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План-конспект позакласного заходу з іноземної мови на тему " Подорож англомовними країнами. TRAVELLING AROUND ENGLISH-SPEAKING COUNTRIES"
Перегляд файлу





Циклова комісія філологічних дисциплін











План-конспект позакласного заходу з іноземної мови на тему:












                                                                                 Розглянуто та схвалено на засіданні                                                               

                                                                                 Циклової комісії філологічних дисциплін

                                                                                 Протокол №__ від «__»________ 2018 р.                                                                                           

                                                                                 Голова комісії:          


                                                                                 Викладачі іноземної мови:                                                                                   






2018-2019 н.р.




http://images.ru.prom.st/260758066_w640_h640_n2325_7_r.jpgВид заняття:  брейн ринг





-  активізувати навички використання вивчених ЛО теми «Англомовні країни» на читанні, письмі та говорінні;



-   ознайомити з традиціями, визначними місцями та відомими людьми деяких англомовних країн;

-     розширити знання учнів щодо особливостей транспорту, їжі, музики, мистецтва в різних країнах;

-        розуміти особливості свого мислення, розширити світогляд;



-     розвивати пам’ять та уважність під час читання;

-     розвивати фонематичний слух та уважність при аудіюванні та говорінні;

-  розвивати мовленнєві здібності (мовної здогадки, імітації, логічного викладення думок) ;

-  розвивати інтелектуальні і пізнавальні здібності різних видів пам’яті – слухової й зорової, оперативної та тривалої, уваги - довільної та мимовільної, уяви;



-  виховувати ввічливу та коректну поведінку у громадських місцях загального користування;

-   виховати культуру спілкування, прийнятої в сучасному цивілізованому світі;

- виховати такі риси характеру як доброзичливість, толерантність, колективізм, активність, працьовитість;


Дидактичні засоби навчання: аркуші з завданнями, бланки відповідей, дошка, комп’ютер, відео та аудіо презентації


Література: Мережа Інтернет.










Хід позакласного заняття:


Teacher: Hello, dear students! Dear guests, you are welcome to our English class. We are very happy to see you at our competi­tion. It is devoted to the English-speaking countries. I'm sure you've read a lot of books and got useful information about the countries. This competition will show your achievements and your knowledge of the matter. I wish you success, be active, honest, industrious and helpful and you'll be sure to win.


Introduction of the teams and captains

Teacher: Now I would like to introduce our jury. They will be the referees and keep the score. (Ведущий представляет членов жюри)

Now it’s your turn to introduce your teams! Please, the first group!

(Капитан пред­ставляет свою команду – название, эмблема: Our team is called....)

And now meet the second team!

(Капитан пред­ставляет свою команду – название, эмблема: Our team is called...)


The 1st game

"Do you know English-speaking countries?"


1 pupil from each team (1 points for 1 right answer – 1 minute)


Teacher: Will you mention Eng­lish-speaking countries in turn? Work as hard as you can! I'll give you 1 minute for this kind of work. Every country you name earns you one point. One of the team let's name the English-speaking countries. A geographical map of the world can help you. So, you are welcome!


The 2nd game

"Countries, flags and capitals"


2 teams (1 points for 1 right answer)


Teacher: The next competition is called "Countries, flags and capitals". The each team must glue cards with the flags, countries and capitals. The winners will be those who finish their work first. Here are two envelopes with cards. Will you take your envelope, please!


The 3rd game

"Blitz – UK and USA"


2 teams (1 points for 1 right answer)


     Teacher: Now we are going to know something interesting about two wonderful countries:  the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of America.

You’ll have some questions about these countries. Your task is to give the right answers. I'll give you 4 minutes for this kind of work. Then we’ll check answers.





The 4th game



2 teams (1 points for 1 right answer)


Teacher: Dear friends! Now we'll see whose team is the best. On the screen you can see 7 fragments of the popular films and cartoons. Listen the task! You should call the names of the films and its author.


The 5th game

"Musical competition"


2 teams (1 points for 1 right answer)


Teacher: Friends! Do you like music? Combine these parts so as to get a name and surname of the famous musicians. Who will be the first?


The 6th game

"Sights of Great Britain"


2 teams (3 points for 1 right answer)


Teacher: You should collect the puzzles. After that one of the commands must tell about it sights but other teammate must be an inter­preter and translate him.


