Вірш англійською мовою на тему "My preferences"

Про матеріал
Вірш "My preferences", написаний мною для кращого засвоєння лексичних одиниць здобувачів освіти при вивченні теми "Пори року"
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My preferences…

I like WINTER when it’s cold                         You and me are having fun

Waiting Christmas Time with frost                   When school year already done!

All in silver shining light                                   All the pupils having rest

Holly Night, amazing night.                              Wishing classmates all the best!

I like skiing down hills,                             I like looking in the sky

I like skating cross the lakes,                            Watching planes and their flight

Sledging in the parks around,                           And enjoying  landscape’s view

Making snowman on the ground,                     All my dreams are coming true.

Playing snowballs outside,                               I like swimming in the lake

Shoveling white snow in yard,                         Reading, drinking cold milkshake,

Feeling happy with my friends,                        I like lying on the beach

Squealing with all happiness.                          Sunbathing  and eating peach

I like when the SPRING is coming                 I like watching seagulls flying

Everything in bloom becoming                       I like wandering through woods

Streams and rivers water running                    Picking berries, my beloving,

Charming birds are home back flying.            Spending time in perfect mood!        

Picking snowdrops in the wood                       When last season, FALL, is coming

Recollecting from childhood                            In it’s beauty, georgeous look

Meeting people, having fun                              You can’t even  this  imagine…

Walking long time, breathe and  run.               Like a picture from the book:

I like SUMMER when it’s hot                         All the trees and plants and bushes

When we may get up or not                             Wear colourful  makeup

When warm breeze is lightly blowing             Picking mushrooms and last flowers

When all people something growing…           Leaves are rustling in the grass.

   As for me there is no season

                                             Which I don’t like myself

                                             That is why it’s splendid reason

                                             For  enjoying  each  of  them!


До підручника
Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
16 березня 2023
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