Алгоритми проведення уроків з англійської мови з прикладами

Про матеріал
В даній методичній розробці представлено алгоритми побудови уроків з англійської мови з конспектами та презентаціями. Сподіваюсь, що моя багаторічна праця стане в допомогу молодим вчителям. Висловлюю подяку мої колегам з Хмельницької області Гонгало Наталії, Горбатюк Руслані та Головко Марії, які разом зі мною представляли на курсах з підвищення кваліфікаціі в 2020 році Task-based lesson і показали свої чудові презентації.
Перегляд файлу
  1. Урок засвоєння нових знань:

* Перевірка домашнього завдання

     * Актуалізація і корекція опорних знань

     * Повідомлення теми, цілей і завдань уроку

     * Мотивування учіння

     * Сприймання та усвідомлення учнями фактичного матеріалу

     * Осмислення зв’язків і залежностей між елементами вивченого матеріалу

     * Узагальнення і систематизація знань

* Підсумки уроку та повідомлення домашнього завдання

2) Урок формування навичок і вмінь:

* Перевірка домашнього завдання

* Актуалізація і корекція опорних знань

* Повідомлення теми, цілей і завдань уроку

* Актуалізація мотивації учіння учнів

      * Вивчення нового матеріалу ( вступні, мотиваційні та пізнавальні вправи)

* Первинне застосування нових знань( пробні вправи)

     * Самостійне застосування учнями знань у стандартних ситуаціях

( тренувальні вправи за зразком, інструкцією,завданням)

      * Творче перенесення знань і навичок у нові ситуації ( творчі вправи)

       *  Підсумки уроку і повідомлення домашнього завдання.

3)Урок узагальнення і систематизації знань:

* Повідомлення теми, цілей та завдань уроку

     * Актуалізація мотивації учіння учнів

     *  Відтворення і узагальнення понять і засвоєння відповідної їм системи знань

* Узагальнення та систематизація основних теоретичних положень і відповідних наукових ідей

     * Підсумки уроку і повідомлення домашнього завдання.

4)Урок практичного застосування знань, навичок та вмінь:

      * Перевірка домашнього завдання

      * Актуалізація і корекція опорних знань, навичок та вмінь

      * Повідомлення теми, цілей та завдань уроку

      * Актуалізація мотивації учіння учнів

      * Осмислення змісту та послідовності застосування способів виконання дії

      * Самостійне виконання учнями завдань під контролем і за допомогою вчителя

      *Звіт учнів про роботу і теоретичне обґрунтування отриманих результатів

      * Підсумки уроку і повідомлення домашнього завдання.

   5) Урок контролю та корекції знань, навичок та вмінь:

 * Повідомлення теми, цілей та завдань уроку

      * Актуалізація мотивації учіння учнів

      * Перевірка глибини осмислення учнями знань і ступеня їх узагальнення

      * Застосування учнями знань у стандартних та змінних умовах

      * Перевірка, аналіз та оцінка виконаних під час уроку робіт

      * Підсумки уроку і повідомлення домашнього завдання.



















1)Урок засвоєння нових знань:

Підручник Solutions intermediate 2rd edition( Тема: Family)

Тема: Стосунки між людьми. Введення нового лексичного матеріалу.

Мета: познайомити учнів з новою лексикою , яка стосується родини і соціального життя, розвивати уміння та навички вживати нову лексику в ситуації про розвиток стосунків між молодими людьми, розвивати уміння сприймати інформацію на слух, познайомити учнів з phrasal verbs,які складаються з 3 частин, виховувати повагу до людей, з якими зводить доля, вчити учнів правильно будувати свої стосунки з іншими людьми.

Обладнання: підручник, робочий зошит, комп’ютер, диск для аудіювання, список нових слів, завдання на карточках (HO 7а) та Vocabulary Builder( 7.1)

Тип уроку: урок засвоєння нових знань.

                                                               Хід уроку.

I. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення.

Warm up. Введення в іншомовну атмосферу.

Вітання з учнями і бесіда з черговими.

Good morning ,students. How are you? I hope you are well. And who is on duty today?

II. Основна частина уроку.

1. Lead in (3-4 minutes). Актуалізація і корекція опорних знань.

Draw a simple match stick drawing of a man and a woman and a heart and elicit some expressions to describe the relationship (e.g. they are in love, they are in a relationship, they are dating).


Tell the students you are going to dictate some factors in a relationship: good looks, star sign, shared interests, taste in clothes, age, education, taste in music, sense of humor.

In pairs students decide if each factor is very important, quite important, not very important or not important all.

2. The theme and the tasks of the lesson. Повідомлення теми і завдань уроку.

What is the theme of our lesson? We will speak about relationships, we will learn new words and three- part phrasal verbs, we will listen to the stories of people who are talking about couples, we will tell the story of a relationship.

3.Comprehension work.Мотивація учіння.

Refer student s to the phrase and explain the meaning of any unknown words. Check comprehension by asking questions:

Ex 1 p. 64 (sb)

Why do couples fall out? What’s a good way of making up? Do you think a boy should ask a girl out or doesn’t matter who asks who out? How long should a couple go out before they get engaged?

In pairs students put the phrase in order. There may be some disagreement, so encourage them to explain their choices.

3. Cприймання і усвідомлення учнями матеріалу.

А) Запис значення нових слів до уроку. Діти працюють з листочками, які надруковані з транскрипцією, вчитель дає переклад  під запис.

В) ex 2 p. 64

Students complete the sentences with the correct particle.

Key: 1) in, with, out 2) up, back 3) on, out 4) -, up, 5) out, up, 6) -,-.

