Вікторина "Про смаки не сперечаються"

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Даний матеріал може бути використаний на уроках англійської мови як завдання з читання під час вивчення теми «Їжа» або на позакласних заходах, де розглядаються традиції та звичаї харчування інших народів. Матеріал знайомить з країнами, які зазвичай не розглядаються на уроках англійської мови.

Перегляд файлу


“Tastes differ”

(Eating habits in different countries)


Даний матеріал може бути використаний на уроках англійської мови як завдання з читання під час вивчення теми «Їжа» або на позакласних заходах, де розглядаються традиції та звичаї харчування інших народів.

Презентація додається



активізувати і практикувати в мовленні учнів лексичний матеріал теми «Їжа»;  

розвивати навички усного мовлення і читання;

знайомити учнів з традиціями харчування інших народів і виховувати повагу до інших культур.


Вступне слово ведучого або ведучих:

          You know that tastes differ. It’s  true  when  we  speak  about table  manners  and  eating habits  in  different  countries. For example, in Britain, you mustn’t lift your soup plate to your mouth.  In Japan, however, lifting your plate to your mouse is a traditional way of drinking soup.

And in Japan you needn’t worry about making a noise when you drink it. It shows that you are enjoying the food. That’s not true in Britain.

          So, we know a lot about Great Britain, the USA, Canada and other English-speaking countries.

Today you’ll know more about eating habits in other lands.


Слово учителя:

We’ll make a virtual “travel” to such countries as Brazil, the Philippines and Finland. So, meet bright Brazil. It’s the largest state in Latin America, which occupies almost half of the continent. Brazil is a magical land. This is not only the country of carnivals, football and samba, it is also amazing nature, amazing waterfalls, and, of course, unique cuisine. So, let’s get acquainted!  


Матеріал для опрацювання


Whether at home or in a restaurant, Brazilians like eating with their friends and family. They never eat lunch at the office and they have dinner very late – at about ten o’clock at night.

Brazilians like small cups of strong coffee, at any time of the day. They don’t eat in the street or on the bus, and their never eat with their hands. They always use a knife and fork to eat, even for pizza or sandwiches. 


Слово учителя:

   And now not less exotic country is waiting for us. Sunny Philippines also have some eating peculiarities. Read about them. Pay attention to the word “snack” which means a kind of meal.


               The Philippines

Many Filipinos have three meals a day with two snacks in between. Rice is a part of every meal – they even make desserts with rice and coconut milk. Filipinos like eating soup, meat, vegetables and a lot of different sauces.

Families usually eat together and they like to invite people to eat with them. Filipinos eat with a fork and a spoon, or with their hands. It’s polite to leave a little food on the plate at the end of a meal.


Слово учителя: And now we travel to frosty Finland.

Pay attention to the word “stall” which means a place where you can see sausages.


There are a lot of different Finnish dishes, such as smoked fish and hot soups, but fast food such as pizza and sausages are also very popular. In the streets there are stalls which sell sausages, Finland’s favourite food.

During the week, most families don’t usually have dinner together. Sometimes at the weekends they eat with their friends. They cook meals together, or each person makes and brings a part of the meal.


Слово учителя:

Now let’s check how you have got the information. The first task is so-called “true-false quiz”.

True-False Quiz

1. Brazilians prefer eating with their friends and relatives. True

2. The people of Brazil like to eat lunch at their working place. False

3. They have dinner almost at night. True

4. Brazilians like big cups of strong coffee. False

5. They drink coffee during all day. True

6. Brazilians always eat with a knife and a fork, even pizza or sandwiches. True

7. They like to eat everywhere. False

8. Many Filipinos eat five times a day. True

9. A part of every meal in the Philippines is buckwheat. False

10. It isn’t polite to leave a little food on the plate at the end of a meal. False

11. Finns’ favourite food is sausages. True

12. In Finland people like to prepare meal together at the weekends. True


Слово учителя:

Our next task is called “Name the country”

In which country do they

          1) drink lots of coffee?     Brazil

2) like sausages? Finland

3) eat rice with every meal? The Philippines

          4) not eat in the street? Brazil


          5) usually eat dinner with their families?         Brazil

6) sometimes eat with their hands?  The Philippines

          7) never eat with their hands?            Brazil

8) cook dishes together at the weekends?  Finland

9) have two snacks between meals?  The Philippines

10) leave a little food on the plate?  The Philippines

          11) eat even sandwich with a fork?                 Brazil

          12) have dinner at ten o’clock at night?           Brazil




31 жовтня 2018
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