Work in language camp. Go Camp Experience

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Мовний табір є важливим елементом у вивченні іноземної мови.В статті описано роботу мовного табору в Княгининівській спеціалізованій школі. В 2017 році у таборі працював волонтер Роберто Барчелос. В статті описано різні види діяльностей , які ми проводили з учнями у мовному таборі .

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C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\summer camp 2017\08.06.2017 Семінар іноземних мов\IMG_3863.JPGVolyn region

Khniagynynok specialized school

Teacher of English Tetiana Karpuk


Hello, dear colleges.

My name is Tetiana  Karpuk. I am teacher of English language in Khniagynynok specialized school, Volyn region. This year (2017) our school participated in project Go Camp, which is  directed  on pupils and teachers who want to experience something new in learning of foreign languages.

First of all, what is it Go camp?  Many volunteers   from different countries came to Ukraine to help our pupils learn foreign languages. I must say, this was the best motivation for our pupils to study.

D:\робота 20162017\summer camp 2017\opening summer camp2017\IMG_3241.JPGIn our school we were planning to have three week summer language camp and the most important task was to organize it interesting. But we were lucky: to us came  volunteers from Brazil  Roberto. His native Language is Portuguese but he spoke English fluently.   Our pupils were so enthusiastic to see him that prepared presentation and wrote greetings in his native language.

The ceremonial opening of summer camp in Khniagynynok specialized school was very bright. Each class prepared the presentations of the team , even small children sang English and danced. We gave the floor to our volunteer who wished all of us to learn English in summer camp playing and having fun. Also we had guests from Eastern Ukraine and from our partner school in Ivano-Frankivsk.

The first day with our volunteer was very interesting. First Roberto told us about his country, and city. All were interested if it is winter in Brazil, as we thought this country to be always warm. Our pupils asked about Brazilian cuisine, educational system in that country, climate and many other different questions. 

What I noticed, children were not afraid to speak.  Even those, who are  shy at the lesson   tried to say something.  After Roberto’s presentation we told about Ukraine.  It turned out that he knew a little about our country as he has Ukrainian friends.

D:\робота 20162017\summer camp 2017\session with Roberto\IMG_3080.JPGWe tried to have our sessions out as the weather was nice. Our first meeting was named: Stereotypes.  We spoke only English, fulfilled   different tasks, were grouped and regrouped many times, ran, jumped, learnt  English with fun.

D:\робота 20162017\summer camp 2017\museum in Rokyni\IMG_3439.JPGOur school is situated in western Ukraine. Our Volynian region is rich in beautiful nature, ancient places, castles and museums. So, one day we decided to learn English travelling and visited  museum in  village Rokyni. This session we named: We learn our native land. In Rokyni we saw many ancient houses, where lived our ancestors, we told Roberto about Ukrainian customs and traditions. We saw huge water-mill, which surprised our volunteer very much and spent time in that museum very fruitfully.

D:\робота 20162017\summer camp 2017\zoo\20170607_131714.jpgThe Day of Nature we spend in the Zoo. Together with Roberto we visited Lutsk Zoo. To tell the truth we liked it very much, being reconstructed it looks very nice. Many new specious of animals were brought to it. Observing different specious we were discussing them, tried to guess their natural habitat, country they came from. It turned out that animals which are exotic to us are domesticated in Roberto’s country. We have a lot of English that day and it was very good.

In class we discussed some burning questions concerning problem of endangered specious. Pupils suggested their ideas on the topic: how to save our nature and help animals which are in danger.

Most of all we liked the Day of Ukrainian Culture. First our volunteer told us what he had learned about Ukraine and its culture during this period.  We discussed some aspects of our traditions. But it was not everything, the rest of day we spent in Country Study Museum of Ukrainian Culture, which is situated in our village Khniagynynok.

D:\робота 20162017\summer camp 2017\visit of museum 13.06.17 in Kniagynynok\IMG_4439.JPGFirst we were told very interesting information about exhibits of that museum. It preserves tools used by our ancestors in different spheres of their life. After that we showed Roberto how to make the traditional symbol of Ukraine- Lalka- Motanka.











These three weeks of Go Camp with volunteer flew like one day. I mentioned only the brightest moments of our camp life and can definitely say that thanks to Go Camp and our volunteer Roberto the end of school year for us and our 10th formers was unforgettable.



До підручника
Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання, профільний рівень) 10 клас (Несвіт А.М.)
10 травня 2018
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