C) ex 3 p. 64.

Students rewrite the sentences with phrases from ex 1. Then they check answers in pairs.

2. Dave fancies Helen.                             6. Linda and Rob have got back together.

3. Harry and Diana have split up.          7. Tina and Bruce have made up.

4. Kate and Ian have got divorced.

5. Pete and Sarah get on well.

4. Осмислення зв’язків і залежностей між його елементами.

a) Listening.

Ex 4 p. 64 transcript 2.23 p. 64

Go through the instructions together. Remind the students to focus on the general gist and not to worry about any words they don’t understand. Play the recording and pause after each dialogue. Allow students time to write their answers.

5. Post- listening activity.

Key: 1d, 2 f, 3 e, 4 b, 5 g

b) Picture description.

Ex 5 p. 64

Focus on the instructions and look at the first picture together. Make sure they use the past tense.

1. They met at the party. Ryan fancied Hannah. He chatted her up.

2. He asked her out.

3. They went out. They got on well.

4. They fell in love.

5. They fell out.

6. They got back together.

7. They got engaged.

8. They got married.

c) Extra activity-speaking.

Divide the class into 8 groups and focus each group on one of the pictures in ex 5.

 Tell them they are going to make a dialogue to accompany their particular picture.

6. Узагальнення і систематизація знань.

For further practice of three-part phrasal verbs go to:

Vocabulary Builder 7.1 p 133

Key: 1. 1) on ,c 2) out, f 3) on, d 4) up, g  5) down, b 6) out, e  7) up, h 8) out, a

         2. 1) look up to  2) looks down on 3) walked out on  4) gets on well with 5) puts up with 6) going out with 7) carry on with 8) fell out with.

III. Заключна частина уроку.

Підсумки уроку: What have you learned today? What can you do now?

Домашнє завдання: вивчити нові слова  і дієслова, підготуватися до диктанту, виконати ex 1-3 Unit 7a (wb)










                            Topic Phonetics Translation

Dating and relationships

ask somebody out /ɑsk sʌmbədi aʊt/- запросити погуляти

be head over heels in love /bihed əʊvə(r) hilz ɪn lʌv/- закохатися без тями

break somebody’s heart /breɪk sʌmbədiz hɑ:t/ - розбити серце

chat somebody up /tʃat sʌmbədi  ʌp/ - розмовляти

fancy somebody /fansi sʌmbədi/ - зацікавитися

fall in love (with somebody) /fɔl ɪn lʌv (wɪð sʌmbədi)/- закохатися

fall out (with somebody) /fɔl aʊt (wɪð sʌmbədi)/ - залишити когось

feel an attraction (for someone) /fil an ətrakʃn (fɔ(r) sʌmwʌn)/ - відчувати потяг

get back together (with somebody) /ɡet bak təɡeðə(r) (wɪð sʌmbədi)/ - зійтися разом

get divorced /ɡet dɪvɔsd/ - розлучитися

get engaged (to somebody) /ɡet ɪnɡeɪdʒd (tə sʌmbədi)/- заручитися

get married (to somebody) /ɡet marid (tə sʌmbədi)/ - одружитися

get on well (with somebody) /ɡet ɒn wel (wɪð sʌmbədi)/ - ладити, дружити

go on a date (with somebody) /ɡəʊ ɒn ə deɪt (wɪð sʌmbədi)/ - піти на побачення

go out (with somebody) /ɡəʊ aʊt (wɪð sʌmbədi)/ - гуляти

have an argument (with somebody) /hav an ɑɡjumənt (wɪð sʌmbədi)/ - посваритися, сперечатися

have a relationship (with somebody) /hav ə rɪleɪʃnʃɪp (wɪð sʌmbədi)/ - мати стосунки

look down on (somebody) /lʊk daʊn ɒn (sʌmbədi)/ - дивитися на когось зверхньо

look up to (somebody) /lʊk ʌp tə (sʌmbədi)/ - давитися на когось з повагою

make up (with somebody) /meɪk ʌp (wɪð sʌmbədi)/ - помиритися з кимось

meet friends /mi:t frendz/ - познайомитися

socialise /səʊʃəlaɪz/ - спілкуватися

share an interest (in films) /ʃeə(r) an ɪntrəst (ɪn fɪlmz)/- поділяти інтерес

split up (with somebody) /splɪt ʌp (wɪð sʌmbədi)/ - розійтися, порвати стосунки

stay in touch /steɪ ɪn tʌtʃ/ - тримати зв'язок

walk out (on a partner) /wɔk aʊt (ɒn ə pɑtnə(r))/- піти від партнера






















2)  Урок формування навичок і вмінь:

Підручник Solutions  intermediate 2rd edition( Тема: Family)

Тема: Стосунки між людьми. Кохання і закоханість.

Мета: формувати навички та уміння засвоєння учнями нової лексики, яка стосується родини і соціального життя, стосунків між молодими людьми, повторити правила утворення і вживання ступенів порівняння прикметників (вищий та найвищий ступені),розвивати уміння та навички слухання тексту про Вільяма Блейка та обговорення питань, які висвітлюються в його поезії, практикувати учнів у вживанні ідіоматичних зворотів зі словами heart / head, виховувати повагу до членів родини, вчити учнів правильно будувати свої стосунки з іншими людьми.

Обладнання: підручник, робочий зошит, комп’ютер, додатки Vocabulary Builder 7.2; роздатковий матеріал 7В тa 7С.

Тип уроку: урок формування навичок і вмінь.

                             Хід уроку.

I. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення.

Warm up. Введення в іншомовну атмосферу.

Вітання з учнями і бесіда з черговими.

