завдання для семестрової контрольної роботи з аудіювання

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Завдання для проведення семестрового контролю складено на основі програми ( тема " Спорт") , розроблено з урахуванням рівня навченості, що дозволяє реалізувати диференційований підхід до навчання.
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Завдання для семестрової контрольної роботи з аудіювання

 (7 клас, ІІ семестр)


Control Listening 7th form



Empire - імперія

Amateur – аматор, самоучка

To hurt – завдавати болю


 Cricket is an English game. It is a difficult game and is loved by mane people, but others are bored by it. Some games go on for five days. It is played in many countries which were once a part of the British Empire, but nowhere else.

There are amateur cricket clubs all over England, but there is a big difference between an amateur cricketer and a professional one. The amateur cricketer cannot get money for the game (he is not paid). The professional cricketer has a higher level. He has to learn many kinds of skills. He has to be an athlete, to run fast, jump and turn like a gymnast. He must be patient, and must not let the other players be dishonest with him.

Above all, he has to be very brave. This is what one professional cricketer said after being hit on the head with a ball, “Cricket is hard, it hurts, It takes a special sort of person to be good at it. But we don’t want the danger to be taken out of the game.” You should know – it took him eight month to recover after it)









Variant I

Task I . Mark if the sentence is TRUE/FALSE

  1. Cricket is a traditional English game.
  2. You cannot find the difference between the amateur and professional cricket player.
  3. Amateur cricket player gets money for the game.
  4. Cricket player must not run fast.
  5. Cricket players must not allow the other players to be dishonest with him.
  6. Cricket is rather dangerous game.


Task II. Сhoose the right variant

  1. Some games of cricket last … days.
  1. five      b) nine       c) eight days
  1. There are cricket clubs all over …
  1.  the USA     b)  the British Empire      c) England
  1. … has a higher level.
  1. Cricket club    b) Amateur player     c) Professional player
  1. Cricket player should be ….
  1. dangerous      b) patient       c) bored
  1. Cricket players want the game to be….
  1. easy       b) patient       c) dangerous
  1. One player got well … after being hit on the head.
  1. in five month       b) in eight months      c) eight days













Variant II

Task I . Mark if the sentence is TRUE/FALSE

  1. Cricket is played all around the world.
  2. There is a difference between the professional and amateur cricket game.
  3. Professional cricket player does not get money for the game.
  4. Cricket player should be like an athlete.
  5. Cricket players must not allow the other players to be dishonest with him.
  6. Cricket is easy game to play.


Task II. Сhoose the right variant

  1. Some games of cricket last … days.
  1. eight      b) nine       c) five
  1. There are cricket clubs all over … .

a) England    b) the British Empire      c) the USA 

  1. … has a higher level.
  1. Cricket club    b) Professional player  c) Amateur player 
  1. Cricket player should be ….
  1. dangerous      b) bored  c)    patient
  1. Cricket players want the game to be….
  1. easy       b) patient       c) dangerous
  1. One player got well … after being hit on the head.
  1. in five month       b) in eight months      c) eight days



Середня оцінка розробки
Оригінальність викладу
Відповідність темі
Всього відгуків: 2
Оцінки та відгуки
  1. Мороз Альона Юріївна
    Оригінальність викладу
    Відповідність темі
  2. Люшин Інна Леонідівна
    Оригінальність викладу
    Відповідність темі
До підручника
Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
7 травня 2020
Оцінка розробки
5.0 (2 відгука)
Безкоштовний сертифікат
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