Урок2 William Shakespeare

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William Shakespeare Урок2

План-конспект уроку розраховано на два урока.

Вивчення творчості англійських письменників.

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Topic: English writers. William Shakespeare is one of the world's greatest writers.


The play "King Lear".

Grammar: Revision. Adverb.


Урок 2

5. Перевірка домашнього завдання.


The home task for today is the play by W. Shakespeare "King Lear?" You've read,

translated and answered the questions in writing.


a) What are the main characters of the play?

Let's imagine that these people are here.

(6 pupils are at the blackboard, they take the cards with the names)

All the rest children must guess their names, asking them some questions.


(are you a man?

are you a woman?

are you young?

are you old?

are you rich?)

T: now, let's imagine that you are really the characters of the play. What can you tell us about yourself?

(Children's report)

T: Thanks a lot.

b) Answer my questions on the text?

  1.   How many daughters did king Lear have?
  2.   Who was his favorite child?
  3.   Did he divide his kingdom between three daughters?
  4.   Did Goneril and Regan love their father?
  5.   Why did Lear die?
  6.   Did you like the play?
  7.   Was it interesting?

c) Let's work with the text,
(p. 98-99)- Reading

  1. Find the place where the daughters say about love to their father.
  2. Describe the weather on the day when king Lear had no home and no daughters.
  3. Find the moment about the death of king Lear.

  1. What happened to Kent?
  2. Read the paragraph you liked best of all.

d) Match the characters with the actions.

On the blackboard.


1. Lear

a) advised Lear to go back to her sister;

2. Goneril

b) couldn't live without his master and died;

3. Regan

c) decided to divided his kingdom among three daughters.

4. Cordelia

d) tried to help the old king but he could only make jokes and sing songs.

5. Kent

e) came to Britain to help her father.

6. Fool

f) didn't want to have the old king near her.

(Keys: lc;2f;3a, 4e, 5b, 6d)

On the blackboard

e) Prove your answer.

The statements are on the text but they are not true. Correct them using "I Disagree;

it's not true, it's false.. .because..."

  1.   King Lear had two daughters.
  2.   Regan loved him more than anything in the world.
  3.   The old king divided his kingdom between all his daughters.
  4.   Cordelia became the wife of the German king
  5.   The fool's name was Kent.
  6.   Goneril wanted to have the old father near her.


Write the adjectives which you can use to say about the characters of the play.

Old, young, kind, mean, happy, unhappy, clever, wicked, lying, rative, wise, bad, brave, poor.

7. Grammar.

Let's take two of them and try to make up adverbs flow can we (from) make up these adverbs in the English language. Bad - Badly Happy - happily

8. Proverbs, saying

T: W. Shakespeare had a vocabulary of about 30.000 words. We admire Shakespeare for his rich language. Many phrases from his plays have become sayings, part of the everyday language of Englishman.

On The Blackboard

1. All's well that ends well.

2. A11 the world is a stage.

3. We know what we are, but know not what we may be.

Заключна частина уроку.

9. Домашнє завдання.

Т: Your home work is: To make up a plan to the play king Lear in writing

10.Підсумок уроку.

I hope you' we learned much interesting at the lesson. Thank you for taking active

part, you get the mark


6 січня 2020
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