Good morning,students. How are you? I hope you are well. And who is on duty today?

II.Основна частина уроку.

1. Check on hometask. Перевірка домашнього завдання.

 Home task: do ex 1-5 p 45 (wb)

dictation (from get married till walk out)

2. Training exercises.  Актуалізація і корекція опорних знань, навичок і вмінь.

- робота з додатком попереднього уроку. Учні тренуються у виконанні завдання з Phrasal verbs.

 3. Повідомлення теми, цілей і завдань уроку.

 4. Актуалізація мотивації учіння учнів.

Students receive the tasks of handout 7B and revise the previous material.

a) Lead-in.               



                               love                                          nature


                            war                                                               country


What topics are poems usually about?

Do you know the lines of any poems by heart?

How is poetry different from prose?

Quotations about poetry

“The best words in the best order” Samuel Taylor Coleridge

“You can’t write poetry on the computer” Quentin Tarantino

Do you agree with these quotations?

4.Speaking. Вивчення нового матеріалу ( вступні, мотиваційні та пізнавальні вправи).

Ex 1,2 p 66 (sb)

Students name as many poems as they can from their own and other countries.

They try to complete the poems with the verbs.

Key: 2. told, 3 depart, 4 came by, 5 took, 6 met, 7 chose, 8 knew, 9 said, 10 suppose, 11 get

Students work with handout 7C.

5. Listening. Transcript 2.24

Cultural note

Love’s secret was written by William Blake, a very famous English poet.

One perfect rose was written by Dorothy Parker who was an American writer of humorous, sardonic poems and short stories.

Ex 4, 5p 66 (sb)

In pairs the students discuss the questions.

Ask students to say which of the poems they prefer and to give reasons for their questions.

6. Listening. William Blake. Transcript 2.25.

Ex 6 p 66 (sb)

7. Post-listening activity.

1. Key: growing up, relationship, school, writing

Ex 7p 66 (sb)

2.Key: 1b,2b,3a, 4b, 5a, 6b

8. Vocabulary practice. Idioms with heart and head.

a) Первинне застосування нових знань (пробні вправи)

Vocabulary builder 7.2 p 133

Key: 1. 1c, 2a, 3e, 4d, 5b,6g, 7j, 8h,9f,10i

b) Самостійне застосування учнями знань у стандартних ситуаціях (тренувальні вправи за зразком, інструкцією, завданням).

  Key:   2. by heart                           lose heart

                 head first                         have a head for heights

               take it to heart                  broke her heart

               ‘s set his heart on             a head start

               laughed my head off        head over heels in love

III. Заключна частина уроку.

What have you learnt today? What can you do now?

H/t  to learn new idioms and do ex 7C in WB
























Тема: Стосунки в родині. Проблеми та шляхи їх вирішення.

Мета: формувати навички та уміння засвоєння учнями нової лексики , яка стосується родини і соціального життя, стосунків між молодими людьми, повторити правила утворення і вживання структур I wish, If only, I’d rather,розвивати уміння та навички виконувати граматичні вправи, проконтролювати учнів у вживанні ідіоматичних зворотів зі словами heart / head, виховувати повагу до членів родини, вчити учнів правильно будувати свої стосунки з іншими людьми.

Обладнання: підручник, робочий зошит, комп’ютер, додатки Grammar Builder 7.3,7.4; роздатковий матеріал 7D.

Тип уроку: урок формування навичок і вмінь.

                             Хід уроку.

I. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення.

Warm up. Введення в іншомовну атмосферу.

Вітання з учнями і бесіда з черговими.

Good morning,students. How are you? I hope you are well. And who is on duty today?

II.Основна частина уроку.

1. Check on homework. Перевірка домашнього завдання.

 Home task: dictation with idioms, ex 1-5 p 46 (wb)

2. Актуалізація і корекція опорних знань, навичок і вмінь.

- робота з додатком попереднього уроку. Учні тренуються у виконанні завдання з7c.

 3. Повідомлення теми, цілей і завдань уроку.

 4. Актуалізація мотивації учіння учнів.

a) Lead-in.

On the blackboard

If you could/can/would spend the day with a famous person, who would/will it be?

What would/will you ask them?

3. Work with a book. Listening to Transcript 2.26. Вивчення нового матеріалу  (вступні, мотиваційні та пізнавальні вправи).

Ex 1 p 67

Focus on the picture and ask students who they can see and what they are doing.

Play the recording.

Ask a few of the students who answered yes to give an example of what kind of clothes they argue about and in what situation.

Ex 2p 67

Go through the Learn this! Box together. Students complete the rules and find the examples of the second conditional in the dialogue.

1 past 2 would 3 if I had money, I’d buy new ones. If you didn’t buy so many computer games, you would have more money.

4. Grammar. Explaining the new material. Пояснення нового матеріалу.

- Ex 3 p 67

- Grammar Builder 7.3 p 121

Key: 1’d stop, didn’t get on, 2 went out, ‘d split up, 3 fell out, ‘d try, 4 wouldn’t chat, didn’t fancy 5 wasn’t/weren’t, ask ,6 ‘d try, had, 7 wouldn’t go out, asked.

5. Первинне застосування нових знань (пробні вправи)

Go through the Learn this! Box together.

Students find examples of the expressions in the dialogue.

Key: If only I could leave school and get a job.

I wish you’d throw old jeans now.

I’d rather stay in and watch TV.

I’d rather you didn’t wear those jeans this evening.

6. Самостійне застосування учнями знань у стандартних ситуаціях

( тренувальні вправи за зразком, інструкцією, завданням).

- Ex 5 p 67

Students complete the sentences with I wish/ If only and I’d rather.

