Збірник інтерактивних ігор " Interactive games" для проведення позакласної роботи з вивчення іноземної мови

Про матеріал
Використання гри під час навчання іноземної мови сприяє мимовільному запам'ятовуванню мовного матеріалу й формуванню міцних навичок усного мовлення. Вона, з одного боку, сприяє активізації емоцій та емоційної пам'яті, з іншого – містить необхідні для навчання одиниці монологічного та діалогічного мовлення. Рольова гра, просто гра або ігрова ситуація – це надзвичайно цінний метод навчання іноземної мови, оскільки стимулює процес мислення і спонукає до творчості, допомагає учням розкривати та застосовувати на практиці мовленнєві вміння, формує мотивацію до навчання. Така методика підвищує інтерес учнів до вивчення іноземної мови, а головне – робить їх навчання цікавим, змістовних і творчим. Граючись, діти можуть і говорити, і бачити, і виконувати різні дії одночасно, що свідчить про ефективність застосування цього прийому під час навчання на уроці та в позашкільний час. Пропоную збірку рухливих ігор, які можна використовувати на уроці, у мовленнєвих гуртках, у профільних таборах.
Перегляд файлу


Використання гри під час навчання іноземної мови сприяє мимовільному запам'ятовуванню мовного матеріалу й формуванню міцних навичок усного мовлення. Вона, з одного боку, сприяє активізації емоцій та емоційної пам'яті, з іншого – містить необхідні для навчання одиниці монологічного та діалогічного мовлення.

Рольова гра, просто гра або ігрова ситуація – це надзвичайно цінний метод навчання іноземної мови, оскільки стимулює процес мислення і спонукає до творчості, допомагає учням розкривати та застосовувати на практиці мовленнєві вміння, формує мотивацію до навчання. Така методика підвищує інтерес учнів до вивчення іноземної мови, а головне – робить їх навчання цікавим, змістовних і творчим.

      Граючись, діти можуть і говорити, і бачити, і виконувати різні дії одночасно, що свідчить про ефективність застосування цього прийому під час навчання на уроці та в позашкільний час.

Пропоную збірку рухливих ігор, які можна використовувати на уроці, у мовленнєвих гуртках, у профільних таборах.








How it Works

A number of players stand in the middle of the room, eyes closed the others stand by the walls. One of the middle players is tapped on the shoulder, she become the 'killer' or the 'vampire'. The trainer give a go-sign, and all 'blinded' players start milling around the room. When the killer bumps into someone, she squeezes that persons forearm to 'kill' him. When a victim dies, he utters a scream, opens his eyes and is 'out'.

Game is over when all potential victims are dead.

Audience by the walls make sure that blind players don't bump into stuff or hurt themselves.


  •     When a 'vampire' runs into a victim, the victim becomes a vampire too
  •     When 2 vampires bump into one anther, they become normal mortal souls again

Also known as Blind Hunt. Also known as Screamers. Also known as Haunted House. Also known as Blind Stalker. Also known as Vampire Game. See also Death and Retriever


Sound Circle

How it Works

Everybody in a big circle. One player starts the game by making a gesture and a sound to his right neighbor. The neighbor immediately imitates gesture and sound, then turns to his right neighbor and makes a totally different gesture and sound.

Tell players not to preconceive, ask them to throw themselves into this exercise.


  •     Instead of passing the sound/gesture to your neighbor, players can pass it to any player in the circle.
  •     Try the game without imitating the sound/gesture received; just have players turn around and throw a new gesture/sound to their neighbors as fast as possible.

Also known as Pass Catch.


How it Works

Get everyone into a circle, holding hands. One player starts the game by squeezing the hand of one of his neighbors. The receive then squeezes the hand of his other neighbor, thus generating a 'squeeze wave' through the circle.



  •     Squeezes can run in different directions, and you can have more than one squeeze wave cycling through the circle at a time
  •     Instead of squeezing, you can make players communicate by pressing (or even slapping) hands together
  •     Squeezes can run at different rates - this can be controlled by letting nobody squeeze their neighbors as long as the squeeze they receive is not over yet
  •     You can have one player try to "detect* the squeeze (try and squeeze as unnoticeably as possible)

Beatnik Poet

How it Works

Tell the audience we are going to improvise a bad poetry night at pseudo- intellectual coffee house. Ask for 2 unrelated objects or concepts. All players perform a poem that has both suggestions. IF they miss out a suggestion or if they don't rhyme, the audience yells Die! and the player commits suicide on stage,


How it Works

Make sure you have an even number of players. Give everyone an animal, but make sure that there are 2 of each, and that nobody knows which other player is which animal.

