Завдання на олімпіаду з англійської мови для 8 класу

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Завдання для учнів восьмого класу з англійської мови для підготовки на олімпіаду. Reading. Робота з текстом "The stronger man" із завданнями до нього.
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8th FORM                                       Reading

The stronger man

Many, many years ago there was a man in England who was very strong. Everyone knew him. He often said, "If I ever meet anyone who is stronger than I am, I'm going to give him all the money in my purse."

One day as he was riding somewhere, his horse lost a shoe.

When the man came to the nearest town, he asked for someone who could shoe his horse.

The Smith in that town was very strong, too. The man told the Smith to bring him some of the best horseshoes he had.

When the Smith brought him some horseshoes, the strong man looked at them, took one of them and said, "This is a bad shoe. It's no good for my horse. Haven't you got anything better? Look!" And he took it in his strong hands and broke it easily. The Smith looked at him, but said nothing. Then he brought another horseshoe. The man took it and broke it as easily as the first one. The Smith brought him a third one. The strong man broke it too and then said, "I see that you haven't got any good horseshoes. Don't you see that I need something really good for my horse? Bring me one more and I'll go." The Smith brought a fourth shoe and the strong man gave him some coins.

The Smith looked at the coins, took one and said, "This is a bad coin. Haven't you got anything better? Look!" He took the coin between his fingers and broke it into two. It was now the strong man's turn to be surprised. He didn't say anything, but gave the Smith another coin. The Smith broke it, too. The man gave him a third coin. The Smith broke it like the first two and said, "I see that you haven't got any good coins. Don't you see that I need some really good ones? So give me one more and we'll be quits."

The strong man looked at him and said, "I've promised to give my purse to anyone I meet, who is stronger than I am. Here it is. Take it! It's yours now."


purse — гаманець

shoe (тут) — підкова, підковувати

smith — коваль

be quits — розрахуватися (з кимось)

Завдання 1.  Directions:  Statements 1 through 10 (decide if the statements are True or False):

  1. Once upon a time there was a man who was very strong.
  2. When he was riding somewhere he lost his shoe.
  3. In the nearest town the man asked to sell him a horse.
  4. The strong man took the first horseshoe and broke it easily.
  5. The man couldn’t broke the second horseshoe.
  6. The man liked the fourth horseshoe and bought it.
  7. The strong man gave him a coin.
  8. The Smith took the coin and broke it into two.
  9. The strong man became very angry.
  10. The strong man gave to the smith his purse.




Завдання  Directions:  Statements 11 through 21


   11.There was a man in England

       a)   who was very strong.

  1. who was very brave.
  2. who was very clever.

   12. As the strong man was riding somewhere one day

        a)  he lost his shoe.

        b)  his horse lost a shoe.

              c)  his horse lost his shoes.

   13. When the man came to the nearest town

        a)  He asked for someone who could shoe his horse.

        b)  He asked for someone who could buy his horse.

        c)  He asked for someone who could sell him a shoe.

   14.When the strong man looked at the horseshoes the Smith brought him,

        a) he took one of them and threw it away.

        b) he took one of them and asked the smith to shoe his horse.

        c)  he took one of them and broke it.

     15.  When the strong man broke the shoe,

        a) the Smith got angry.

        b) the Smith said nothing.

        c) the Smith started fighting with the man

       16. The strong man broke

        a) all the shoes the Smith brought.

        b) two shoes.

        c) three shoes.

17.   When the man gave the Smith a coin,

        a) the Smith broke it into two.

        b) the Smith asked for another one.

        c) the Smith threw it away.

18.   The Smith broke

          a) as many coins as the man had broken horseshoes.

          b) more coins than the man had broken horseshoes.

          c) fewer coins than the man had broken horseshoes.

19.  When the man saw that the Smith had broken his coin,

           a) he was angry.

           b) he was surprised.

           c)  he was glad.

20.   The strong man looked at the smith and

           a)  gave his purse to him.

           b)  began to cry.

           c)  went away.


Writing Comprehension Test.

Directions: In this Test you will select from the three tasks written on the board one which you feel you are most capable to write about. You will then begin writing your essay.

1. What is your idea of a good family?

2. My experience in learning English

3. If you want to enjoy life, find interesting ways to entertain yourself.

21 квітня 2020
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