Key: 1. I’d rather 2. I wish/If only 3. I’d rather 5. I wish/If only 6. I wish/If only

7. Творче перенесення знань та умінь у нові ситуації.

- Ex 6 p 67

Students make as many sentences as they can with the phrases in the chart.

I wish... I had a better job/ she didn’t have to work/ we took more holidays/ she’d do better in her exams/our teachers wouldn’t give us so much work etc.

  • Ex 7 p 67 Focus on the task and the examples. Circulate and monitor, helping as necessary.
  • Grammar Builder 7.4 p 121-122

III. Заключна частина уроку. What have you learnt today? What can you do now?

 Home task: Do ex 1-5 7d in your work books, learn the rules.














Тема:    Види транспорту. Маршрут.

Підручник Solutions elementary 2nd edition( Тема: Transport)

Мета уроку:

  • Формувати навички вживання нових лексичних одиниць, вимови та граматичних явищ(розбір та засвоєння правил, які лежать в основі навички).
  • Вдосконалювати навички читання, письма та усного мовлення, сприйняття інформації на слух та візуально.
  • Розвивати культуру спілкування й мовленнєву реакцію учнів. Виховувати зацікавленість у розширенні своїх знань.

Наочність: SB, WB, computer, CDs, a text for reading “The choice is yours,” a hat of thinker, TSs

                                                                  Хід уроку.

1/ Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення.

Warm up. Введення в іншомовну атмосферу.

Бесіда з черговими. З’ясовування настрою учнів та їхньої підготовки до уроку.

How do you feel yourself? (Not bad. Good. So-So. OK. Nice. Thanks. Not bad. Better than yesterday….)

2/ Основна частина уроку.

1. Перевірка домашнього завдання.

Опитування у формі гри. “A hat of thinker”

To search, stream, options, amusement park, island, a see-saw, destination, to do merry-go-round, to put up a tent, to make a fire, to be a great “outdoors”, to be a big fan of nature. 

2. Актуалізація і коррекція опорних знань.



Look at the pictures and say what route you would like to choose for a weekend trip. Why?





I would like to take a hiking trip because I am a great “outdoors.”

I would like to take a trip to the Carpathians because I am a big fan of nature.

I would like to take a trip to the wood to put a tent and to make a fire.

I would like to take a trip to Disneyland because I like an amusement park.

A)Phonetic drills

/r/     tram, train stream rainbow dream

 /i: /    dream, stream, see-saw,ship

/ai /   island, like, find, bike, motorbike, bike

Let’s repeat “The Route Song “

Climb every mountain

Search every stream

Follow every rainbow

Till you find your dream

3. Повідомлення теми та цілей уроку. 

Mind map. Let’s revise all kinds of transport . Try to do as much as you can.

  1. Актуалізація  мотивації і учіння учнів.





               Train               plane                    ship

            Bus                                                                                                               bike





                                         underground             motobike         scooter

  1. Bиконання вправи Ex 1 p. 88 (SB)
  2. Повторення правила .

Use the prepositions by and no article to say how you can get to your destination: to go by car/ bus/ train/air/sea/

Use the preposition on and no article to say that you can get somewhere by walking …. on foot

But : Take the car/bus/train…..

  4. Вивчення нового матеріалу.

а) Вступна вправа. Listening.

Ex 2 p. 88 (SB)

b) Мотиваційна вправа. Групова робота.

Let’s group the words into 3 columns.


                Land                                    Air                                           Sea

Bike                                      helicopter                                      boat

Bus                                       plane                                              ship











What adjectives do we need to describe different kinds of transport?

Fast  - faster- the fastest

Slow – slower- the slowest

Cheap – cheaper –the cheapest

Expensive – more expensive- the most expensive

Safe – safer- the safest

Exciting – more exciting- the most exciting

Healthy – healthier- the healthiest

Do you remember the rules of the comparison degrees?

Let’s  make the comparative and superlative degrees. After that make some sentences.

e.g. Cars are faster than bikes.

c) Пізнавальна вправа. Бригадна робота. Reading.”The choice is yours”

As for tourists, the fastest and the most comfortable way to travel long distances is by air. You can sit back and relax or even watch a video. Of course, you should pay more money. Some people are afraid of accidents in the air.

Travelling by ship is cheaper. Large ships often have shops, restaurants and a swimming pool. But a sea voyage is the slowest way to get to your destination and people who suffer from sea sickness can’t sail by ship.

Perhaps, the most comfortable way to travel is by car, simply because you decide when and where to stop. You are free from the timetable and you are not afraid to miss a train or a bus. But your car needs petrol and it can break down.

A train journey is often the best way to see a country. You can enjoy the view or have dinner in the restaurant car. If you travel long you can reserve a bed in a sleeping compartment. But it is also not the fastest or cheapest way to travel

Give, please, a brief information about the text.

Post reading activity.

Agree or disagree with the statements.

  1. Travelling by plane is a very fast way
  2. It is cheap to fly by plane
  3. Travelling by ship is cheap
  4. All people can sail by ship
  5. You don’t depend on the time table driving your own car
  6. If you want to enjoy the country view you should travel by bus

Key: 1 +   to our mind it is true

         2 –   as for us it is false

         3+   we think it is true

         4 -   we think it is false

        5+    we hope it is true

        6+    we guess it is true

        7 -    to our mind it is false

5. Physical exercise

6. Listening.

        a) Первинне застосування пробних вправ. Listen to the situations and put the numerals instead of gaps.

        Ex 4 p. 88(SB)



















      b) Самостійне застосування учнями знань в стандартній ситуації. Make the sentences according to the table.

