Заняття з іноземної мови (за професійним спрямуванням) на тему: "Crime Prevention. Шляхи попередження злочинів"

Про матеріал
Мета заняття: Поглиблювати навички та уміння володіння лексикою теми. Вдосконалювати мовленнєві навички студентів. Організувати спілкування за темою «Crime Prevention». Вчити надавати поради. Розвивати навички техніки читання, аудіювання, говоріння та писемного мовлення, комунікативні навички та творчі здібності студентів. Залучати їх до інтерактивних форм роботи на занятті: роботи в парах, малих групах. Виховувати у студентів інтерес до розширення своїх знань, позитивне ставлення до вивчення англійської мови як до мови, знання якої стане необхідним у роботі юриста.
Перегляд файлу

Заняття з іноземної мови за професійним спрямуванням для студентів сп. «Право»                                         




Л. В. Дрижай, викладач іноземної мови КВНЗ КОР «Богуславський гуманітарний коледж імені І.С. Нечуя-Левицького», викладач вищої кваліфікаційної категорії.


Тема: Crime Prevention. Шляхи попередження злочинів.

Мета: Поглиблювати навички та уміння володіння лексикою теми. Вдосконалювати мовленнєві навички студентів. Організувати спілкування за темою «Crime Prevention». Вчити надавати поради.  Розвивати навички техніки читання, аудіювання, говоріння та писемного мовлення, комунікативні навички та творчі здібності студентів. Залучати їх до інтерактивних форм роботи на занятті: роботи в парах, малих групах. Виховувати у студентів інтерес до розширення своїх знань, позитивне  ставлення до вивчення англійської мови як до мови, знання якої стане необхідним у роботі юриста.

Вид заняття: формування умінь і навичок.

Обладнання: Іноземна мова за професійним спрямуванням. Навчальний посібник для студентів спеціальності 0.51 Право Частина I, c. 109-114;  мультимедійна презентація «Crimes and Criminals. Crime Prevention»; текст для аудіювання, текст-діалог, дидактичний матеріал.

Хід заняття

I. Початок заняття.

1. Організація групи до проведення заняття.

    Повідомлення теми та мети заняття.

T: Good morning, dear students. I expect you are well and ready to work hard. Today we still continue talking about crimes. But the aim of our lesson is to learn how to teach people to avoid crime and how to prevent crime itself. The topic is urgent and very useful to discuss because of the rise in crime.

2. Уведення в мовленнєве середовище.

Т: To begin with, I’d like you to look here and organize the given words in the box into three groups: crimes, people and places.

Who is ready now? Who wants to start?

murder     burglar     manslaughter     thief     cell     prison     criminal

judge     barrister     court     prisoner     robbery     jury     shoplifting

shoplifter    shoplift     murderer     lawyer









II. Основна частина.

3. Тренування у вживанні лексики теми.

     Language Development Activities

Activity 1. Work in Pairs. Respond to these statements or questions confirming the crime in each one. Use the words from the box.

charged with theft,  burglary,  with manslaughter,  manslaughter,  charged with shoplifting, with murder


1. A: He broke into a house, didn’t he?

    B: Yes, he’s been charged with … .

2. A: He killed his wife, didn’t he?

     B: Yes, he’s been charged  … .

3. A: She stole  jewellery from that department store, didn’t she?

     B: Yes, and she’s been … .

  1. A: The man on the motorbike  didn’t ean to kill the boy?

B: No, but he’s been charged  … .

      5.  A: He took the money from her bag, didn’t he?

B: Yes, but they caught him  and he’s been  … .


4. Activity 2. Match the crimes to their definitions.

T: It’s a pity but this is not the complete list of crimes you have just talked about. There are much more crimes in the world and you know it into Ukrainian. Let’s try to talk about them into English when doing our following activity.

You are to match the crimes to their definitions.

But first look through the list of crimes first and call the new words in the list.

Open your vocabularies and write them down:



підробка документів, підписів



шахрайство, обман















a) to kill someone by intention


drug dealing


b) the crime of deceiving somebody to get money




c) the use of a violent action for political reasons




d) general word for stealing




e) taking things into or out of the country illegally




f) selling illegal drugs




g) to steal from shops




h) break into a shop/house and steal things




i) making a copy of something to deceive people




j) to steal from people or places




k) catching somebody and keeping them prisoner to get money, agreement to political demand


  1. Activity 3. T: Look at the screen and let’s do a very interesting task.

 Take turns to read the list of offences and decide which are major and which are minor. Then look at the forms of punishment and decide which is appropriate for each offence. Make up sentences as in the example.





stealing sweets




making noise late at night




being on a bus without a ticket




toxic waste pollution


writing graffiti on a public building


violent behavior in a football stadium


stealing a car





  • to be sentenced to life imprisonment
  • to be sent to prison
  • to be fined a large / small amount of money
  • to be given a suspended sentence
  • to do community service
  • to be given a warning

Example:  Murder is a major offence. I think that someone who committed it should be sentenced to life imprisonment.

