Вікторина "Харчування і здоровий спосіб життя".

Про матеріал
Розробка інтелектуальної вікторини до уроку англійської мови, яку можна використати на підсумковому уроці з теми " Їжа і харчування." Креативна вікторина сприяє інтерактивному спілкуванню і інтегрованому навчанню. Суміжні дисципліни біологія, фізкультура.
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1 Should you follow a balanced diet?

A Sometimes.

B Always.*

C Never.

2 We need to maintain a balanced diet?

A Provide nutriens.

B  Perform at your best.

C Maintain good health.

D All above.*

3 What does a balanced diet provide us with?

A Food.

B Money.

C Essential nutriens.*

D A full stomach.

4 What is a balanced diet?

A Protein and carbohydrate heavy diet, reduced fats.

B 2 litres of water every day.

C 3 meals in a day.

D correct amount of carbohydrates, protein, fat, water, fibre,vitamins, minerals.*

5 What is a balanced diet?

A A diet that contains mostly fruit and vegetables.

B A diet where all the food weighs the same.*

C A diet where you have to balance on one foot at all times.

D A diet where there is the right balance of different foods.

6 Which of the following represents a balanced diet?

A Fat, proteins, vitamins.

B Fats, Carbohydrates, Vitamins, Minerals, Water.

C Water, Fibre.

D Water, Fibre, Vitamins, Fats Minerals, Protein, Carbohydrates.*

6 Fruits are not important part of a balanced diet.

A True.

B False.*

7 To have a balanced diet we must consume only fats.

A True.

B False.*

8 What percentage of carbohydrates should be in a balance diet?

A 15- 20%

B 55- 60%*

C 25- 30%

D 80%

9 Fish is a component of a balanced diet?

A Carbohydrates.

B Fibre.

C Fat.

D Protein.*

10 Would you say eating a lot of sugar is a balanced diet?

A True

B False.*

11 Why do people who participate in sport need fat in their life?

A Quick burst a lot of energy.

B Better for throwing.

C Slow release energy.*

D They don`t.

12 Balanced life style does not include

A Learning at school and pursuing your interests.

B Having time to relax and spend time with friends and relatives.

C Eating a range of healthy food and exercising every day.

D Getting 6 hours sleep every day*.

13 A balanced diet shouldn`t include a lot of vegetables, fruits.

A True.

B False.*

14 An example of a lifetime sport is

A Rugby.

B Tackle football.

C Tennis.*

D Gymnastics.

15 Name a role of sport

A Captain.

B First aider

C Organiser.*

D Water bay.

16 A well balanced diet includes a variety of food each day

A A sugar.

B Salt.

C Pepper.

D All of these.*

17 What sport is used..

A Body composition.

B Muscular strength.

C Speed.

D Muscular endurance.*

18 Why do we need carbohydrate in our diet?

A To build muscles.

B To maintain immune system.

C To aid digestion.

D to give energy.*

19 How do we lose weight through the diet?

A We work hard each training session.

B Our calories expenditure is more than our calorie in take.*

C Our calorie expenditure is equal to our calorie in take.

D Our calorie intake is higher than our calorie expenditure.

20 Why do we need iron in our diet?

 A To create blood cells which thefore helps O2 delivery*.

B To aid our immune system so we recover from illnesses quicker.

C To strengthen bones so they can with stand impact.

D Just because it`s in our dirt.







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Англійська мова (8-й рік навчання) 8 клас (Несвіт А.М.)
2 березня 2021
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