     -  Ex 1 p 80 (WB)


12 min




15 min

The cinema



1 hour




45 min




2 hours




8 hours




15 min

The beach


e.g. It takes Jake 12 minutes to go to school by train.

-  Listening   Ex 5 p 88

Key:  1.Craig 2. Ann 3. Danny 4. Joe 5. Charlotte

       С) Work in pairs

Kilometres, metres, minutes

How far do you live …..?

How do you get to….?

How long does it take …..?

  1. Творче перенесення знань у нові ситуації.

http://khmelnickiy.nezabarom.ua/i/s.gif http://khmelnickiy.nezabarom.ua/i/s.gifhttp://os1.i.ua/3/6/1701331_ede2dd6c.jpg http://khmelnickiy.nezabarom.ua/i/s.gif http://khmelnickiy.nezabarom.ua/i/s.gif Фотографії міста Хмельницький, Хмельницкий - фото

Фотографії міста Хмельницький, Хмельницкий - фото http://s.io.ua/img_aa/small/0918/22/09182214_0.jpg http://s.io.ua/img_aa/small/0918/22/09182225_0.jpg


Here you can see the photos of our native town Khmelnytskyi. Imagine you are visiting these places now.

How long will it take you to get to the bus station? It will take me 30 minutes.

How long will it take you to get to the central park?

How long will it take you to get to the Lybid Plaza?

 How long will it take you to get to the Shevchenko cinema?

8.Grammar review. Phrasal verbs.

Phrasal  verbs have two parts: a verb and one or two prepositions. They are very common in English.

                                     Get in                                 get out of

We use get in and get out of with a car and taxi.

We use get on and get off with a train, a plane, a tram, a ship, a motorbike and a scooter.

Let’s do ex 5 p.136 (SB). You have a bank of phrasal verbs. Match them with the pictures.


What are the past forms of these verbs?

Get- got              take –took        break- broke

Read the task of ex 7 p136.

Do you know what to do at home? Yes, read, put the verbs in the past form and  make sentences.

III. Заключна частина уроку.

  1. Summarising.

What have we learnt today?

What kinds of transport do you know?

What is the slowest kind of transport?

What is the fastest way of travelling?

How far do you live from school?

How many minutes do you need to get to school?

What phrasal verbs about the usage of transport do you remember?

OK. Well done! Thank you. The marks are…..

  1. The hometask.

Your home task will be to do ex 7 p 136 and to learn new words for the dictation. See you tomorrow. Good bye!



























3)Урок узагальнення і систематизації знань:

Підручник Solutions pre- intermediate 3rd edition( Тема: Shops)

Topic: People and society.

Subtopic: Shopping. We open new shops together.

Learning outcomes: Students will be able to create their own shops and persuade other people to visit them.

I.  Pre-task stage.

  1. Motivation.

Teacher: Recently I have seen a video about the history of Marks and Spencer. It’s amazing!


Marks and Spencer is one of the famous and well-respected retailors on the British high street. It sells food, clothes, toiletries and products for the home. It has a reputation of quality, affordability and good customer service. It is very popular with middle class shoppers across the country. It has an annual turnover of over & 10 billion and has stores in over 40 locations across the world.

* What famous shops are there in Ukraine?

*What do they sell?

* What do you know about their history?

*Are there Marks and Spenser shops in Ukraine?

*Would you like to start your own business? What would you do?

Shopping online is better than going shopping

Do you agree or disagree with this statement and why?

  1. Giving the instructions for the task.

Today we are going to open some new shops in the town centre. In groups of three choose the types of shops and design the poster. Discuss the reasons of your choice and what you will sell there. Persuade the rest of pupils to visit your shop.

  1. Material support.

Paper, flipchart, felt-tip pens, pictures from the magazines, students smartphones, access to the Internet etc.

  1. Scaffolding the task.

Signposting what you say

An opinion                                               An additional point

  • In my opinion                                  * What is more…
  • As I see it…                                       * Moreover….

A reason                                                   * Not only that….

  • That’s because…                              A contrasting point
  • Therefore …                                      * Although…..

An example                                       * Nevertheless…

  • For example                                      * On the other hand….
  • For instance                                      A paraphrase
  • … such as…                                     * In other words….   * What I mean…..




Retailer, staff, expanded, partnership, revenue         


Presenting a model

  • What would you like to sell
  • How would you develop you brand
  • What would you do to expand and grow
  • The problems of working with your partners.  

Make a poster to advertise your shop.

II. Task stage

Task. Students carry out the tasks in groups

Planning. They are planning how to report on the task outcome

Report. They report to the class.

III. The language focus and feedback with more practice. 

                                                Rules for students

Speech and manner

Speak clear, look up and look at your audience. We have to be able to hear you.

Interesting to the audience

Look interested and use reasons and pictures.  

Easy to follow

Keep it short and use specific examples

Make sure you have a conclusion.


Put the posters up on the wall, give the students some” money” and ask them to walk around the class and decide which shop they want to spend it in                    




























4)Урок практичного застосування знань, навичок та вмінь

Підручник Solutions intermediate 3rd edition(  Тема: Sports)

Тема: Спортивні події у Великій Британії.

Мета:    Objectives:

• To discuss the importance of sport on an individual level and in an international context

• To identify the meaning of and use vocabulary in the context of sport

• To identify the meaning of and use idioms in the context of sport


This lesson is about sport and its place in society. It develops speaking and writing skills and

the use of context-specific vocabulary and idiomatic language. The students’ own

experiences and opinions form the basis of all discussions.

Наочність підручник, зошит, магнітофон, презентації учнів, текст  для аудіювання, відео про спорт,завдання, «капустинка» з запитаннями.

