Збірник тестів та завдань для аудіювання з англійської мови

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Збірник завдань та тестів для контрольних робіт з англійської мови для учнів 2-9 класів
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Департамент освіти і науки

Черкаської обласної державної адміністрації

Відділ освіти, культури, молоді та спорту

Христинівської райдержадміністрації

Ягубецька загальноосвітня школа І-ІІІ ступенів










(2-9 КЛАСИ)









ПРОТОКОЛ №1 ВІД 21.01.2020 року




2.Texts For Listening

-         Form  2………………………………….………………………………..4

-         Form  3………………………………………………………………...…5

-         Form  4……………………………………………………………….…..6

-         Form  5…………………………………………………….……………..7

-         Form  6……………………………………………………………….…..8

-         Form  7……………………………………………………………….....10

-         Form  8……………………………………………………………….... 12

-         Form  9……………………………………………………………...…..14

3.Tests For Listening

-         Form  2……………………………………………………………….....16

-         Form  3……………………………………………………………….....19

-         Form  4……………………………………………………………….....22

-         Form  5……………………………………………………………..…...24

-         Form  6……………………………………………………………..…...26

-         Form  7………………………………………………………………….28

-         Form  8……………………………………………………..…………...31

-         Form  9……………………………………………..…………………...34













      Збірник текстів та завдань для аудіювання розрахований для учнів 2-9  класів. Він містить підбірку різноманітних текстів та цікавих завдань. Збірник складається з двох частин. Перша містить тексти, друга - сторінки для копіювання із завданнями для учнів.

Зміст і формат завдань для контролю аудіювання для учнів 2-9  класів враховує головну мету навчання іноземної мови в загальноосвітніх навчальних закладах - формування в учнів комунікативної компетенції, базою для якої слугують комунікативні вміння, сформовані на основі мовних знань і навичок.






















Texts for Listening

Form 2

Task 1

                                                        My Toys


      Olya is a small girl. She is five. She has got many toys. She has got a doll. Her name is Betty. It is big and nice. Olya often plays with it. She has got a large green ball too. Her toy kitten is white. Its name is Pussy. Her toy puppy is black. She likes it very much. Her favourite toy is Simba, a lion. It is big, yellow and funny.


Task 2



     A goose, a duck and a rabbit are domestic animals. The goose is white, the duck is black, the rabbit is grey. The goose and duck can fly. The rabbit can run fast and jump. A zebra, a crocodile and a giraffe are wild animals.  A zebra has got black and white stripes. It likes grass. The zebra can run and jump. A crocodile has got a short neck and a long tail. It lives in the water. The giraffe is very tall. It has got a long neck and a short tail. It likes leaves. It can run very fast.


Task 3

Pam’s Friend


     Pam is a little girl. She is five. She has got a friend. Her name is Betty. She is seven. She is a pupil. They are good friends. Pam likes to play with Betty. Look at Betty’s clothes. She is wears a blue dress and white shoes. Pam wears a yellow T-shirt, blue jeans and brown shoes.







Texts for Listening

Form 3

Task 1.                               



        My name is Sashko. I am seven. I am a pupil. I go to school five days a week: on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, ThursdayandFriday. I have got four or five lessons every day. My classroom is not big. You can see some desks and chairs in the classroom. There is a blackboard on the wall. I have got a big school bag. There is a pencil-box with many pens and pencils. There are a rubber and a ruler too. You can see many textbooks and copybooks in my school bag. I like to study at school very much.

Task 2

A Little Sister


       Pete and Jane have a little sister. Her name is Nelly. Their sister doesn’t go to school. She cannot read, she cannot write; she is only four years old.

       In the morning Pete and Jane take their bags with books and exercise-books and go to school. Little Nelly says, “Oh, Pete, give me your bag! I want to go to school with you. I do not want to stay at home. I don’t want to play with my toys. I want to read books. I want to look at the pictures in Jane’s book. Take me with you”.

       But the children say, “You are very little, Nelly! We come back after school, and we read books for you and play with you”.

Task 3

Home, Sweet Home


       This is our house. It is big. We have seven rooms in the house: a living room, two bedrooms, a bathroom, a children’s room, a dining-room and a kitchen.

We watch TV and read in the living room. In our kitchen we cook and we eat in the dining-room. We read and sleep in the bedrooms. Children play and do their homework in the children’s room.


