is very important.

BOY:   And why do you think so?

PUPIL 1:   We leave in a little town. But every day on the roads we can see hundreds of buses, lorries and cars.

PUPIL 2:   All they are going very fast. And it is very difficult, especially for little children, to cross the street.

PUPIL 3:   And sometimes we go to the big city. We can see trams and trolley-buses there. And only traffic-lights will help us to cross the street.

GIRL:   Today a traffic-light is our guest.

PUPIL 4:   It is a traffic-light. You can see it at the cross-roads in the big cities. Look. It has three colours: red, yellow and green. If you see a red colour you must stop. If you see a yellow colour you must wait. If you see a green colour you can cross the street.

BOY: Who knows  a rhyme about the traffic-light.

                                   1 Look to this side,

                                   Look to that side,

                                   The green says“Go”,

                                   Now go slow.

                                   The red says “Stop”,

                                   Now do so.

                                   2   Trams and cars in our town                                                                                                                                                                          

                                      Run up and run down.

                                      Stop! Look at the light!

                                      To the left, then to the right!

                                      Stop! Look! Listen!

                                      Before you cross the street

                                      Use your eyes, use your ears,

                                      And then use your feet.


                                    3  Over the mountains, over the plains,

                                      Over the rivers, here come trains.

                                      Carring passengers, carring mail,

                                      Over the country, here come trains.

                                      Over the rivers, over the bays,

                                      Ferryboats travel every day.

                                      Watching the seagulls, laughing with friends,

                                      I’m always sorry when the trip ends.

GIRL:   And now it is the time to speak about road safety. You must remember these rules and followed them.

BOY:    You should cross the street at the crossing or zebras. If there is no zebra nearby you may cross at any place.

GIRL:   Be careful: first look to the left, then to the right, and if the road is free, go ahead.

BOY:   Take notice of the traffic-lights. You must not cross the road when the light is red.

GIRl:   Be careful in winter. You should not play near the road, let alone on the road, even if there is no traffic in sight at the moment. Remember, that in winter roads can be very slippery. It may take a car a long time to stop.

BOY:   On the road you often can see road signs. They help people to drive correctly, to find the way in another town and so on. Now look at the signs and try to remember their meaning.

(на екрані-знаки дорожнього руху)

PUPIL 1:   This sign means that there is a pedestrian crossing nearby.

PUPIL 2:   This sign means that there is a traffic-light at the cross-road.

PUPIL 1:   This sign is for drivers. It means that the drivers must be very attentive because there are many children nearby (you can see this sign at school or at the kinder-garden).

PUPIL 2:   If you see this sign, you cannot go there by bicycle.

PUPIL 1:   This sign means that the pedestrians cannot go there.

PUPIL 2:   This sign means that there is a special road for the pedestrians.

PUPIL 1:   It is the bus-stop.

PUPIL 2:   This sign means that there is a restaurant or a café nearby.

BOY:   We have already spoken about road safety and the meaning of some signs. And now we have a task for the pupils. You can see four pictures at the screen. That is why we need four groups of the pupils. Every group has to describe one of the picture.

(the pupils describe the picture and then read their description)

BOY:   We all like to travel. But when we are in another city or town it is difficult for us to find the place we need. In this case you can ask a traffic-militiaman for help.

A traffic-militiaman:   I am a traffic-militiaman,

                                       I can help you to find the way,

                                       I stand here every day.

GIRL:   We have some expressions which we can use asking the way.

                                         ASKING   THE   WAY

  1. How can I get to the bus-stop?
  2. Which bus should I take to get to the museum?
  3. Where should I get off?
  4. Excuse me, where is the market?
  5. Where is the way to the shop, please?
  6. Can you tell me the way to the cinema?
  7. Could you tell me how to get to the zoo?
  8. Is this the right way to the gallery?

GIRL:   And now we are going to listen the dialogues of the pupils with the traffic-militiamen.


1)     -Excuse me...


         -Where is the cinema here?

         -Go straight ahead. The cinema is at the end of the street.

         -Thank you.

        -Not at all.


2)     -I am sorry.

        -Yes, can I help you?

        -Could you tell me how to get to the post-office?

        -Well, you can take a taxi or the Number 3 bus

        -Where should I get off?

        -You would get off at the second bus-stop.


3)    -Can you help me, please?

        -Yes, certainly.

        -Is there any café there?

        -Yes, there is. Cross the street and turn left. You can see a café there.


4)    -Excuse me.

       -I am listening to you.

       -How can I get to the supermarket?

       -Go along the street. Then turn to the left. The supermarket is on your right.


      5)    -I say.

             -Yes, what is it

       -How far is the center of the town from here?

       -I think it is something like a mile. You can walk to it if you are not in a hurry.