Хід урока

1. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення.(2 хв)

Warm up. Greeting.

How are you?  I'm well/ Not bad/ Better that yesterday.

What's happen? I was ill/ I was under the weather.

Really?  How are now? I'm alright.

Oh, Gosh! It's Ok.

II. Основна частина уроку.

Before coming in and taking your seats, find the place at our stadium. (2 хв)

  1. How old are you?
  2.  What is the date today?
  3. How many people are there in your group?
  4. How many letters are there in your name?
  5. Add up the numbers in the small circles
  6. Write the total sum in the star. It’s your place. You are welcome!


  1. Перевірка домашнього завдання.


At the previous lesson we spoke with you about different kinds of sports which are very famous in the world. Let’s discuss about some of them.

(4-5 хв)

What are the most popular sports in Great Britain?

Does sporting coverage on TV favour male- dominated sports?

Are certain sports preferred by different sections of society?


- In UK football is very popular, male dominated sport. Although more and more women are playing it, this is not represented adequately on TV. Historically football is seen as a working class sport. This is in comparison to rugby, which is regarded as an upper class sport. However the difference between fans of two sports is now less obvious than in the past.

  • Yes, you are right. Speaking about rugby we should mention that this kind of sport is very popular in the USA. It’s a male dominated sport for strong and fast people. Recently I have seen this sport in the film Forrest Gump and remembered some episodes which we read at Home reading lessons.
  • Golf is very popular too. This sporting event is widely spread on TV and it is regarded as the upper class sport too. But I want to say that men and women play golf nowadays.
  • Rowing is extremely famous between young people, especially between the teams of Universities. It is represented on TV in spring. All people come to see this event on the river Thames.
  • Cricket is the most unusual and strange sport for me. I don’t understand the rules and it is boring for me.
  • Horse riding is Ok. It is very popular in the UK. People from rich families come to see this event. As I know they wear formal dresses according to a special dress code. It is represented adequately on TV, because it is the royal sport which is not male dominated. I know that Princess Anne was the winner of some sport events in the past.
  • Tennis has a huge popularity in the UK and abroad! Thousands of people watch it breathless because here you can see the greatest sportsmen of the world. In the past, it was seen as the upper class sport but now it is the loveliest kind of sport in the world.

We have talked a lot about British sports, tell me please, do you like to play with a ball? If yes I propose you to do it but a little bit in an unusual way. Let's play with a cabbage! My cabbage is strange because it has questions inside. Your task is to catch and open, then read and answer.

ex 1 p 114 (sb)

Here you can see the words which will help you to do the task.

cricket  football  golf  horse racing  motor racing  rowing  rugby  tennis

1) The Open and the Ryder Cup are both famous events in which sport?

2) In which sport does a British team compete against teams from other countries in the Davis Cup?

3) In which sport do England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland, France and Italy compete in a competition called the Six Nations?

4) In which sport do Oxford and Cambridge compete on the river Thames each year?

5) If England is playing Australia at Lords in an Ashes match, what sport is it?

6) The Grand National and the Derby are both famous events for which sport?

Thank you very much and now it’s time to listen to the quiz and its contestants.

2) Актуалізація і корекція опорних знань, умінь та навичок.

А) Прослуховування тексту** 4.08.(2 хв 47 сек)

Listen to the quiz in exercise 1 and check your answers. Which contestant wins: John or Milly?

B) Reading ex 3 p 114 (5-6 хв)

Read the fact files and match the pieces of information to the fact files.

Answer the questions:

Where is Royal Ascot?

What is the dress code at Royal Ascot?

Which two events in the past prevented the FA cup from being held?

How did the Manchester City goalkeeper injure himself during the 1956 FA cup final?

How long do the Wimbledon Tennis Championships last each year?

How has prize money at Wimbledon for men and women changed since 1968?

Ok. You are right! Let’s continue our lesson with your reports about sports in Great Britain

B) Повідомлення про види спорту, які дуже популярні У Великій Британії.

Презентації учнів. Cricket, motor racing, golf (6 хв)

фізкультпауза для очей (1.5 хв)

3) Повідомлення  мети і завдань уроку та мотивацію уміння школярів.

The importance of sports is great and we can’t imagine our life without sport events, famous champions, Olympic games, music, people on the stadiums etc . I propose the next task for you.

Below there are four word clouds. Use the words in each word cloud to make a statement.

Слайд про спорт

Task 1

Warmer and vocabulary.

1. Sport is the most powerful international language.

2. Sport at its highest level is of course borderless.

3. Sport is deep in the DNA of every community.

4. Sport has an international reach that is beyond compare.

4) Осмислення змісту.

These statements are said by a famous sports person during a video you are going to watch


* write the numbers 1-4 next to the statements in the order which you hear them

1. Sport is the most powerful international language.

2. Sport has an international reach that is beyond compare.

3. Sport is deep in the DNA of every community.

4. Sport at its highest level is, of course, borderless.

* Do you agree with these statements? Why (not)?

The statement is very important. It is so pleasant to see our sportsmen after the competitions when they can say and show their emotions in English and all the world knows about Ukraine thanks to our sportsmen.

We can’t compare sports with something else because sport is a peace. From the lessons of History we know that all wars stopped because of Olympic Games. To my mind it is a great holiday for all nations, for all people of good will.

As I know each country has its own traditions and sports, of course. To compete is in blood of everyone.

Some games have a very long and rich story. Such sports as Shalyga in KyivanRus and Lalo in Georgia, Caucas were the synonyms of football in the UK.

5) Послідовність застосування способів виконання дій.