Texts for Listening

Form 4

Task 1




        Little Ann likes apples. She likes to look at them, she likes to play with them and she likes to eat them. Her mother gives her apples every day. But today the little girl’s mother has no apples. She cannot give Ann an apple. But Ann wants to have an apple. She comes up to her mother and says:

      “Mummy,  I want an apple. Give me an apple, please”.

      “It is evening now, my girl. All apples sleep in the evening. You must go and sleep, too”, answers her mother.

      “Oh, no Mummy. Only little apples sleep. Big apples do not sleep. Give me a big apple, please, Mummy!”


Task 2

Nelly’s Birthday


       Today is Nelly’s birthday. Mother makes a big cake for Nelly and puts five candles in the middle of the cake. Many little girls and boys come to see Nelly. They give her pictures, many books with pictures, red, blue, green, yellow, black, rosy, orange, brown and grey pencils. Some children give her balls, big balls and little balls, and many toys. Father and Mother give Nelly a very bid nice doll. Nelly is very happy.

        In the evening the children have tea.

Mother asks, “Nelly, where do you want to sit?”

      “I want to sit near Jane”.

      “Why do you want to sit near Jane?” asks Mother.“She sits near the birthday cake!”answers little Nelly.




Texts for Listening

Form 5

Task 1

At the Shopping Centre.

        It’s Saturday afternoon and Tim and Tina are shopping with their mother. They go to a big shopping centre. The shopping centre is a big building outside the town. It has got many different types of shops. It has also got restaurants, snack bars and a big cinema.

      Tim and Tina’s mother go to the supermarket. She buys chicken, rice and some vegetables. Then she takes the children to a sports shop. She buys a pair of trainers for Tim in the sports shop. Then they go to a book shop. Here mother buys a story book for Tina. After that they are very hungry and they all go to a fast food restaurant. Finally, mother and the children go to the cinema. They see a funny film called ‘’ My Uncle Joe.

Task 2


      Parrots live in the forests of South America, where summer lasts all the year round, where leaves are always green. The parrots make their homes in the forest, because there they can find shade in the heat of the day.

     Parrots eat fruit and nuts. They like wild cherries best of all. They like them because of the stones. The beak of the parrot is very sharp and it cracks these stones easily.

     Parrots like to bathe very much. They fly about till they find water. They dip into the water and splash it over their feathers. Then they sit in the sun till they are dry. In the middle of the day the heat becomes very great. Then parrots fly in the deepest shade. They sit in the trees and sleep. But in the evening, when the sun is going down, they wake up. They eat fruit, go to the water and bathe again. Only after that they go to the rest for the night.

      People can tame parrots. The parrot is a very interesting pet, because it can talk.


Texts for Listening

Form 6

Task 1                                      A Sad Story

         Three American students came for their holidays to New York. They stayed at a hotel, in a room on the 54-th floor. They spent the whole day in the city, they visited some museums, saw some films in the cinema in Broadway. Late at night they came back to the hotel. The clerk in the hall said to them: “Dear boys, I’m sorry but the lifts don’t work now. Will you wait till the lifts begin to work or will you go on foot upstairs?”

         “That’s all right,” said one of them, “we’ll go on foot. It will take us much time but we’ll have a short rest, one of us will sing a song when we come to the 15th floor. As soon as we come to the 30th floor one of us will tell a funny story. As soon as we come to the 45th floor we’ll take a long rest and one of us will tell a long sad story.” So they started.

         On the 15th floor John sang a funny song and the young men gaily continued their way.

         On the 30th floor Tom told his friends a funny story, they laughed and continued their way.

         On the 45th floor the young men were tired, they wanted to take a long rest. All of them looked at Jack, it was his turn to tell his long sad story.

         “Well, boys,” said he, “my story won’t be long, but it will be really sad. The key to our room is downstairs in the hall. When we came to the hotel we forgot to take it.”


Text 2.

Children’s favourite TV programmes

A lot of young people around the world watch television. But are they watching the same programmes?

Paula is Canadian. She watches TV for about 3 hours a day. Satellite TV has really cool quiz shows and it shows the funniest comedy programmes. Satellite TV is better than cable TV. She also thinks the internet is fun. She sends emails to her friends about their favourite soaps.

Mamadou lives in Mali. A few years ago television in his African country was terrible, but now it’s better. They have two channels. The first channel shows news and documentaries. Mamadou thinks the second channel is more interesting - there are sports programmes and old films. He watches sports programmes for about five hours a week, but he prefers playing football with his friends. He doesn’t like sitting at home too much.

