Завдання до теми Food з англійської мови

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Тест по английскому на словарный запас по теме "Food, cocking and restaurant"разработан в соответствии с основными требованиями подготовки учащихся.

Перегляд файлу

To stew


To roast

 смажити (в духовці).

To broil or grill

 смажити (на вогні).

To fry

 смажити (на сковорідці).



Potato chips

 картопляні чіпси.

Mashed potatoes = potato mash

 картопляне пюре.


 тушковане мясо.

To mash



 гарнір. (The word “vegetables” may denote peas or even rice)

Well done

 добре підсмажений.




 дуже засмажений.
















1. Find an extra word.

- Roast, stew, boil, pan

- Salt, sugar, pepper, salty

- Salty, spicy, tasty, sweet

- Bake, sweet, salty, spicy.

2. Match the 2 columns.











At a Restaurant

W a i t r e s s. Good morning! Table for three?

M r. S m i t h. Y es, please.

W a i t r e s s. This way, please!

M r. W h a t e. Show us the menu, please.

W a i t r e s s. Here you are, Sir. What kind of soup would you like?

M r s. B l a c k. A clear soup for us.

M r. S m i t h. Any thick soup for me and for the other gentleman, too.

M r. W h a t e. And may I have a steak, please?

W a i t r e s s. What kind of meat: pork, mutton, or beef?

M r. W h a t e. A beefsteak, please.

W a i t r e s s. How do you like steaks?

M r s. B l a c k. I like mine rare (недосмажений).

M r. W h a t e. Make mine medium.

W a i t r e s s. And you, Sir? I would recommend fish.

M r. S m i t h. No, thank you. My favourite dish is chicken.

W a i t r e s s. Any vegetables? We’ve got cabbage, potatoes and carrots.

M r s. B l a c k. I think I’ll have some cabbage.

W a i t r e s s. And for dessert - some cakes?

M r. W h a t e. I’m fond of ice-cream.

M r. S m i t h. Three ice-cream, please!

M r s. B l a c k. Thank you so much! I’ve enjoyed the dinner very much. Everything

was delicious.

M r. S m i t h. Waitress, the bill, please!





We all prefer home-made food for breakfast, lunch and dinner, so we like to have our meals at home. But when we are at work, have no time or don’t want to cook we usually go to the cafes or fast food restaurants to have our lunch or dinner there. If we are very busy to have a quick sandwich with coke, tea or coffee in a café, we may take food away to have it later in an office, at home or in a car. We use spoons and forks at home but very seldom knives. At restaurant we must remember about table manners, use knives and napkins, keep our elbows off the table. Food in restaurants is for all tastes^ sandwiches with beef, ham or chicken, fried potatoes and cucumbers, cabbage and carrots. For dessert we can have ice-cream with fruit like bananas, apricots or oranges.

1) True or False.

a) When we have no time we usually go to cafes and restaurants.

b) If we are busy we have our meals at home.

c) We often use knives when we have our meals at home.

d) We must remember about table manners when we are in a restaurant.

e) For dessert you may have ham or chicken.

f) Food in restaurants is for all tastes.

g) We prefer home-made food.

2) Answer the questions.

1) Do we all prefer home-made food?

2) Where do we go when we have no time to have our meals at home?

3) What do we do when we are in a hurry and have no time to have your meal in a restaurant?

4) What must we remember about when we come to a restaurant?

5) What fruit do we eat for dessert?


 Choose the words from the box to complete the sentences.











1__________ meals can vary from cereal and milk to eggs and pancakes.

2) __________ tends to be a lighter meal - a sandwich, yogurt or a light entrée.

3) _________ includes a main course of meat accompanied by side dishes.

4) ________ , a common Sunday meal is really a combination of breakfast and lunch.

5) Some American-style restaurants have a typical ________

6) ____________ are French onion, chicken, vegetable, and soup of the day.

7) _________ are regular, Greek, chef.

8) _____________ are steak, fried chicken, fish, pasta, hamburgers and pizza.

9) ____________ are combinations of ham served between two slices of bread.







17 березня 2018
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