Вікторина на тему: "Have fun with English"

Про матеріал
Вікторина,яка допоможе дітям весело провести час в іншомовній атмосфері та згадати теми спорту,їжі,сім'ї,числівників,свят та традицій.Можна також провести у вигляді квесту.
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Have fun with English


1. Організаційний момент.

а) привітання;

Dear Friends! We are very glad to see you here. Glad to meet you, dear boys and girls. Today we are having a competition, an English quiz and each of you will take part in it as a member of one team or fans. We will not read texts or learn dialogues. We were busy doing all that at the previous lessons. Today we will play.

Today we are going to have a kind of intellectual game be­tween two teams of the 31st and the 34th groups. We hope it'll be rather interesting for you and you'll have a good time. So, be attentive, listen to all the questions and try to give, the right answers. We wish you good luck and hope for your active participation. And whatever team is the first, the main winner, of course, will be friendship. Yes, you'll have to work together to make the common decision and it's possible only when you are united, when you are real friends.


б) повідомлення правил гри;


в) представлення команд (коротке повідомлення про склад команди, її назву).


2. Основна частина гри.

2.1. Фонетична розминка. Вірші. “Rhymes”

As I have said today we have a competition. But first of all let me see how well you are ready for it. Are you good at rhymes?

Captains’ contest “Go on!”

It is called “Go on!” The task is to answer the questions at high speed. If you don’t know or don’t remember the answer, you should say “Go on!”, because your time is limited.


a) The questions to the first team


1 The day when sweethearts say beautiful and pleasant words to each other (St. Valentine’s Day)

2 The most important religious holiday (Easter)

3 during this holiday we honour the memory of those people who defeated our land against the fascists (Victory Day)

4 Where is the biggest Christmas Tree situated in London every year?

(Trafalgar Square)

5 When do English people celebrate Halloween?(on 31 of October)

6 This winter holiday is a favourite holiday for Ukrainian people, but it is not so popular in England (the New Year`s Day)

7 The day when the Ukrainians proclaimed their independence (The Day of Independence of Ukraine)

8 When did Ukrainian adopt the Declaration of State Sovereignty? ( in July, 1990)

9 Where does Santa Clause put the presents to the children in Great Britain? (the stockings)

10 When is Christmas celebrated in Great Britain?


b) The questions to the second team

          1 In this holiday ghosts and witches come out (Halloween)

2 Who is the patron of all sweethearts? (St. Valentine)

3 When was the independence of the USA declared? (On the 4th of July, 1776)

4 What is Easter connected with? (With the feast of Christ resurrection)

5 In what month do we celebrate Women’s Day? (March)

6 When do we celebrate Independent Day? (On the 24th of August, 1991)

          7 What are traditional dishes at Christmas dinner? (Stuffed turkey and Christmas pudding)

8 What do we celebrate on the 1st of September? (The day of knowledge)

9 Who comes together with Father Frost? (Snow Maiden)

10 What do the Ukrainians decorate before the New? (The New Year Tree)

3. Professions, professions…


Do you know these famous people and their professions? Teams answer in turn.


  1. Tchaikovsky was a … (composer)
  2. Charlie Chaplin was a … (actor)
  3. Lewis Carrol was a … (writer)
  4. Michelangelo was a … (artist)
  5. Gagarin was a … (spaceman)
  6. Archimedes was a … (scientist)
  7. Cleopatra was a … (Queen)
  8. George Washington was a … (President)
  9. The Beatles was a … (singers)
  10. Ivan IV (the Terrible) was a … (Tsar)

Guess from the picture what kind of sports is it?


  1. Basketball
  2. Rugby
  3. Soccer
  4. Climbing
  5. Cricket
  6. Badminton
  7. Climbing
  8. Hiking
  9. Bobsleigh
  10. Water polo
  11. Aerobics
  12. Figure skating
  13. Hockey
  14. Skiing
  15. Squash
  16. Darts
  17. Baseball
  18. Biathlon
  19. Swimming
  20. Tennis
  21. Golf
  22. Snowboarding
  23. Skateboarding
  24. Fencing
  25. Handball
  26. Wrestling
  27. Horse riding
  28. Cycling
  29. Rowing
  30. High jump


Task 4. Game “Pop-corn”.

Ok, I see, you are very good cooks. Now you’ll have another task – you must say, in what way we can cook. Be attentive, my dear friends!

Task 5. Speaking. Game “Ways of Cooking”

I like the way you are working. But don’t relax. I have one more task for you. In those boxes you have names of meals. You must choose one and decide, if this meal is healthy or unhealthy. Then you have to say what we should to eat to be healthy.

Task 6. Matching.











































Now it’s time to be very attentive, because I have one more task for you. You’ll listen to the text and find out, what ingredients will be used for cooking “Vegetable Soup”. Are you ready? You’ll listen this text only once.