Keiko is Japanese. Last year she could watch TV a lot, but now she goes to a secondary school and she has a lot of homework. She also plays basketball in the school team. She thinks that the best programmes for young people are Manga cartoons. In fact, most Manga fans are older than her, because there are Manga cartoons for all ages. They are fantastic! She can watch TV when her homework is ready.

Yolanda lives in Spain. She watches TV for two hours a day. When she gets home, she does her homework, then she plays computer games or watches TV. She thinks soaps are great. She never watches reality shows like Big Brother - they are the most boring programmes. They often talk about their favourite TV programmes at school.
















Text for Listening

Form 7

Text 1

Sports in Ukraine

        Sport is very popular in Ukraine. The main sports are: football, volleyball and basketball. They are played at schools and Universities.

Playing tennis, swimming are popular in our country too.

Every school has its own gymnasium and sport grounds. Some of them have stadiums and swimming pools.

       There are different sports clubs in our schools. We go in for different kinds of sports after classes.

      The best Ukrainian sportsmen are our national heroes. Ukrainian sportsmen take part in international sports competitions. Ukrainian athletes took part in the Olympic Games in Sydney as a separated team. They won a lot of gold and silver medals there.

     Among the best sportsmen at the Olympic Games was Yana Klochkova. She won two gold and three silver medals in Australia.

Ukrainian football players like Andrii Shevchenko are well – known in Europe and in the whole world.

    The two brothers Klychko are the best boxers in the world.

    We try to keep fit. We exercise and we go jogging every day.



Text 2


Far to the East there lived in old days an Arab who had three sons, whom he dearly loved. He had seventeen beautiful horses whom he loved.

One day the old man became very ill. Feeling that the end was near, he called his sons to give one - half of his horses, to the second son - one third, and to the youngest - one-ninth.

The sons met to divide the horses but they didn't know how to divide them.

"How can I take one half of seventeen horses?" said the eldest son. "1 can't divide a living horse in two. "And how can I," asked the second, "take one third of seventeen horses? But this is what my father wanted me to do".

"I also want to do what my father wanted us to. But what is one ninth of seventeen horses?"

At that time an old man came riding on a horse. "May be he can tell us", they said hopefully. They told their story to him.

The man began to think. Several minutes passed before he spoke. At last he said, "Take my horse and there will be eighteen".

They did so. The elder son took one half of the horses. Then the second son called the horses, which he loved best, and the six animals came running to him. And the youngest son took two horses. The sons said lo the man: "You divided the horses wonderfully. Say what you want us to give you for it".

"I shall take all the horses that are left", said the old man and he rode away with his own horse.



















Text For Listening

Form 8

Text 1


     One day two friends went for a walk. One of them had a dog. “See here, John,” one of the men said. “I am going to put this coin here in the ground. I know my dog will find it.” He put the coin in the ground on the road. Then the two friends went on.

     In half an hour the man took out the coins he had in his pocket and said to his dog: “I lost a coin, Rex. Go and look for it, quick!” The dog ran back along the road and the two friends went home.

     At that time a traveller drove along the road. His horse kicked the coin from the ground and the traveller picked it up. The dog scented out the coin in the pocket of the traveller’s trousers and ran after him. Soon they came to an inn.

     The traveller thought: “Poor dog. It lost its master.” As he liked the dog very much he took it to his room and gave it a good supper. Then the traveller took off his clothes. He put his pyjamas and his night cap on and was ready to go to bed.

     The dog stood at the door. The man thought: “The dog wants to go out,” and he opened the door. The dog snatched the man’s trousers and ran out of the room. The man ran after it with his night cap on.

     The dog ran to its master’s house. The man ran after it. He was very angry.

    “Sir,” said the dog’s master, “my dog is very clever and if it ran away with your trousers, it is because you have in them the money which is not yours.”

      The traveller became still more angry. “I’m sorry”, said the other, ”but I know there is the coin in your trousers’ pocket which you picked up on the road. It’s my coin. That’s why my dog brought me your trousers.”

     The traveller was amused. He laughed together with the dog’s master. Then he took out the coin and gave it to him. He took his trousers and went to his inn.




Text 2


The story of Victor Frankenstein.


         I was born in Switzerland, in the city of Geneva where my family had been important for many years. My father married his best friend's daughter. It was a most happy marriage and my parents shared their love with me.

         My mother hoped to have a daughter, but for five years I was their only child. Then my parents took me on holidays to Italy, and we spent a week on shores of Lake Como.