Then give a number of activities, which the animals perform. Try

  •     Eating. Eating when you're really hungry
  •     Drinking. Drinking when you're really thirsty
  •     Lovemaking
  •     Grooming
  •     Fighting
  •     Sleeping

At the end, ask the players to find the other animal of their kind. Ask the others if they found out who was which animal.


Let 2 players be humans.


How it Works

Ask the audience for animals. Players play a scene, in which the characters are based on these animals.


Players do not 'become' the animals, they only take over characteristics of the animals. Characteristics may be physical, vocal or Status based. For example, 'chicken' might inspire a player to a cowardly character, moving about jerkily.

Also known as Totems. - this can be played as an exercise: write totem names on slips of paper. Give every player a totem before they play a scene. You can extend the animal name; make it more specific. Play with things like Bald Eagle rather than Eagle; or Silver Moon, Sitting Bull, etc.

Alphabet Game

How it Works

This is a scene consisting of 26 lines of dialog. The first line starts with a given letter (say 'R'). The reply to that line must start with a 'S', and so on, until the whole alphabet has been covered. After 'Z' comes 'A'.

Players that hesitate, or use the wrong letter 'Die', and are replaced by another player. The replacement needs to take over the character of the player she replaces.


     Urge players not to ‘stick’ to the game if you can’t think of a good sentence to advance the story, it’s better to just ‘die’ than  to screw up the story (see Chivalry).


Circle of Knots

How it Works

Form a circle, holding hands. Then, any player can start moving about, making knots in the circle. Do this gently, and keep holding hands.


  •     Try a line instead of a circle
  •     Try with eyes closed or blindfolded

Circle Sitting

How it Works

Have everyone stand in a circle, really close to each other, facing inwards. Then ask everyone to make a quarter turn left. Make everyone stand even closer to each other. When ask the whole group to sit down. If everyone is really close, they will end up sitting on one another's knees, and the whole construction supports itself.

If well done it's even possible to make the circle walk. Indicate which foot to start with ;-)



How it Works

4 players in a square; 2 in front, 2 behind them. The MC or host asks for an audience suggestion for the 2 players in front. Then the host asks the players to turn the square (to the right or to the left). So now we have a different combination of players in front. These 2 get an audience suggestion. Turn again and ask for suggestion again and do this once more. Then have players take their original position.

The game is played as follows: the 2 players in front start a scene; the 2 players in the back move to the side to clear the stage. Players play until the host yells "Call", at which time all players step back to their original positions in the square. MC then calls Right or Left, and square turns accordingly. The 2 players in front start playing a scene based on their suggestion until MC calls again.

This is repeated. When 2 players are up front for the second or third time, they continue their previously played scene. They can either plainly continue it, or continue at some time in the future (a day later, a year later, a century later). Also known as Revolver. Also known as Pan Left Pan Right. Also known as Turntable.


Hat Continuation

How it Works

Start a scene, and identify each of the characters by means of a hat. The MC will interrupt (freeze) the game from time to time, and swrtch the players' hats. After the switch each player becomes the character that previously wore his or her hat.

The story needs to continue and should make sense.


A gimmick is Commenting on the fact that characters 'jump' in space when the hats gets switched. Use sparingly.

Also known as Bermuda Triangle.

Body Language

If you think that human beings only communicate with words, think again. Like all animas, we also have a complex body language of gestures, postures and expressions. Our bodies, in fact, are constantly talking. Sometimes we used them in a very conscious way. We smile, shrug, frown or make shapes in the air with our hands. This kind of body talk normally takes place while we're either using or listening to words. Even when words aren't involved, though, our bodies still show what we're thinking and feeling. For example:

  •    A bored person yawns or scratches one ear.
  •    Someone who's nervous blinks a lot or moves one foot up and down very fast.
  •    A fascinated child sits absolutely still, eyes and mouth wide open.

We all produce thousands of signs like these every day - some obvious, others more subtle. We're also experts at understanding them. This explains (among many ether things) the pleasure we get from watching dancers or mime artists.

Non-verbal performers like these depend completely on the fact that we understand and ‘speak’ body language fluently.


What many of us don’t understand, however, is the importance of body language in everyday life. For example, we rarely think about the fact that we 'watch' people speak as well as listening to them. Words communicate a great deal on their own, of course, but be honest… wouldn't you rather talk to someone face-to-face than over the phone?