Task 7. Listening. “Vegetable soup”

One Sunday Alex and his father decided to cook vegetable soup for lunch. Alex filled a large pot with water. He put it on the cooker. Alex`s father cleaned and chopped carrots, potatoes, tomatoes, and green beans.  Then father began to cut some meat into small chunks. He added all the vegetables and meat to the boiling water. When the soup was done cooking, Alex`s father poured it into plates.

Task 8. Writing.

Thank you so much for such nice recipes. Now I exactly know how to cook delicious sandwiches.





1 What is the different between the words “clock” and “watch”?


2 How many days do February in a leap year? (29)


3 How many deputies are there in the Supreme Rada? (450)


4 What are auxiliary verbs in Present Simple? (Do and does)


5 The sweetest ingredients which we put baking a cake? (Sugar)


А капітани команди перекладають слова за 1 хвилину


Школа     англійська    говорити     парта     свято     канікули

Шоколад   готувати    запах     пиріг     кухня    смачний    будинок    зелений чай     море    книга    переклад     люди    родичі     сім я     цукерки    овочі    друг    однокласник  вечеря     обід     напої    правильна їжа     вода    кімната    мити посуд     прати     пилососи ти   домашній улюбленець     клітка   допомога   кролик     ігра   запитання    дитина    дружна сім я        

  Активний    талановитий     столиця     країна    велике місто     містечко    традиції     обличчя     хоббі     вік      щасливий    здоровий   біг спорт     стрибки    читання    яблуко     помідор   тв програма    оповідання     гучна музика    початок      кінець  малюнок   ніжний дотик    китайські палички    парасолька    дощ      історія   день народження    подарунок     відповідь      святкування   світ    населення      територія      правила    вихідний     цікавість     прикрашати     ліс    підтримка

- Dear guests, while our jury will count the points let’s make up a funny story. (Додаток 4).

- Write on your paper:

  1.                             name
  2.                             number
  3.                             number
  4.                             colour
  5.                             colour
  6.                             number
  7.                             number
  8.                             animal
  9.                             name
  10.                          adjective
  11.                          colour
  12.                          food

My name is _1__. I am __2_years old, and I have been studying for___3_ years. I have __4_ hair and __5_ eyes. I weigh_6__ kilograms. I’m __7_ meters tall. I have one pet, a _8__. His name is __9__. He has __10__legs and __11___ hair. He loves to eat __12___. He always waits for me to come from college.

-загадки для глядачів



Animal Riddles:

What does a cat have that no other animal has?

- Kittens.


What has two heads, four eyes, six legs, and a tail?

- A cowboy riding his horse.


What always sleeps with its shoes on?

- A Horse.


What is as big as an elephant, but weighs nothing at all?

- The shadow of an elephant.


What two keys can't open any doors?

-         A Donkey, and a Monkey.


What is found over your head but under your hat?

(Your Hair)


Look at my face and you see somebody

Look at my back and you see nobody.

(A mirror)


We have legs but cannot walk.



What belongs to you, but is used more by your friends than by

you?–Your name.




8       завдання  загадки для учасників



This is a word which rhymes with cat,

It goes on your head because it's a HAT.


I'm useful for journeys when you're going far,

I need lots of petrol because I'm a CAR.


You'll find us near ponds or sitting on logs,

We jump and we croak because we are FROGS.

This is a word which rhymes with up.

You can drink out of me bcause I'm a CUP.


This is a word which rhymes with bake,

I'm nice to eat because I'm a CAKE.


This is a word which rhymes with spoon,

I shine at night because I'm the MOON.


A neverending circle, a bright shiny thing,

It's on my fourth finger because it's a RING.


The first round of our contest is called “How much do you know?” Your task is to read the sentences and decide if they are correct or incorrect.


1.     Nile is the longest river in the world.

2.     A desert is drier than a rainforest.

3.     The Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world.

4.      New York is colder than Florida.

5.     Geography is easier than maths.

6.     A dolphin is more intelligent than an elephant.

7.     Football is the most popular sport in the UK.

8.     July is hotter than April,

9.     Russia is the biggest country in the world.

10.                  The capital of Spain is Barcelona.


Answer: 1) +; 2) +: 3) +; 4) +; 5) +; 6) +; 7) +; 8) +; 9) +; 10) - .

The 3d game “What a great view!”

Now you are going to see 10 pictures of sights. All of them are either in the UK of in the USA.  Each of you has cards with flags of these countries, so while looking at these photos, you need to show the flag of the country this place is situated in. Judges with note your answers.


  1. the Reflecting Pool, Washington Monument and U.S. Capitol
  2. Houses of Parlament, UK
  3. U.S. Capitol
  4. Statue of Liberty
  5. Big Ben, double decker
  6. San-Francisco Golden Gate Bridge
  7. London`s Eye
  8. Hollywood
  9. Stonehenge
  10.  Tower Bridge



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