Winter Riddles (загадки для дітей)

Про матеріал
Веселі загадки для учнів на зимову тематику. Можна використовувати в конкурсах та завданнях при підготовці до святкування зимових свят.
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Winter Riddles

  1. The old man who brings presents for children ( Father Frost)
  2. It is white, it is cold. We can skate on it. What is it? ( ice)
  3. It`s blue by night,

By day it is white.

It is cold and not dry,

It falls just from the sky. ( snow)

  1. What do  snowmen like to eat for breakfast? ( snowflakes)
  2. What do  snowmen like to eat for lunch? (iceburgers)
  3. What do you call a snowman in the summer? ( a puddle)
  4. What kind of ball doesn`t bounce? ( a snowball)
  5. White as a feather, cold as ice floe. (snow)
  6. Without hands, without a head

But it draws the windows. (frost)

  1.                    White carrot in winter grows? (icicle)
  2.                    What is this bird

         That is afraid of the Sun? (snowflake)

  1.                    Where snowmen keep their money? ( in a snowbank)
  2.                    What`s snowman`s favourite drink? (ice Cola)
  3.                    How do snowmen greet each other? (Ice to meet you)