          One day we were out for a walk in the countryside and my mother saw a very small house and a number of thin poorly clothed children playing in front of it. We could see that the family had very little money, and that the children were hungry. My mother went and spoke to the farmworker and his wife who lived in the house. Four of the children had the dark hair and eyes of their parents. The fifth was a little girl, and she was very fair, with hair of gold and blue eyes.

           The woman told my mother that this little girl was the daughter of an Italian nobleman who had given them the child to look after when his wife died. The nobleman paid them well but soon he died and left nothing to the little girl. However, the kind farmworker and his wife had brought her up, though there was hardly enough for their own children.

             So my parents adopted the little girl.











Text For Listening

Form 9

Text 1


       One winter evening a poor peasant sat near the fire talking with his wife about one of their neighbours who was a rich man.

"If only I had a little money myself", he said, "I should open my own shop".

"I", answered his wife, "should not be satisfied with that, I should be happy if I lived in a big house, and then, if I saw people like ourselves, I should help them and try to make everybody happy. But we are no longer in the time of fairies. If only I could meet one of them, it would not take me long to decide what to ask of her".

      Hardly had she said these words when a beautiful young lady appeared in their room and told them she was a fairy willing to grant their first three wishes. But she said they should choose carefully as she could allow them no more than three wishes. Then the beautiful lady disappeared.

      At first the husband and wife were astonished. Then they began discussing the first wish that it would be best to have. They quarreled for a long time and finally decided to wish for nothing for a while and put it off till the next day.

     The woman looked at the bright fire and said without thinking: "Oh, it would be a good thing to have a good sausage for our supper". And a long thick sausage fell on their table. The husband got very angry and began scolding his wife. "Isn't that a fine wish? You're such a stupid woman! I wish this sausage would stick to your nose!" This was hardly said when the sausage jumped up and stuck to the poor woman's face.

      The husband understood that he himself had been even more foolish than his wife, but no matter how he tried he could not tear the sausage off his wife's nose. "If you had not wished to have this beauty sausage, I should not have wished it to stick to your nose", said the husband.   

Finally they realized that they had only one wish  left. They thought for a long time and agreed to have their last wish. They wished the sausage to fall on the table, which it did.


Text 2


This happened in Australia, during a water-polo game that was one of the main sports events of the season. There was nothing ex­citing at the beginning of the game; but suddenly one of the players jumped out of the water and ran to the referee. He said that one of the forwards of the other team had bitten him in the leg while he was swimming under the water.

At first the referee thought that it was some kind of a joke, but when the player pointed to blood on his leg, he had to believe that it was serious. He called the forward and asked him why he had done such a strange thing; and though the forward insisted that he had not bitten anybody, the referee made him leave the game.

They began again, but a few minutes later, two players, one from each team, climbed out of the water, shouting that somebody had bitten them. There was blood on both players' legs. The game was stopped, and they began to let the water out of the pool. When almost all the water was let out, everybody saw a young crocodile at the bottom of the pool. Somebody had put the crocodile into the pool, but why? The truth became known when the players returned to their dressing room after the game and found a letter there.

"I have been a water-polo fan for many years", the author of the letter wrote, "and I am not satisfied with the way the players seem to act. They have allowed the game to become slow and uninteresting, and I have decided that I must do something to make them move faster. I don't think I can do this well myself, and I have decided that my crocodile will do it better".








Tests for Listening

Form 2

Test 1

My Toys


1. Встав пропущені букви в словах.


d_ll                                                  p_ppy

b_l_                                                 t_y

l_on                                                 pl_y

kit_ _n                                             f_nny


2. З’єднай слова з їх значенням.


іграшка                                           nice

красивий                                         toy

лев                                                   funny

кумедний                                        lion


3. Допиши речення.


1. Olya is a _____________________________ girl.


2. She has got many _________________________.


3. Olya has got a ____________________________.


4. Her doll’s name is _________________________.










Test 2



1. Обведи, що вміють робити тварини.


A GOOSE:        run             swim        jump

A CAT:              fly              swim        play with a ball

A ZEBRA:         fly              sing          jump

A GIRAFFE:     fly              run           sing


2. Перепитай та запиши запитання за зразком.


Зразок:The goose is white.

              Is the goose white?


1. The duck is blue.

2. The rabbit is grey.

3. The goose is white.

4. The zebra is black and white.


3. З’єднай слова з їх значенням.


fly                                                   дикі тварини

stripe                                               вода

water                                               літати

wild animals                                   смужка









Test 3

Pam’s Friend


1. Допиши речення.


