Вікторина "Do you know English"

Про матеріал
Конспект уроку - вікторини для зацікавлення учнів вивчати англійську мову, Метою уроку є узагальнення знань, умінь та навичок учнів з вивченого матеріалу, вдосконалення навичок читання, аудіювання та говоріння, розширення ерудиції та лінгвістичного кругозору учнів, виховання в учнів почуття відповідальності.
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Quiz “Do You Know English?”


Мета: узагальнити знання, уміння та навички учнів з вивченого матеріалу; вдосконалювати навички читання, аудіювання та говоріння; розширювати ерудицію учнів; розширювати лінгвістичний кругозір учнів; розвивати логічне мислення, пам'ять, увагу учнів; розвивати інтелектуальні здібності учнів; формувати позитивне ставлення до вивчення англійської мови; виховувати вміння працювати у групах; виховувати в учнів почуття відповідальності.

Обладнання: роздатковий матеріал, зірки, презентація, малюнки.



Teacher: Dear friends! I am glad to welcome you at the quiz “Do You Know English”. The rules of our quiz are very simple. There will be several tasks and for each correct answer the team will get a star. At the end of our intellectual quiz we shall count the stars and find out which team is the most active and friendly. By the way, don’t scream out. The team that screams out will lose the stars.

Let’s start our quiz. Here the three very strong teams are present: the first team, the second team and the third one.

Are you ready? Let’s begin our quiz. I wish you good luck!

Task 1. “Days of the Week”

T: Look at the blackboard! Here you can see letters, but they are mixed. Your task is to make the days of the week from these letters. The team will get one star for each word. You’ve got 5-7 minutes. Let’s go.



For this task team 1 has got … stars.


Task 2. “Family”

T: Look at the blackboard. The task for each team is to match words with their translations and uncode the word below.  The team will get one star for each correct letter. You’ve got three-four minutes.



Task 3. “Farm Animals”

T: Look at the cards. As you can see there are ten words on the topic “Farm Animals”. The task for each team is to find them in the grid. The team will get one star for each correct word. You’ve got ten minutes. Let’s go.




Task 4 .“Colours”

T: Look at the board. Your task is to colour the picture by number.



Task 5. “Say the correct answer”

T: Look at the blackboard! Here you can see some statements. The task for each team is to say the correct answer. There may be different questions, riddles, sums, etc. The team will get one star for each correct answer. If one team gives the incorrect answer, the other team may give the correct answer and get one extra star.

  1.                   At this lesson pupils read and write, speak English and sing songs. (English)
  2.                   Do the sum: five plus six is …. (Eleven)
  3.                   At this lesson pupils run, jump, play games. (Sport)
  4.                   It has four legs and a beautiful tail. It can run and jump. It lives in a house. It likes milk. It is a …. (Cat)
  5.                   Who works with children at school? (A teacher)
  6.                   At this lesson pupils sing songs. (Music)
  7.                   Do the sum: ten minus two is … (Eight)
  8.                   It is big and fat. It says moo. It is a …. (Cow)
  9.                   Do the sum: fifteen minus five is … (Ten)

T: This task was the last.  Now count your stars. Each captain says how many stars have you got? Let’s check your counting. Give your stars to other team and count stars again.

The winner of the today’s game is the team …

I think that friendship has won. Do you agree with me? Each child and teams had wonderful answers and played very well. Thank you for the work. Our competition is over and our winner today is team … Congratulations!!!

Thank you for attention. Good-bye.


12 листопада 2019
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