* Are you good at sport?

* Do you enjoy playing or watching sport? Why?

* Do you know anyone who makes a living out of sport? Ade Adepitan

* Which sports are most popular in our culture?

Фізкультпауза “Ram Sam Sam” blob:https://www.youtube.com/d7e5bed9-8cce-437a-a2b1-181e1e473739

  1. Самостійне виконання завдань учнів під контролем і за допомогою вчителя.

Now it’s high time for another interesting and useful task. Idioms about sport help you to refresh your language and rich your vocabulary.

а) idioms are taken from the running dictation text. Match each one to its definition (f- g)



1 ) against all odds

a) to try to defeat someone and make it difficult for them to win

2) to give it your best shot

b) to give up

3) to give someone a run for their money

c) despite difficulties or a low probability

4) to win hands down

d) it is your responsibility or decision to do something about a situation

5) to throw in the towel

e) to try your hardest, put in a lot of effort

6) to be a one trick pony

f) to win easily and by a large extent

7) the ball is in your court

g) to be good at ( and successful in) only one thing

Key: 1 c, 2 e, 3 a, 4 f, 5 b, 6 g, 7 d

b) a game ” A Horse holder”

Обирається учень, який  тримає іграшку. Учневі задається запитання і команда ” Pass the horse”. Учень передає іграшку по колу , якщо встигає сказати своє слово чи фразу, то іграшка лишається в іншого учня, який тепер стає ”A Horse holder”

To be a one trick pony    the ball is in your court      against all odds

To throw in the towel     to give someone a run for their money to give it your best shot

To win hands down

b) Use the idioms you have just learned to fill in the gaps

1) Alex is only really good at football. He can't play any other sports. He's a ________________.

2) It was really unlikely that Shammi would survive after the crash, but __________ she has made a full recovery.

3. Although Andy lost the game, Roger had to try really hard and it wasn't an easy victory. Andy gave him ____________.

4. My football team beat the opposition by five goals. They played really well and ____________.

5. Jessica has been trying to be a professional swimmer since she was five. Now she is 21 and she still hasn't had much success, so she has decided to _________________.

6. Pete's gymnastics coach told him that the decision about the competition was up to him. He said,"_____________".

7. David really wanted to become an athlete but he knew he would have to work really hard to be successful. He decided to ________________.

Key: 1-6, 2-1, 3-3, 4- 4, 5- 5, 6- 7, 7-2

c) A running dictation.

Ade Adepitan was born in Nigeria in 1973. As a child, he contracted Polio, which left him unable to use his left leg and eventually prevented him from walking. _____________, Adepitan has become an extremely successful sportsman. As one of Britain’s best wheelchair basketball players, he has received many awards, including an MBE in 2005 for his services to disability sport. At just three years old, Adepitan moved to England with his mother to join his father. From an early age, he dreamt of becoming an international sportsman and, despite the difficulties he faced, decided to_________. In 2004, Adepitan competed as a member of the Great Britain team at the Summer Paralympics in Athens. The team gave the opposition  ________and won the bronze medal. Later, at the 2005 Paralympic World Cup they __________and took the gold medal home. Still a keen sportsman, Adepitan has not yet decided to_______, although he has also proven he’s not _______by working as a TV presenter, campaigner and charity worker. He sends a message of positivity to people and encourages them to believe that ___________and that they have the power to make their lives a success.

Кеу: against all odds, to give it his best shot, the run for their money, won hands down, throw in the towel,a one trick pony, the ball is in their court.

d)Звіту чнів про роботу і теоретичне обгрунтування отриманих результатів.

ІІІ. Підсумки уроку.


  1. Thumbs up/ down/ sideways

What have you done today?

 We have played with the cabbage and spoken about sports in GB.

Your variants

I understand and could teach this to others.

I understand but couldn’t explain it

I do not understand this concept.

  1. 3-2-1.

What was interesting for you?

3 things we learned

To write a dictation with idioms and do the exercises.

To play “ a horse holder”

To watch  the video and do the task with sports.

2 questions about the topic.

Why do people love sports?

How do sports influence our life?

1 thing the students want the teacher to know from today’s lesson

How long have you been preparing for the lesson?

What was unusual for you?

What have you remembered today?


  • Як варіант для закінчення уроку можуть бути конвертики для виходу з класу з ідіомами сьогоднішнього уроку. Якщо учень дає відповідь, то може вийти з класу.




Your homework will be

  • To think about your own life and of the lives of people you know and write sentences about your experiences and achievements, try to use the idioms you have learned today.
  • To prepare the fact file about one popular kind of sport in Ukraine.









Тема: Зірки в музиці. Відомі музиканти.

                               ХІД УРОКУ.

1/ Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення.

Warm up. Введення в іншомовну атмосферу.

Привітання з учнями, налаштування на роботу, оголошення теми і мети уроку.

Hello, girls and boys! How are you? Are you OK? Are you ready? I know that you are the lovers of nice and charming music that’s why I propose you to listen to some pieces of music and try to guess what kind of music you can hear.

  1. Jazz                              3. Pop music         5. Heavy metal
  2. Classical music          4. Rock’n’roll         6. Drum’n’ bass


2/ Основна частина уроку.

Well done! Clever boys and girls!

  1. Grammar review.

Now is a pause for grammar. Let’s revise if- clauses.

Open the brackets and form if- clauses.