1. Pam is a _____________________________ girl.

2. She has got a _____________________________.

3. Her friend’s name is _______________________.

4. Betty _________ a blue dress and white ________.

5. Pam wears a yellow ________ and ________ jeans.

6. Betty wears ____ shoes and Pam wears ____ shoes.


2. Прочитай запитання та підкресли правильну відповідь.


1. Is Pam a little girl?

Yes, she is.                                No, she is not.

2. Is she five?

Yes, she is.                                No, she is not.

3. Is Betty a little girl?

Yes, she is.                                No, she is not.

4. Is Betty a pupil?

Yes, she is.                                No, she is not.

5. Are Betty and Pam good friends?

Yes, they are.                             No, they are not.

6. Does Pam like to play with Mary?

Yes, she does.                             No, she does not.


Tests for Listening

Form 3


Test 1.                         Sashko


1. З’єднай слова з їх значенням.


wall                                                     уроки

week                                                   стіна

to study                                               тиждень

lessons                                                 учитися


2. Встав пропущені букви.


pu_ _l                                                 scho_ _

d_s_                                                    r_b_ _r

les_ _n                                                clas_ro_m

p_n                                                      r_ll_r


3. Прочитай запитання та підкресли правильну відповідь.


1. What is a pupil’s name?

His name is Serhiy.                       His name is Sashko.

2. How old is he?

He is seven.                                   He is eight.

3. Is his classroom big?

Yes, it is.                                       No. it is not.

4. Does Sashko like to study at school?

Yes, he does.                                 No, he doesn’t.









Test 2

A Little Sister


1. Познач правильну відповідь.

1. Peter and Jane have______________________.

a) a little sister                         b) a big sister

2. Nelly_________________________________.

a) doesn’t go to school            b) goes to school

3. Nelly_________________________________.

a) can read and write               b) cannot read and write

4. Nelly is _______________________ years old.

a) four                                      b) six

5. In the morning Peter and Jane go to _________.

a) school                                  b) the park

6. Peter and Jane take ______________ to school.

a) toys                                     b) bags

7. Nelly wants to go to _____with her brother and sister.

a) school                                  b) the garden

8. Peter and Jane don’t take Nelly to school because_.

a) she is very little                   b) she is a bad girl

9. After school the brother and sister want to ___for Nelly.

a) read books                           b) do the homework


2. Склади речення зі слів у рядку і запиши їх.

1. Pete / have / and / a / Jane / sister / little.


2. name / is / Her / Nelly.


3. is / She / old / years / only / four.


4. wants / go / She / to / school / to.







Test 3

Home, Sweet Home


1. Склади речення і запиши їх.


1. our / is / This / house.


2. in / seven / have / We / rooms / house / the.


3. living-room / We / TV / read / the / watch / in / and.


4. eat / the / We / dining-room / in.


5. sleep / read / and / the / bedroom / in / We.


6. do / play / in / Children / the / room / homework / children’s / their / and.



2. Прочитай речення і напиши назви кімнат.


1. The fridge is in the _______________________.

2. The TV is in the _________________________.

3. The bed is in the _________________________.

4. The bath is in the ________________________.

5. The toys are in the _______________________.

6. The dining table is in the __________________.



















Tests for Listening

Form 4

Task 1



1. Склади речення зі слів у рядку і запиши їх.


1. apples / Ann / Little / likes.


2. likes / She / to / them / eat.


3. gives / Her / apples / day / mother / her / every.


4. give / Ann / She / cannot / apple / an.



2. Дай відповіді на запитання.


1. What does Ann like?


2. Who gives her the apples?


3. Where are the apples in the evening?


4. Do big apples sleep in the night?



3. Встав пропущені букви в словах.


ap_l_                                              l_ttl_

g_ve                                               sl_ep

ev_nin_                                          e_t

b_g                                                 pl_y








Task 2 

Nelly’s Birthday


1. Дай відповіді на запитання.


1. Who has a birthday party today?


2. How old is Nelly?


3. Who comes to see Nelly?


4. What presents do the children give Nelly?


5. What do the father and mother give Nelly?


6. What do the children have in the evening?


7. Where does Nelly want to sit at the table?


8. Where does Jane sit at the table?


2. Обери правильні речення і випиши їх.


