Завдання до тексту домашнього читання "Nellie Bly"

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Матеріали до тексту домашнього читання "Nellie Bly" допоможуть учителю перевірити, як діти зрозуміли прочитаний вдома текст
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Nellie Bly

  1. Match

1) to make a living                     a) бути проти

2) to be against                           b) здаватися неможливим

3) to be upset                              c) піднятися на борт корабля

4) to pretend to be smb else       d) заробляти на життя

5) to sound impossible               e) прикидатися іншою людиною

6) to board a steamship              f) бути засмученим

II. Put + or –

  1. People liked that women started looking for work outside the home.
  2. The editor liked the letter by E. Cochrane.
  3. The letter was written by a woman.
  4. Elizabeth needed a job.
  5. Her family wanted her to be a reporter.
  6. The editor gave Elizabeth a job at once.

III. Complete the sentences

  1. Elizabeth began to write …stories.

a) exciting      b) long      c)entertaining

2. Nelly wrote about… people.

a) famous            b) rich                      c)poor

3. Nelly’s stories…

a) amused people                   b) helped people                    c) made people think

4. …gave her money for the trip

a) Joseph Pulitzer            b) Jules Verne         c) the readers of the magazine

5. Elizabeth’s stories about her trip were published…

a) in her book                    b) in Jules Verne’s novel              c)in the magazine “World”

6. Elizabeth

a)didn’t manage to go around the world             b) went around the world faster than anyone

c)went around the world in 80 days

IV. Answer the question

What is Nelly famous for?


До підручника
Англійська мова (8-й рік навчання) 8 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
28 жовтня 2019
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