А.Несвіт 7 клас к.р.

Про матеріал
1. Переклади на англійську мову: Біль у животі, невеликий опік, ангіна, головний біль,висока температура,мазь 2. Заповни пропуски: When I am ill I go to ______, And on the ______ lay my head. The doctor comes and says, “ Dear me! Whatever can the __________be?” She feels my ______ and sees my ________, She tests my ________and then each lung; She asks how old I am, and then She takes her paper and her pen. She _______ me ____________ that taste So bitter, that I’ m sure it’ s waste To take them. But she says, “ Each _______ Take this, and you’ ll be _________ soon.” 3. Доповни речення: 1. The doctor diagnosed Steve with a bad cold yesterday, ....... ? 2. Bill had to stay in bed last week because he was ill, ..... ? 3. The nurse gives medicines to the patient three times a day, ..... ? 4. Заповни пропуски словами should/must: 1) I can’ t leave; I … finish this report today. 2) I …… take more exercise, but I’ m too busy. 3) Y o u ...... n’ t smoke. 4) W h a t …..I do to keep fit? 5. Знайди відповідності: 1. a bleeding 2. a small burn 3. choking 4. a broken bone a) press a clean piece o f cloth over the cut b) do not move him c) Make him sit down on a chair with his head between his knees d) put a clean bandage on it to keep out the air 6. Заповни схеми 5 відповідними темі словами чи словосполученнями: Active life Unhealthy habits
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  1. Переклади на англійську мову:

Біль у животі, невеликий опік, ангіна, головний біль,висока температура,мазь

  1. Заповни пропуски:

When I am ill I go to ______,

And on the ______ lay my head.

The doctor comes and  says,  “ Dear me!

Whatever can the __________be?”

She feels my ______ and  sees my ________,

She tests my ________and then each lung;

She asks how old I am,  and then

She takes her paper and her pen.

She _______ me ____________ that taste

So bitter,  that I’ m sure it’ s waste

To take them.

But she says,  “ Each _______

Take this,  and you’ ll be _________ soon.”

  1. Доповни речення:

1.  The doctor diagnosed Steve with a bad cold yesterday,  ....... ?

2.  Bill had to stay in bed last week because he was ill,  .....  ?

3.  The nurse gives medicines to the patient three times a  day,  .....  ?

        4. Заповни пропуски словами should/must:

1)  I can’ t leave;  I  … finish this report today.

2)  I …… take more exercise, but I’ m too busy.

3)  Y o u ...... n’ t smoke.

4)  W h a t  …..I do to keep fit?

        5. Знайди відповідності:

1. a bleeding

2. a small burn

3. choking

4. a broken bone


  1. press a clean piece o f cloth over the cut
  2. do  not  move  him
  3. Make  him  sit  down  on a  chair  with  his  head  between  his  knees
  1. put  a clean bandage  on it to  keep out  the air

6. Заповни схеми 5 відповідними темі словами чи словосполученнями:

               Active      life


            Unhealthy habits






  1. Переклади на англійську мову:

    Біль у горлі, кровотеча, грілка, зубний біль, лихоманка, сироп від кашлю

  1. Заповни пропуски:

When I am ill I go to ______,

And on the ______ lay my head.

The doctor comes and  says,  “ Dear me!

Whatever can the __________be?”

She feels my ______ and  sees my ________,

She tests my ________and then each lung;

She asks how old I am,  and then

She takes her paper and her pen.

She _______ me ____________ that taste

So bitter,  that I’ m sure it’ s waste

To take them.

But she says,  “ Each _______

Take this,  and you’ ll be _________ soon.”

  1. Доповни речення:

1.  You must follow the doctor’ s recommendations to avoid serious complications,..?

2.  My brother goes to the policlinics for a medical check-up once a month, …. ?

3.  Steve didn’ t go to school yesterday,  ......?

4. Заповни пропуски словами should/must:

1)  What clo th e s….  I wear?  - Put on a jacket.  It’ s cold outside.

2)  W h e n …. you consult a doctor?

3)  Sue needs to lose some weight.  I believe s h e ........ exercise more.

4)  The  weather  is  fine  today.  It’ s  warm  enough.  You  .....  put  a warm

sweater on.

        5. Знайди відповідності:

1. a bleeding

2. a small burn

3. choking

4. a broken bone


  1. press a clean piece o f cloth over the cut
  2. do  not  move  him
  3. Make  him  sit  down  on a  chair  with  his  head  between  his  knees
  4. put  a clean bandage  on it to  keep out  the air

6. Заповни схеми 5 відповідними темі словами чи словосполученнями:

               Healthy  habits






18 листопада 2019
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