1. Today is Nina’s birthday.

2. Mother puts five candles in the middle of the cake.

3. Father and Mother dive Nelly a very big nice car.

4. Nelly wants to sit near Jane.

Tests for Listening

Form 5

Task 1

At the Shopping Centre


1) What day is it?                               

 a) Sunday; b) Saturday; c) Monday;


2) What are Tim and Tina doing?      

a) Playing with their mother; b) Reading with their mother; c) Shopping with their mother


3) Where do they go? 

a) To a big shopping center; b) To a market; c) To a shop


4) Where is the shopping centre?            

  a) In the centre of the town; b) Inside the town; c) Outside the town;


5) Where do they go at first?                   

  a) To the supermarket; b) To the butcher’s; c) To the baker’s;


6) Where do they go then? 

 a) To the toy shop; b) To the sports shop; c) To the sweet shop;


7) What do they buy in the sports shop?   

 a) A pair of trainers;   b) A T-shirt;   c) A tracksuit;


8) What does mother buy in the book shop? 

a) A magazine;   b) A book;   c) A copy-book;


9) Where do they eat?                                  

   a) In the café   b) In snack bar;    c) In the fast food restaurant;


10) Where do they go finally?                      

  a) To the cinema;   b) To the playground; c) To the sports-ground;


11) What do they see?                              

      a) A cartoon;   b) A film; c) A TV-programme;


12) This text is about …                          

    a) Tim and Tom    b) Tom and Tina   c) Tina and Tim


Task 2

The Parrots

1. True or false

 __1. Parrots live in the fields.

__ 2. In South America winter lasts all year around.

__ 3. Parrots like to bathe.

__ 4. In the middle of the day it is hot.

__ 5. Parrots like to fly in the middle of they day.

__ 6. People can tame parrots.


2. Finish the sentences with the suitable words.

  1.                Parrots live …

a) North America; b)South America; c)Africa

  1.                Parrots eat

a) corn; b) nuts; c) fish

  1.                When it’s hot they …

a) sleep; b) fly; c) bathe

  1.                Parrots wake up …

a) in the morning; b) in the afternoon; c) in the evening

  1.                Before going to rest for the night parrots …

a) play; b) fly; c) bathe

  1.                The parrot is very interesting pet because it can …

a) play; b) talk; c) sign



3. Answer the question


  1.               How long does the summer last there?
  2.               What fruit do parrots like best of all?
  3.               How long do parrots sit in the after bathing?

Tests for Listening

Form 6

Task 1

A Sad Story

1. Mark the following sentences as TRUE (T) or FALSE (F).

1. Three American students came for their vocations to New York.

2. They stayed at a hotel, in a room on the 45-th floor.

3. They spent three days in the city, they visited some museums, saw some films in the cinema in Broadway.

4. The clerk in the hall said to them: “Dear girls, I’m sorry but the lifts don’t work now.

5. Will you wait till the lifts begin to work or will you go on foot downstairs?”

6. On the 15th floor John sang a funny song and the young men went on going.

7. On the 54th floor the young men were tired, they wanted to take a long rest.

8. It was Jack’s turn to tell his long unhappy story.

2. For sentences (1—8) choose and circle the correct answer (a, b or c ).

1. Late at night students returned to …

a) the room              b) Broadway            c) the hotel

2. The clerk in the hall …

a) apologized      b) was happy to see students    c) went upstairs with students

3. The students decided to go upstairs …

a) with the clerk              b) by the lift                c) on foot

4. John sang a funny song and the young men … continued their way.

a) unhappily             b) sadly                   c) joyfully

5. Tom told his friends a(n) … story, they laughed and continued their way.

a) amusing               b) sad            c) interesting

6. On the 45th floor students decided …

a) to tell a funny story           b) to relax                c) to sing a funny song

Test 2

Children’s favourite TV programmes


Task 1. Mark the following sentences as TRUE (T) or FALSE (F).

1. Satellite TV in Canada often shows boring quiz shows and comedy   programmes.

2. Paula never sends emails to her friends.

3. Mamadou is from Africa.

4. In Mamadou’s country television is terrible now.

5. Mamadou likes watching sports programmes.

6. Mamadou prefers sitting at home.

7. Keiko is a Japanese boy.

8. Keiko has little homework at school.

9. Keiko is a member of a basketball team.

10. Keiko hates watching Manga cartoons.

11. Keiko watches TV and does homework at the same time.

12. When Yolanda is back from school, she plays computer games.

Task 2. For sentences (1—8) choose and circle the correct answer (a, b or c ).

