Вікторина “Earth Day”

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Quiz “Earth Day” . Вікторина до дня Землі на екологічну тему. 22 обширних питань, які допоможуть учням дізнатися багато цікавого та виявлять їх ерудованість.
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Quiz “Earth Day”





  1. How many trees you need to make 1 tonne of paper?
    1. 11
    2. 17
    3. 20
  2. How many days can you survive without water?
    1. 2
    2. 4
    3. 3
    4. 5
  3. What covers 1/3 of the land’s surface?
    1. Forests
    2. Deserts
    3. Grasslands
    4. Rivers
  4. Which of these materials cannot be recycled?
    1. Metals
    2. plastic bottles
    3. Paper
    4. Light bulbs
  5. What causes pollution?
    1. Animal
    2. Trees
    3. Plants
    4. Factories and cars
  6. Which of the following will help you to save water?
    1. Close taps
    2. Drink less water
    3. Take long showers
  7. Which is the most eco - friendly kind of transport?
    1. Car
    2. Bus
    3. Cycle
    4. Motocycle
  8. We use too much water at home and for farming. How much freshwater do we use for agriculture?
    1. 25%
    2. 30%
    3. 60%
    4. 70%
  9. Which day is Earth Day?
    1. March, 8
    2. February, 14
    3. January, 1
    4. April, 22
  10. What is the color of a polar bear’s skin?
    1. White
    2. Brown
    3. Black
  11. What percentage of trees had humans cut down?
    1. 17%
    2. 21%
    3. 38%
    4. 46%
  12. What harms forests the most?
    1. Animals
    2. Rubbish
    3. Fires
    4. birds
  13. Which of these can you not recycle?
    1. Glass
    2. Cans
    3. Pencils and pens
    4. Paper boxes
  14. This type of pollution stops people from seeing the stars and planets
    1. Light Pollution
    2. Water Pollutilon
    3. Air Pollution
  15. Humans.........rivers,lakes and oceans because they throw rubbish into them.
    1. pollute
    2. clean
    3. recycle
    4. cut down
  16. I   ....... TV before I go to bed. I always save energy.
    1. watch
    2. turn off
    3. use
    4. throw


  1. Car is polluting the air. We should use....... instead
    1. taxi
    2. junk food
    3. public transport
    4. plane
  2. What does this sign mean?
    1. Walk in circles
    2. Reduce, reuse, recycle
    3. Save the planet
    4. Green is my favorite color
  3. What does RECYCLING mean?
    1. throw away
    2. make new things out of old ones
    3. give things to other people
    4. using things again and again
  4. What does "reuse" mean?
    1. use less
    2. use more
    3. use again
    4. don't use
  5. Which animal has the largest brain?
    1. Whales
    2. Chimpanzee
    3. Elephant
  6. Which one is NOT an endangered animal?
    1. dolphin  
    2. b. Chicken  
    3. c. tiger   
    4. d. gorilla




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