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One day a party of Americans were having dinner at the Ritz Hotel in London. When, fish was served, some of them began telling interesting stories about finding jewels inside fish.
An old man who had been quietly listening all the time and saying very little at last remarked: “I have heard all your stories, now I shall tell you one”.
   “When I was young”, he went on, “I worked for a big firm in New York, and as it always happens to young men, I fell in love with a girl and very soon became engaged.
   About two months before our marriage I was suddenly sent to England on business. Because I had a lot of business there, I stayed in England somewhat longer than I had expected. It was very strange, but I hadn’t got a single letter from my girl, all this time. But just before going home, I bought a beautiful diamond ring, intending to give it to the girl I was going to marry. One morning, on board the liner crossing the Atlantic I was looking through an American news­paper, which somebody had given me, and saw an announcement of the girl’s marriage to another man. I got so angry that I threw the ring overboard.
   A few years later I was having dinner at a restaurant in New York. Fish was served, and while eating it, I felt something hard between my teeth, and what do you think it was?”
   “The diamond!” exclaimed several of the Americans.
   “No”, said the old man, “it was a fish bone”.
to intend = to be going to – збиратися
an announcement – оголошення
a marriage – одруження
a bone – кістка

Choose the correct answer to the question
1. Where were the Americans having dinner one day?
a) on board a ship;   b) at a hotel;        c) at a party;        d) in a cafe.
2. What the Americans were doing, when fish was served?
a) drinking tea;                                 c) reading a newspaper;
b) telling interesting stories;            d) watching TV.
3. Who had been quietly listening all the time and saying very little?
a) a young man;   b) a married man;    c) an old man;  d) a man in a hat.
4. What did the men hope to find in the fish?
a) a watch;          b) a ring;                c) some money;    d) a diamond.
5. Where the man was suddenly sent?
a) to America;   b) to New Zealand; c) to Australia; d) to England
6. What did the young man buy for his girl?
a) a dress;           b) a fur coat;       c) a gold watch;   d) a diamond ring.
7. Why didn’t the girl answer his letters?
a)    she was very ill;                  c) she wanted to marry another man;
b)   she wanted to join him;        d) she was angry with him.
8. How did the man react to the news in the newspaper?
a)    he was very happy;              c) he was very angry;
b)   he was very lonely;              d) he was very unhappy.
9. What did the man do with his present?
a)   he gave it to another girl;     c) he sold it;
b)   he threw it into the sea;        d) he lost it.
10. What did the man order for dinner in New York?
a) soup;          b) pudding;               c) meat;                  d) fish.
11. What did the man feel hard in his mouth?
a) a fruit stone;      b) a fish bone;       c) an egg shell;    d) a diamond ring.


23 березня 2020
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