1. Paula sends emails to her friends about their favourite _________.

a) soups          b) quiz shows            c) comedy programmes           d) soaps

2.  In Mamadou’s country television was ____________.

a) better          b) horrible          c) OK           d) cool

3. Mamadou finds __________ channel more interesting.

a) the first         b) the third           c) the sixth          d) the second

4. The first channel shows ___________.

a) documentaries b) sports programmes   c) news  d) documentaries and news

5. Keiko doesn’t often watch TV this year because Keiko __________. 

a) hates cartoons              b) started going to a high school

c) has a lot of homework to do               d) plays sports at school





Test For Listening

Form 7

    Test 1                                               

Sports in Ukraine


Task 1.  Put « +» if the statement is true and « - » if the statement is false


1. The main sports in Ukraine are: football, basketball and volleyball.

2. Playing golf is very popular in our country too.

3. There are swimming pools in every school in Ukraine.

4. Ukrainian sportsmen took part in the Olympic Games.

5.  Three brothers Klychko are the best boxers in the world.


Task 2.  Choose a correct answer

1.Sport is very popular in:

  1. Ukraine.
  2. Moldova.
  3. USA.

2. Playing … are very popular in our country

  1. football, volleyball
  2. tennis, running
  3. tennis, swimming

3. Among the best sportsmen at the Olympic Games was …

  1. Vitalii Klychko
  2. Yana Klochkova
  3. Lilia Podkopaieva

4.She won two gold and three silver medals in …

  1. England
  2. Ukraine
  3. Australia

5. We go in for different kinds of sports after …

  1. supper
  2. classes
  3. dinner

6. The main sports in Ukraine are …

  1.  football, tennis, running
  2.  basketball, tennis, football
  3.  football, volleyball and basketball

7.The two brothers Klychko are the best …

  1.  football players
  2.  boxers
  3.  hockey players
































Test 2


Task 1. Say if the sentences are true or false (T/F)

1) An Arab had four sons whom he dearly loved.

2) He had seventeen beautiful horses whom he loved greatly.

3) One day he called his youngest son to give him the horses.

4) The three young Arabs couldn't divide the horses because they didn't know

Arithmetic well enough.

5) The old man agreed to help the young Arabs because he wanted to get a few horses from them.

6) The old man came riding on a horse.


Task 2. Choose the right answer.

1.  Who lived far from to the East?

  1.      a robber; b) an Arab; c) an old man

2.   What did he have?

  1.      Houses; b) Hamsters; c)horses

3.   How many horses did he have?

  1.      Sixteen; b) Seventeen; c) seventy

4.   Why did he call his children?

  1.      he was angry; b) he was ill; c) he was happy

5.   Why did they meet?

  1.      to divide the horses; b) to divide money; c) to help their father

6.  How many horses did he give to his elder son?

  1.      one half; b) one third; c) one ninth; d) the horses that are left










Test For Listening

Form 8

Test 1


1  Listen to the text and put “+” if the sentence is right and “-“if one is false.     

  1.   One day three friends went for a walk.
  2.   One of them had a dog.
  3.   He put a coin in the ground on the road.
  4.   At that time a traveller drove along the road.
  5.   The dog found the coin near the tree.
  6.   The dog ran after the traveller.
  7.   The dog wasn’t very clever.


2. Choose the correct answer.

1. What did the traveller think the dog lost?

a) its bone       b) its home          c) its friend         d) its master

2. Where did he take the dog?

a) to his house b) to his yard      c) to his flat         d) to his room

3. What did the traveller give the dog?

a) some meat   b) a tasty dinner c) a good supper d) a little water

4. Was the traveller ready to go to...?

a) the park       b) bed                  c) the bathroom d) the dining room

5. What did the dog snatch?

a) his shirt       b) his night cap    c) his pyjamas    d) his trousers

6. Where did the dog run?

a) to the wood b) along the road c) to its master’s house d) to another room

7. Did the dog take his trousers because there was ... in his pocket?

a) a coin          b) a bone              c) a candy          d) an apple



3.  Fill in the gaps using the words from the box. One of the words is extra one.

  Rex,   money,  amused,   dog,   kicked,   coin

  1. I put this ... on the ground.
  2. I lost a coin, … 
  3. The traveller’s horse ... the coin from the ground.
  4. That’s why my ... brought me your trousers.
  5. The traveller was... 



























Test 2

The story of Victor Frankenstein.



1.      Complete the statements listening to the text.

1. My parents___________________

2. One day______________________

3. The farmworker's children________________

4. The woman____________________________


2.     Answer the following questions.

1. Where was Victor born?

2. How many other children were in Victor's family?

3. Who was a little girl whom Victor and his mother met in  


4.Was the girl adopted by Victor's family?