6)   -Excuse me.


       -It is my first day in the town and I do not know the way. Where am I now?

       -You are in Vatutin Street now. It is not far from the centre of the town.

       -How can I get to the centre?

       -You can take the Number 10 bus.


7)    -I say!

       -I am listening to you.

       -Is this the right way to the railway-station?

       -Yes, you are going to the station now.

       -How long does it take to go there?

       -It takes half an hour.

BOY:   We have been working hard and now it is time for fun. The pupils are going to tell you some jokes about travelling.


  1. POLICMEN:   You were going seventy miles an hour.

WOMAN-DRIVER:   Is not that wonderful? I only learn to drive today.


      2)-Hello, Bob. Nice to see you again. Where have you been? I have not seen you                for ages. I was told that your family and you were making a voyage down the                        Thames on board of a big ship.

-Hello, Jack. No, I did not go anywhere. All the members of my family and I were watching the movie “Santa Barbara”. We seldom went outdoors.

    3)   Clift’s marks were poor. Father said:

            -I’ll give you my car if you learn better.

            -All right. I shall learn better.

          A month later his father said:

           -Again no progress? What were you doing all this time?

           -I was learning to drive a car.


4)    It was summer. A young girl in a pretty dress quickly entered a compartment of a train and sat down. The train began to move. In the compartment there was only a young man. He tried to tell her something but she did not want either to listen or to speak to him. 

   -I am sorry, but…

   -Excuse me, but I want to tell you… 

   -Listen to me, please…

When the train was coming up to the station the young man stood up and said:

   -I tried to tell you that you were sitting on my bag with strawberries. But you did not want to listen so now your dress is ruined.


5)   Two little boys were making a lot of noise in a train. The guard   watched them patiently for some time then he lost his temper and said:

   -Your children must behave still or I should make trouble.

   -You do not know what trouble is. I have already gone through a lot of trouble. My wife is in the hospital. I am on the way to see my mother-in-low who has broken her leg. My daughter is ill. One of the boys has just smashed his finger and the other has chewed up our tickets. To top to all we have taken the wrong train.

GIRL:  We want to check up what do you know about road safety. You have to do a test.


1. It is important to know road safety.

             1) Yes       2) No

2. When you cross the street first look to the right, then-to the left.

              1) Yes       2) No

3. In winter the roads are slippery and drivers and pedestrians must be very careful.

             1) Yes       2) No

4. You can see traffic-lights at the cross-roads in the cities.

             1) Yes       2) No

5. There are traffic-lights in the small villages.

             1) Yes       2) No

6. The traffic-light has two colours.

             1) Yes       2) No

7. If you see red colour you must go.

             1) Yes       2) No

8. If you see yellow colour you must wait.

             1) Yes       2) No

9. If you see green colour you must go.

             1) Yes       2) No

10. Road signs help the drivers and pedestrians.

             1) Yes       2) No

11. If the drivers see the sign “Children” they must be very attentive.

             1) Yes       2) No

12. A traffic-militiaman can help you to find the way.

             1) Yes       2) No

BOY:   Our next task is for all the pupils. They have to write as many words as they can connected with the topic “Road safety”.





Now, let’s sing a song.

The Wheels on the bus

The wheels on the bus go round and round,

round and round, round and round,

The wheels on the bus go round and round,

All day long.

The children on the bus go wriggle wriggle  wriggle

wriggle wriggle  wriggle wriggle wriggle  wriggle

The children on the bus go wriggle wriggle  wriggle

All day long.

The mummies on the bus go “Don”t do that”

“Don”t do that” “Don”t do that”

The mummies on the bus go “Don”t do that”

All day long.

The daddies on the bus go read read read

read read read read read read

The daddies on the bus go read read read

All day long.

The babies on the bus go “Wah wah wah”

Wah wah wah Wah wah wah

The babies on the bus go “Wah wah wah”

All day long.



GIRL:   And now we are going to take part in the competition «The best driver in future». They have to take the cards and to answer the questions.

Card 1:   How many groups of the road signs are there?

Card 2:   At what age the children are allowed to ride at the road?

Card 3:   Whom can you drive on a bicycle?

Card 4:   At what side of the pavement have the pedestrians to walk?

Card 5:   At what side of the road have the pedestrians to walk?

Card 6:   At what side of the road have the cars to drive?

Card 7:   From what age can people get the driver’s license?

Card 8:   What is the maximum speed of the cars in the town?

Card 9:   What is the distance of braking for car at the good road?

Card 10:  Is there a school for drivers in our town?

( Підведення підсумків виховного заходу та нагородження переможців)














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    Відповідність темі
11 лютого 2018
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5.0 (1 відгук)
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