Writing.Term1. Prepare 7.

Про матеріал
Підсумкова робота для перевірки рівня навченості учнів з письма за перший семестр за підручником Джоана Коста " Prepare 7".
Перегляд файлу


1.            Choose the right word to complete the sentences.

My brother is really... . He always makes me laugh.

imageimageа) funnyб) lazy

в) popularг) healpful

2.            Choose the right word to complete the sentences.

Ann`s very ... now because she`s studying hard for his exams

image               а) polite                                                                                    image     б) quiet

в) friendly

3.            Choose the right word to complete the sentences.

We try to be ...when we visit our relatives because my aunt has got her birthday.

imageimageа) helpfulб) funny

в) quietг) kind

4.            Choose the correct answer.

What ...you... next month ? ( do)

image               а) is... doing                                                                           image     б) did... do

в) are ... doing

5.            Choose the correct answer.

I   don`t find this book is .... .

image               а) my                                                                                         image     б) mine

в) me

6.            Choose the correct answer.

She has got one brother and ......name`s Ben .

image              а) his                                                                                          image     б) him

в) he

7.            Choose the correct word .

Someone who stays in different hotels.

image               а) visitor                                                                                  image      б) guidebook

в) receptionist

8.            Choose the correct word .

There are a lot of trees in the... .

image               а) forest                                                                                    image     б) desert

в) volcano

9.            Choose the correct answer.

There are things in my bag that I... at the moment.

image               а) need                                                                                     image     б) needs

в) am needing

10.        Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

We are ... on a bus at five o`clock today.

image               а) get on                                                                                  image      б) getting on

в) geting on

11.        Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

I   am not .... ... waterskiing, Dan.

image               а) prefer to                                                                             image      б) interesting in

в) interested in

12.        Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

My family and I ... ... around Ukraine by car this month

image                а) am travelling                                                                   image       б) are travelling

в) travel

Ключ до тесту

1. а (1 балів)

2. б (1 балів)

3. а (1 балів)

4. в (1 балів)

5. б (1 балів)

6. а (1 балів)

7. а (1 балів)

8. а (1 балів)

9. а (1 балів)

10. б (1 балів)

11. в (1 балів)

12. б (1 балів)


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