Bidirectional Satellite TV

How it Works

  Fairly difficult combination of Satellite TV and Satellite Radio: players in pairs, establisha beat. Every beat, player 1 offers a movement and player 2 offers a word of a story. At the same tome, players mirror each other, with a delay of 1 beat.

Big Booty

How it Works

    Everyone in a circle. One player is Big Booty. The others going clockwise, are numbered: 1, 2, 3 and so on. Now Big Booty establishes a 4-beat rhythm, saying Big Booty, Big Booty (followed by the rest) – repeat this until everyone got the rhythm. The game then goes as follows: Big Booty passes the buck to someone else, saying Big Booty to 7(say) (this takes 2 beats, one for saying ‘Big Booty’ and one for saying ‘to 7’). Number 7 yhen passes in 2 beats to, say number 2, saying ‘7to2’. It then continues until someone makes a mistake: if and when that happens everyone says (in 2 beats) ‘Oh Shit!’ after which we repeat Big Booty, Big Booty, Big Booty (+ rest on 4th beat), twice. After that, the player that made the mistake becomes Big Booty, and everyone’s number changes. New Big Booty starts the game again.

Black Box

How it Works

    This one is played by two players. One holds a (mimed) black box, which has 3 buttons, one of which is red. These buttons control a player; one button might be the ‘jerk your leg’ button. The exact functions of each button are not defined.

   The other player enters and asks if he can play with the box. Player1 agrees, but adds something like “Whatever you do, don’t push the red button!”

     Player 2 begins to play with the buttons, controlling player 2. Then we slowly work up to the use of the dreaded red button, which will make player 2 do something not-so-obvious. This can be anything, but it should not be preconceived. The red button might become a Mood swing button, a Start Screaming button, Start Giggling, Sing Opera, or Switch to Gibberish button.

Blind Line Offers

How it Works

    Line up the players, give them each a number, Call out 2 numbers. Those players step on stage immediately, with a physical Offer (do something, eat an apple, wipe the floor, whatever) as well as vocal offer (say something).

The idea is that the players accept and explore each other’s offers and figure out what the scene is about



How it Works

    One player is ‘it’ and stands at one end of the room, facing the wall. The other players at the other end of the room. Players need to try and get to the player who is ‘it’ without ‘it’seeing them move. The player who is ‘it’ can turn around at any time – at that point everybody else needs to freeze. Anyone who is caught moving is out.

3 Series

How it Works

       Everyone in a circle. Pick a category (e. g. make of cars, kinds of food, kinds of plants, whatever). First person states an example of the category, and points to someone else. Keep pointing. That someone else does the same, with a different item in the category, and so forth, until everyone points at one person.

     Then repeat the pattern. Make eye contact when passing your item to the next person. Drop the pointing arms when everyone is comfortable and the series is collectively memorized.

    Then do the same with a second category, and make sure the pointing pattern is different. Repeat till everyone is comfortable.

    Then do the same exercise, without pointing, and running the two categories at the same time. And a third, fourth category if you wish. No pointing arms any more!      

The idea is not only to listen to the item right before yours in the series (so you know when it’s your turn), but also to make sure that when you pass an item to someone else, that someone else actually hears you. If not, then repeat your item, to ensure the series does not get broken.


Accepting Circle

How it Works

     Get everyone in a big circle. One player starts by making a little gesture, perhaps with a little sound. His or her neighbor then tries to and does exactly the same. And so on. Although we expect the gesture/sound not to change, it will.


   Watch for movements that suddenly change left/ right arm or leg. This is not really supposed to happen, but it will. Once happened, it should be accepted by the next player.

   Also watch/listen for little moans or sighs that players might make before or after their turn – these should also be taken over by the next player.

Ali Baba and the 40 Thieves

How it Works

     Excellent warm-up. Everyone in a circle. We are going to establish a rhythm, by saying, all together “Ali Baba and the 40 Thieves.” Keep repeating this.    

One person starts making gesture to this rhythm, say, tapping your head with you left hand. When the sentence is repeated, the player next to her takes over this gesture, while the first one starts a completely different new gesture. Third time the sentence is done, player three does the first gesture, player two does the second gesture and player one invents a new one again. And so on.  

      This is also a concentration game, though it’s really difficult. All one has to do is watch previous player, and next time, take over her gesture. When you’re watching what everyone else is doing you’re going to get lost though.





23 липня 2023
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