6. Listening. Аудіювання тексту.

Предявлення тексту для аудіювання.

T: We are going to listen to Chief Inspector Ronald Lewis advising people on how to protect themselves from certain types of crime and fill in the table below.

Listen again and give a short talk on the topic.


  • teach children not to talk to …
  • if approached by strangers, they should go to  the nearest … place
  • if you can afford it hire a …

Car theft

  • fit an … system
  • park  in an attended … …


6. Тренування у спілкуванні.

Т: Read this short story, then present  your response to the questions below, based on your knowledge of the law in your country.

Two fifteen-year-old boys broke into a house in the middle of the day when the owner was out, and took money and jewellery worth about $900. The owner reported the crime to the police when she returned home at 6 p.m.

  1.     Will the police investigate this crime?
  2.     How will they investigate? What will they do?
  3. Do you think the police will catch the two boys?
  4.     If they do, what crime will they be charged with?
  5.     Can the boys be sent to prison?
  6. What do you think the sentence would be?
  7.     Do you think this is the correct sentence?

Group Work. You are three groups representing the Police, the Cоurt and the Juvenile Prevention. Share your experience you’ve got when dealing with the crime.

8. Контроль домашнього завдання.

T: Your homework for today was to complete the sentences and to solve the problem :

 What can governments do to fight crime?

T: So, let’s present it.

1. Police carry … .

2. Police are allowed to stop anyone in the street and … .

3. The courts give … … for crimes committed than in the past (bigger fines or longer prison sentences).

4. There is a … … for some crimes.


9. Reading Activity.

Read the dialogue and translate it. Then fill in the table and get ready to give some tips for individuals on how to prevent crimes.

 T: You are going to read a very interesting and useful talk. This is Crime Prevention Officer who is giving you some pieces of advice on how to prevent crimes.

Pre- Reading Activity: learning new words

Officer: Good afternoon and thank you for inviting me to talk to you here. There are a lot of burglaries every day and we advise everyone to take a few simple precautions to protect their homes. I can assure you that burglars prefer easy opportunities, like a house which looks empty, rather than a well-protected one.

S1: What can you do to protect your home from burglary?

Officer: First, avoid leaving signs that your house is empty. When you have to go out, leave at least one light on or the radio playing. Don’t leave any curtains wide open. Never leave a spare key in a convenient hiding place for example under a doormat or in a flower-pot.

If the burglar decides to break into your house in spite of the aforementioned precautions, you should remember about your windows. They are usually the point of entry for many burglars. Make sure that you double-check before you go to bed and that all the windows are locked. No matter how small your windows may be. You’d be surprised at the tiniest windows a determined burglar can manage to get through.

 Finally – the doors. Remember that not all the burglars break the door and enter the house. They can just knock and be invited in. So fit a chain and an eye hole. Use security locks. And install a burglar alarm as a final defence against burglars. If in the middle of the night you are woken up by body entering your house, don’t approach him – phone the police and wait for help.

S2: What other useful tips can you give so that we all could feel safe from crimes?

Officer: Don’t walk along dark streets late in the night on your own. Lock all doors and windows when you go out.

Don’t wear expensive jewellery.

Make sure your money is safe, e.g. wear a money belt.

Keep money and valuables in a safe. It’s a good idea to take photos of your valuable possessions. By doing that, if you’re burgled, you’ll be able to identify stolen property, which could lead to the thief being put behind bars.

 It is also possible to label valuable item such as TVs, with your postcode. If they are stolen, this will make them easier to find.

One more good idea is to ask for a crime prevention officer to visit your home and identify weak points in its security.

What can individuals do to prevent crimes?








Avoid leaving signs that your house is empty.



10. Post Reading Activity. Speaking. Практика в мовленні.

Т: Pretend you are a Crime Prevention Officer. Give some tips for individuals on how to prevent crimes. Write a corresponding leaflet.


III.Заключна частина заняття.

  1. Підведення підсумків заняття.

T: Our lesson is coming to an end. What a conclusion have you come to?

Are you ready to prevent crime? Would you like to be Crime Prevention Officer? Were our activities at the lesson useful and important?

  1. Домашнє завдання.

Pretend you are Crime Prevention Officer. Give some tips for individuals on how to prevent crimes. Write a corresponding leaflet.






Дрижай Людмила
28 лютого 2019
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