"Збереження флори і фауни" (матеріал до уроку)

Про матеріал

Методична розробка підготовлена згідно з навчальною програмою з предмету «Іноземна мова» і містить у собі методику проведення практичного заняття за темою «Збереження флори і фауни» для студентів вищих навчальних закладів системи підготовки молодших спеціалістів.

Перегляд файлу

Додаток Б

Exercises in listening:

Date_____________________                                               Student_________________

The Frozen Seas


  1. polar bear
  1. тюлень
  1. arctic fox
  1. кіт
  1. seal
  1. гренландський кіт
  1. walrus
  1. дитинча
  1. whale
  1. білий ведмідь
  1. beluga
  1. морж
  1. cub
  1. песець
  1. bowhead
  1. білуга



behaviour                                    tiny                                         polynians

worlds                                         condition                                comparatively

shifting                                        movements                            nasal

whether                                       predators                                caves

challenge                                     huge                                       extraordinary

current                                          hunter                                     surface

salt                                               presence                                 smell

patches                                         trapped                                   males

inflicted                                        walruses                                 reach


  1. Frozen seas are _______________ under themselves.
  2. For most animals _______________ they live in or out of water the winters, when much of the sea is frozen, brings the greatest _______________.
  3. And when the _______________ of the sea between continents freezes from shore to shore land _______________ walk out to hunt.
  4. But there are _______________ of open water (_______________) that never freeze over.
  5. _______________ spend winter in polynians.
  6. Here the _______________is very fast and the _______________ ice is dangerous.
  7. Elsewhere other whales have also been _______________, these are _______________.
  8. Their _______________ hole in the ice is being kept open not by current but by the belugas’ continuous _______________.
  9. But their wounds were not _______________ by the ice.
  10. A whale will be a _______________ prize for any meat-eating _______________ and these belugas, trapped by the ice, are within _______________ of polar bears.
  11. Keeping its fur in good _______________ and free from _______________ is important for warmth.
  12. The _______________ of bears affects the _______________ of almost all the animals here, big and small.
  13. This impressive _______________ display is used to warn away other ________________.
  14. Seals are _______________ small so they can give birth to their cubs in little _______________.
  15. Bears have an _______________ sensitive sense of _______________.




  1. What is winter for most Arctic animals?
  2. How do belugas manage to breath during winter time?
  3. How do walruses survive in winter?
  4. How does polar bear looks after his fur and why is it so important?
  5. How does female bear feed her cub?
18 лютого 2018
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