Конспект уроку з англійської мови у 6 класі на тему "Їжа. Злічувані та незлічувані іменники"

Про матеріал

Конспект уроку з англійської мови у 6 класі на тему "Їжа. Злічувані і незлічувані іменники". Тип уроку - комбінований. Тема актуальна з використанням різних методів навчання. Матеріал цікавий і розроблений з урахуванням вікових особливостей учнів 6 класу.

Перегляд файлу

Тема: Food: healthy and unhealthy. Countable and

           uncountable nouns

Мета: Навчальна:  навчати усному та діалогічному мовленню за темою; вчити розрізняти злічувані та незлічувані іменники;

Розвивальна: розвивати вміння усного та писемного мовлення; повторити й активізувати лексичні одиниці з теми; удосконалювати навички читання; формувати навички аудіювання, вміння працювати самостійно та в групах за допомогою різних методів навчання;

Освітня: вчити культури мовлення й письма, розширити знання про здорове й шкідливе харчування;

Виховна: виховувати

Обладнання: комп’ютер, проектор, презентація слайдів в Power Point, підручник, робочий зошит, картки для індивідуальної роботи, лексичні картки до теми, мікрофон, відеоматеріали, корзина з продуктами харчування, ваза з цукерками.

Тип уроку: комбінований


The Course of the Lesson


“People must eat the healthy food”


I. The Beginning of the Lesson


  1. Organizing the class for the lesson.



T.: Good morning, pupils! How are you today? What is the weather like today? We can start our lesson. And it is going to be interesting and unusual, because  we have a lot of guests. So, let’s start. Please, look at the blackboard you can see a sentence here. Try to divide these words and write this sentence correctly. So, open your exercise-books, write down today’s date and do this task.

 Peoplemusteatthehealthyfood – People must eat the healthy food” (slide 3)



The topic of our lesson is “Food: healthy and unhealthy. Countable and

           uncountable nouns  and let’s read the aims of the lesson.

At the end of the lesson everyone will be able:

  • Use vocabulary about food
  •  Know about healthy and unhealthy food and drinks
  •  Write the recipe of a sandwich
  •  Identify countable and uncountable nouns  (slide 4)


T.: As you see we have a lot of work to do.


2. Warm-up activities.


T: Let us revise the words which you can see on the blackboard. (slide 5)


3. Review “MICROPHONE”/ Answer the questions                    17873.jpg


T.: Do you like to eat food?

What food do you like to eat?

What is your favourite fruit?

What are your favourite vegetables?

So, we must eat healthy food. (slide 6)


II. The Main Body of the Lesson.


4. Vocabulary Revising.


T.: I’d like to revise your vocabulary about food. It will be a small competition. And now I’ll give you cards. Your task is to complete the table using the words as quickly as possible. Did you understand the task? When you complete it, please rise your hands. The first pair will be winner. (slide 7-8)


T.: Look at the answers and check yours. Were you correct? Well done!

5. Presenting the new material (slide 9)


T.: Ok, pupils. I am satisfied with your answers. And now look at the blackboard. Let’s recollect the rules about countable and uncountable nouns. At first look at the table and at the rules which you have on your desks. (The explanation of the rules).  Listen to me very attentively and now look at this slide. (slides 10)

  • Countable nouns are nouns which we can count.

e. g. one apple – two apples

  • Uncountable nouns are nouns which we cannot count.

e. g. some coffee, some cheese

  • Uncountable nouns have only singular forms. These forms include:
  • Food: butter, flour, salt, pepper, bread etc.
  • Liquid: tea, water, milk, coffee, juice, lemonade

We can use the following nouns in front of some uncountable nouns to show quantity: (slide 11)

  • a bottle a bottle of milk
  • a glass a glass of water
  • a cup a cup of tea
  • a bowl a bowl of soup
  • a slice a slice of pizza
  • a loaf a loaf of bread
  • a kilo a kilo of sugar

T.: And now we’ll practice with new material


6. Practice.


T.:  So, look at the flip-chart. Write C for countable and U for uncountable  next to each item. But please, do it very quickly.

(slide 12)


7. Fun time.

T.: Are you tired? Let’s sing a song and relax.

(slide 13)


8. Writing. (slide 14)



T.: Children, imagine…you have got a pen-friend from the other country. Write a letter about you food habits. (slide 15)

T: In the next exercise you must write the questions with how much and how many, as in the example. But firstly we’ll recollect the rule:

We use how much with uncountable nouns, and how many with countable nouns. (slide16)


 9. Watching the video. 

T: I would like to show you a video about food verbs. After watching you’ll do the task. (slide 17)

T: So, look at the blackboard! You can see cards with words. Find the right word unstick them, read and translate. Do it quickly!


10. Vocabulary practice.


T.: Good job! Now I suggest you to revise some vocabulary. Your task is to continue the sentence. (slide 18)

02.jpg                                     05.jpg



















T.: Ok. It’s for the next exercise. Use four of the verbs and complete the recipe of the sandwich. (slide 19)




  • 2 slices of bread
  • 3 slices of cheese                
  • 2-3 slices of tomato
  • 1 egg
  • butter



 First, 1) ………….. the egg and slice it. Then, 2) ………… the bread, the cheese and the tomato. Take two slices of bread and 3) …… them with butter. 4) ……… the sandwich with the cheese, the egg and the tomato. Your sandwich is ready. Enjoy it!


11. Work in pairs/ Previously task

T.: Your previously task was to prepare the dialogue in pairs about food. Did you do it? Ok, let’s start. (slide 20)


 12. Playing games.

T: Good work. Let’s play game now. Look around! You can see the cards with the words. Stick them on the blackboard  and choose the right form: noun, verbs or adjectives. Let’s go! (slide 21)


 13. Project work.

T: Pupils, you should think about healthy and unhealthy food. There are two baskets on the table. You must divide all foods into healthy basket and unhealthy basket. I need 4 pupils.  (Doing the task) (slide 22)




III. Summarizing.



T.: Dear children, the time of our lesson is up. And now I’d like to return to the objectives of our lesson.  (slide 23)

  • use vocabulary about food
  • describe healthy and unhealthy food and drinks
  • write the recipe of a sandwich
  • identify countable and uncountable nouns

T.: Dear pupils, I’m satisfied with your work today. Let me see who were the best pupils at today’s lesson? Pupil 1 and Pupil 2, you were active and your marks are … and were the winner of our lesson today. Pupil 3, you were the winner of our competition but you made some mistakes. Please be more active and attentive.

So, your marks are ….


14. Home task.


T:  Your home task for the next lesson will be: (slide24)

  • to make up a story about eating habits in Ukraine
  • to do exercise 3 on page 70


Our lesson is over. Show your smiles an help yourself with sweets and biscuits! Good – bye! See you at the next lesson    (slide 25)





















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  1.  Irina
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Англійська мова (6-й рік навчання) 6 клас (Несвіт А.М.)
12 лютого 2018
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5.0 (1 відгук)
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