1. If my friend (to come) to see me, I (to be) very glad.

2. If my mother (to buy) a cake, we (to have) a very nice tea party.

3.  If he (to receive) a telegram from her, he (not to worry).

4. If you (not to work) systematically, you (to fail) at the exam. If you (to be) busy, I (to leave) you alone.

5.  If I (to live) in London, I (to visit) the National Gallery every year.

6. If I (to get) tickets, I (to go) to the Philharmonic.

7. If I (to live) near a wood, I (to gather) a lot of mushrooms.

8.  If my father (to return) early, we (to watch) TV together.

9. If she (to know) English, she (to try) to enter the institute.

       2) Translation the sentences.

Who is the cleverest translator in our group? I bet - girls! Or am I not right?

Translate into English.

Л. ван Бетховен був відомим музикантом, його предки були композиторами і диригентами.

В нашій школі є музичні групи і хор.

 Я люблю слухати камерну музику.

Ми часто слухаємо симфонії нашого міського оркестру.

Диригент Лєонов є дуже творчою людиною.

Friendship is the winner! Thanks a lot.

  1. Do the matching.

*To release                    a) хор

     *To broadcast                b) скрипка

*To produce                  c) камерна музика

*To relax                         d) диригент

      *Relaxing                        e) симфонія

      *A band                           f) запускати

*To create                       g) створювати

      *A choir                           h) оркестр

*A composer                   i) композитор

*An orchestra                  j) випускати

     *A conductor                  k) транслювати

      *Chamber music             l) розслабити

     *Symphony                     m) релаксація

     *A violin                           n) група

  1. Speaking.

Yesterday we learnt some facts from the history of rock’n’roll music. We spoke with you about the Beatles, read some information about the group Spice Girls. I have some questions to you.

  • When and where was the group born?
  • What do we know about the young musicians from Liverpool?
  • Who was their producer?
  • Why do people all over the world remember this group and love it?
  • What can you say about their music and songs?
  • What do they play?
  • What song is your favourite?



  • The group was born in Liverpool in 1960. The group gained nationwide fame in 1962 and worldwide fame in 1964. The first compositions were simple songs Love me do and Please, please me.
  • There were 4 of them: George Harrison, John Lennon, Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr. Lennon and McCartney wrote and sang songs. Harrison played lead guitar, Lennon played rhythm guitar, McCartney played bass and Ringo Starr played drums.
  • Brian Epstain who ran Liverpool record store became their manager in 1961.
  • People all over the world remember this group and love because the Beatles help to give rock music a new direction, a new sense of melody.
  • Their music and songs are full of emotions. They are more imaginative and meaningful.They played rock, love songs, ballads and songs of social criticism.
  • Musical pause. “Yellow submarine”.

     Yellow submarine.

  1. In the town where I was born

              Lived a man who sailed the sea.

              And he told us of his life

              In the land of submarine.

              So we sailed up to the sun

              Till we found the sea of green

             And we lived beneath the waves   In a yellow submarine


We all live in a yellow submarine…….

  1. And our friends are all on board

                  Many more of live next door

                 And the band begins to play.


We all live in a yellow submarine…….

  1.   As we live a life of ease

                    Everyone of us has all we need

                    Sky of blue and sea of green

                    In a yellow submarine.


We all live in a yellow submarine…….

  1. Reading.  Vanessa Mae.


  1.  While- reading activity. Ex. 21 p. 125 ( SB)
  2.  Post- reading activity. Questions after the text.
  3. Musical pause. “Toccata”.

Put 5 questions to the sentence.

Vanessa Mae’s idol is the Italian violinist Paganini.

  1. Is Vanessa Mae’s idol the Italian violinist Paganini?
  2. Is Vanessa Mae’s idol the Italian or Brazilian violinist Paganini?
  3. Who is Vanessa Mae’s idol?
  4. Whose idol is the Italian violinist Paganini?
  5. Vanessa Mae’s idol is the Italian violinist Paganini, isn’t he?


  1. Listening to London Symphony orchestra. “Brave heart.”

Let’s revise some kinds of musical instruments.

What groups do you remember?

Stings:                    Woodwinds:                    Brass:                                    Percussion:

A violin                  a flute                               a French horn                      a Timpani

A viola                   a piccolo                           a trumpet                             the Cymbals

A cello                   an oboe                            a tuba                                    the Kettledrums.

A sting bass          a bassoon

                               a clarinet

                               a bagpipe

What kinds of musical instruments have you heard?

Finish the sentences.

We’ve heard the soundtrack from the film “Brave heart” which is performed by the London Symphony orchestra.

We’ve noticed a lot of musical instruments such as…….

To tell you the truth, their music is……..


  1. Playing the guitar.


  1. Dialogue.”Musical talents.”


  1. Listening and watching. Celine Dion.

     a) Pre- listening activity.

* Do you know anything about Celine Dion?

        * Where is she from?

        * How did she start?

      b) While- listening activity. Which sentences are true and which are false?

          True or false?

  1. C.Dion was born in Canada in a big musical family.
  2. She was the last child in her family.
  3. Celine sang with her siblings from the age of 5.
  4. Her singing was marked by a famous manager.
  5. By 1980 Celine was a superstar in her native province Quebec.
  6. In 1982 she won the Gold medal in Tokyo.
  7. She received the international fame after her track for Disney’s cartoon.
  8. Her albums were on the top charts for 10 weeks.
  9. Her best song is “My heart will go on”.
  10. 27 million copies of this song were sold in the world.


True                                                  False

  1. 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10                        5,8


c)Film. Перегляд кліпу і слухання пісні “My heart will go on”.

     3/ Заключна частина уроку.

Have you enjoyed today’s lesson?

What information do you like best?

How do you feel yourselves after such nice compositions?

Write down about your impressions at home. And find some facts from the life of your favourite singers or musicians. Thank you for your attention.


Галкіна Ірина
19 листопада 2021
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