Vocabulary .Food . Лексика до теми "Хар чування"7 клас ,за підручником Карпюк.

Про матеріал
Food balanced diet, a source of nutrients, combination, Approach, junk food, fluid, fizzy drink, portion, fitness, paper towel holder, microwave oven, cutting board, ice maker, A set of knives, a pot, a food processor, a grater, a strainer, a wok
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balanced diet, a source  of nutrients, combination,


junk food, fluid,

fizzy drink, portion, fitness,

paper towel holder, microwave oven,  cutting board,

 ice maker,

A set of knives, a pot, a food processor,

a grater,

 a strainer,

a wok


To season,

to roast,

to baste,

Bread flour, cinnamon, margarine, treacle,


to offer, service,

value, extensive, takeaway box,

gourmet food, glazed ham, cold deli meats, shortbread,