Авторська розробка уроку з англійської мови для 5 та 6 класів на тему "Halloween. Past Simple". Урок містить цікаві завдання на вказану тему.

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Авторська розробка уроку з англійської мови для 5 та 6 класів на тему "Halloween. Past Simple". Урок містить цікаві завдання на вказану тему.
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Topic: HALLOWEEN. The Past Simple Tense.

Objectives:  to acquaint students with the customs and traditions of celebrating Halloween in English-speaking countries; to instill in students a sense of respect for the history and culture of the country; to develop of speech skills, lexical and grammar skills, to increase the motivation of students to learn the foreign language.

Equipment: example of invitation, cards with tasks, flashcards with Halloween words, thematic video.

Lines of meaning: «Громадянська відповідальність»




Teacher: Hello, dear children. Say me, please, what season is it now?             Pupils` answers.  Yes, it is autumn. What is the most popular autumn holiday?  Pupils` answers.  Absolutely right, Halloween! Today we will speak about this holiday and you will get to know some facts about Halloween. But first, we have to divide our class for two teams. First team will be cold “GHOASTS” and the second “VAMPIRES”. At the end of our lesson each team will get some thematic presents.  And now some information about Halloween. Listen attentive, be ready to do some tasks then.


Halloween is a holiday celebrated on the last night of October. Traditional activities include trick-or-treating (children visit neighbors and ask for sweets by means of funny threats), costume parties (ghosts, witches, vampires and other evil spirits), bonfires, visiting "haunted houses”, parades and etc. The pumpkin is a symbol of this festival in which offensive face is cut out. A lighted candle is put into the pumpkin. It was considered that pumpkin left about the house on All Saints’ Day drove off malignant demons.

People suppose, that the name of the holiday is shortened from All-hallow-even, as it is the eve of "All Hallows' Day". Nowadays, it is commonly known as All Saints' Day. Some modern Halloween traditions developed out of older pagan traditions, especially surrounding the Irish holiday Samhain, a day associated both with the harvest and otherworldly spirits.

Nowadays, the holiday is so popular all around the world (United States of America, Europe, Australia and even Russia). Adults watch all of their favorite horror movies, visit special parties and parades with friends and relatives and entertain children with all kinds of sweets. Youngsters (children, teens) do all these things, but they also ask for sweets and scare people. Moreover, they like to get scary or to wear sexy or cute costumes and go to Halloween parties with friends. People like the holiday because it’s mysterious and awesome time, when everything is possible and miracles, daydreams and fairytales could come true.





Teacher:  I think our next task will not be difficult for you. Let`s work in groups! (вправа спрямована на роботу у групах, яка розвиває в учнів готовність до співпраці, толерантність щодо різноманітних способів діяльності і думок) Listen to the questions carefully and quickly answer.



  • When is Halloween celebrated?
  • What traditions of Halloween do you know?
  • What are the colours of Halloween?
  • What are the symbols of Halloween?
  • Who can walk through walls?
  • What do you need to keep vampires away?
  • When are were wolves supposed to come out?
  • What does a witch use for transport?
  • What do children say when they knock at the door at Halloween? 



Teacher: Did you like this story? OK. In this story you have heard some new words, so let's remember the words with the theme of the holiday. Listen and repeat after me!

Halloween is coming! Интересные факты о празднике, тематические слова и  фразы на английском



Teacher: OK. I`m sure that you have a lot of friends. On the 31st of October there will be Halloween Party at our school. So, propose you to write invitations for your friends and relatives. When we are writing the invitation we should remember some sequence: first of all we should point who is this invitation for; then point date, time and address where the party will be; and the last who is this invitation for.

Here are some invitations, but they are blank. Please, take them and fill in!




Halloween Party Invitation | Rooftop Post Printables


GRAMMAR: The Past Simple Tense

Teacher: Today we are going to speak about Past Simple. First of all, let’s remember the rule.

C:\Users\User\Desktop\Нтк\Новая папка\The-Past-Simple-with-be.png

We continue our work!  Work in pairs.  You get the text and you should to tell about events in the past using positive and negative forms with verb “be”.  I give you a few minutes for preparation and after that we will check it up all together.

Halloween was / were | Halloween worksheets, Halloween lesson, Halloween  school


Our lesson is getting over, let’s analyze our work. Our teams worked very hard today. You were active that’s why I’ll give you only excellent and good marks. At last I propose to watch video, about how Englishmen celebrate Halloween. (вправа спрямована на залучення учнів до активної комунікативної діяльності, мислення, мовлення, уяви, уваги, спостережливості, розвиває інтерес до вивчення іноземної мови).  


 HOMEWORK: to learn new words, write short horror story.


22 травня 2021
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