Завдання до теми "Sport"

Про матеріал
Англійська мова, матеріали до уроків. У цьому документі ви знайдете перелік інтерактивних завдань до теми "Sport", які можна використати на занятті з описом.
Перегляд файлу


Task 1 Brainstorming:

Teacher writes the word "sports" on the blackboard and asks students to name as many sports as possible, then students name the equipment that is used in these sports.

Task 2

Teacher divides her/his students into two teams. Teacher shows a card with a sport and teams try to write e as many words related to that sport as they can as quickly as possible.

Task 3

Teacher asks students to talk about their favorite sports. They should use the vocabulary and phrases from previous task. Also, they can use such phrases as: «I like/ hate/ don`t like/ enjoy, mu favorite sport is/ isn`t … because»

Task 4

Teacher asks students to write a short paragraph about their favorite sport.

Task 5

Students create a sports poster about their favourite sport (they should name the sport, write representatives, equipment, country in which it is popular)

Task 6 Guess game

   Students mimic different sports actions and other students have to guess the sport.


   One student draws a simple picture of someone playing a sport and other students have to guess the sport.

Task 7  Role-play

Students create conversation between a coach and a player or interviewer and sport star. They present their dialogue to the class.

Task 8 Sports Debate

Students are divided into 3 groups. Their task is to debate topics such as "Which sport is the most interesting- difficult – easy-to learn ?"


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