3.      Put the sentences in the correct chronological order

       according to the story.

___1. Once we met a poor farmer's family.

___2.I was the only child for many years.

___3. My parents adopted the girl.

___4. The woman told the girl's story.









Test For Listening

Form 9

Test 1




1. Listen to the text and put “+” if the sentence is right and “-” if one is false

1 One spring evening a poor peasant sat near the fire talking with his wife.

2 They were talking about one of their neighbours who was a rich man.

3 They had their own shop.

4 The woman wanted to meet a fairy.

5 A young lady appeared in their room and told them that she was their neighbour.

6 They were astonished.

7 They began to discuss their first wish and were ready to tell about it in ten minutes.

8 They wanted to have supper first of all.

9 The husband understood that he himself had been even more foolish than his wife.

10 Finally they wished to have a beautiful house.

2.Choose the correct answer

1) What were they talking about near the fire?

A. about money

B. about a rich man

C. about a poor peasant

D. about winter

2) What would the peasant do, if he had money?

A. buy sausage

B. build a new house

C. open his own shop

D. help poor people

3) What is happiness for a woman?

A. to live in a big house

B. to have a rich neighbour

C. to have a shop

D. to have many wishes

4) Who could help them to become happy?

A. a rich man

B. a stranger

C. a fairy

D. relatives

5) What was a fairy willing to do?

A. to get dinner for them

B. to ask money

C. to sit near the fire

D. to realize their first three wishes

6) What does the word "astonish" mean?

A. to be pleased

B. to surprise

C. to quarrel

D. to satisfy

7) What did the husband and wife do when they heard the fairy's will?

A. they quarrelled with her

B. they decided to wish for something at once

C. decided to put it off till the next day

D. they asked her to sit near the fire

8) How did they feel when they got their first wish?

A. were happy

B. angry

C. frightened

D. hungry

9) What was their first wish?

A. bright fire

B. much money

C. a big house

D. a good sausage

10) What was their last wish?

A. to stick the sausage to the wife's nose

B. to have good appetite

C. to tear the sausage off the wife's nose

D. to fall on the table

3.Complete the sentences

1 One winter evening a poor peasant sat near…

2 If only I had a little money myself I should…

3 At first the husband and wife were…

4 And a long thick sausage fell on…

















Test 2



1. Put "+" next to the true sentences and "-" next to the false ones.

  1.   Water-polo is very popular in Australia.
  2. The players were very excited at the beginning of the game.
  1.   One of the players was bitten in the leg.
  2. d) It was a joke.

e) There was a crocodile at the bottom.

f) The crocodile was put in the pool in order to kill the best

player of the opposite team.


2. Choose the correct answer.

  1. How many water-polo players were bitten by the crocodile?
  1.      one
  2.      two
  3.      three


  1. How was the crocodile found?
  1.      the water was let out of the pool
  2.     the players put the net into the pool
  3.      the water was let into the pool


  1. Who put the crocodile into the swimming pool?
  1.      the referee
  2.     the player
  3.      the water polo fan


  1. What did he do it for?
  1.      to play a joke
  2.     to make them move faster
  3.      to frighten them


  1. When did they know the truth?
  1.      in the afternoon
  2.     when they returned to their dressing room
  3.      when they returned to the living room


  1. Who could make them move faster?
  1.      a coach
  2.     a shark
  3.      a crocodile


3. Fill in the suitable words

At fast the 1._____ thought that it was some kind of a joke? But when the player pointed to 2._____ on his leg? He had to 3._____ that it was serious. He called the 4._____ and asked him why he had done such a strange thing; and though the forward insisted that he had not 5._____ anybody, the referee made him 6._____ the game.

  1.    Leave     D) referee
  2.    forward     E) believe
  3.    bitten     F) blood





















1. Англійська мова «Посібник різнорівневих завдань для рейтингового оцінювання навчальних досягнень учнів за підсумками семестрових контрольних робіт» 2007-2008. – 115 с.

2. Душкіна О.М. «Збірник семестрових контрольних робіт з англійської мови 5-11 класи) 2016.-64 с.

3. Кравченко В.В. «Тексти та завдання для семестрового контролю навичок аудіювання учнів 2-4 класів» 2017 р.

4. Миргород Н.В., Якименко С.С., Коваленко О.В. «Тестові та перевірочні завдання з англійської мови для учнів 2-11 класів» 2010 рік

5. Інтернет ресурс: vseosvita.ua





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