The 7th game

"Choose the right answer"


2 teams (1 points for 1 right answer)


Teacher:  I’ll assign the ques­tion, you should think and raise the card with a let­ter. The letter means the correct answer. A com­mand gets 1 point for each right answer. Are you ready?

(вопросы задаются по очереди)


1. Что, по английской традиции, привязывают к автомобилю новобрачных?

а) Запасную канистру с бензином;

б) пустые консервные банки;

в) детскую коляску;

г) корзину цветов.


2. Австралийскую дикую собаку зовут...
a) hot dog; б) sausage dog;                  в) dingo;             г) nassie.


3. Как рычит английский медведь?
a) br-br-br; б) gr-gr-gr;              в) tr-tr-tr;         г) fr-fr-fr.



4.  Торговый центр Лондонаэто...
a) City;    б) Oxford Street;           в) Baker Street;      г) Downing Street.

5. Поднятый флаг над Букингемским дворцом означает:

а) в королевской семье родился ребенок;

б) королева  принимает  высокопоставленных гостей;

в) королева дома;

г) у королевы день рождения.


6. «Юнион Джек» — это неофициальное назва­ние...

а) свода законов Британского содружества;

б) кружка коммунистов-подпольщиков;

в) флага Великобритании;

г) эскадрильи английских ВВС во время Вто­рой мировой войны.


7. "Fruit machine" — это...

а) автомат по продаже фруктов;

б) игровой автомат в казино;

в) автомат по продаже газированной воды;

г) механизм для сбора фруктов.


8. По традиции, к чаю в Англии подают...

а) блины с икрой;

б) сэндвич с огурцом;

в) пиццу;

г) капкейки.


9. Часы на здании парламента в Лондоне на­зываются...

a) King Kong;       б) Big Ben;             в) Ben Nevis;        r) Nessi.


10.Членом какого коллектива был Фредди Меркьюри?

а) "Beatles";          б)"London Symphony Orchestra";            в) "Queen";     г)"Guns N Roses".


11.Назовите самый маленький штат США.
а) Юта; б) Аляска;                  в) Род-Айленд;  г) Айова.


12.Символом Уэльса является...
а) чеснок; б) лук-порей;              в) репчатый лук;          г) петрушка.


13.Общей чертой, объединяющей всех американ­ских президентов, является то, что...

а) все жили в Белом доме;

б) все носили обувь 43-го размера;

в) все носили очки;

г) их любимое блюдо — яичница с беконом.


14. Halloween — это национальный праздник...
а) Америки;       б) Англии;

в) Германии;        г) России.

15.Великобритания — это...

а) остров; б) полуостров;

в) материк; г) группа островов.


16. Любимый вид охоты англичан — охота на...
а) зайца;           б) лису;

в) медведя; г) кабана.


17. Какой президент изображен на купюре в доллар?

а) Линкольн;        б) Джефферсон;           в) Вашингтон;      г) Рузвельт.


The 8th game



1 pupil from each team (1 points for 1 right answer – 1 minute)


Teacher: Next task is to show the word without spelling it. One person from each group shows the word the team guesses it.


The 9th game



1 pupil from each team (1 points for 1 right answer – 1 minute)


Teacher: Your next task is to guess the word when one person from your group tells about it  without naming it. You can guess 6 words for 1 minute.


The 10th game



1 pupil from each team (1 points for 1 right answer – 1 minute)


Teacher: Your next task is to ask different questions to the person who has to guess it. You’ll have 1 minute to cope with this task.


The 11th game

"The black box"


2 teams (2 points for right answer)


Teacher: The old woman — Great Britain — is glorified with its own firm tradition. The tradition fell into mode in 1840. Since 1880 the most expensive London hotels have been making it for stylish public. It is served with finger sandwich­es, crumpets, chocolate cake. What is in that box?






The End of the competition


Teacher: Thank you for right answers! And now we are going to sum up your answers and we’ll know who is the winner of today’s competition!  


Teacher: Dear friends! It's a pity but our competition has just finished. Thank you for coming and taking an active part in the games. You are really bright and industrious. You can do different kinds of work, you know a lot about English-speaking countries. And I'm sure that your good knowledge of English will help you in your future life. Good luck!











































The 1-st game.

  1. Great Britain
  2. Ireland
  3. USA
  4. Canada
  5. Australia
  6. New Zealand
  7. Republic of South Africa
  8. India
  9. Malta
  10. Bahamas
  11. Jamaica


The 2-nd game

H:\от Димки\travelplanet-england.gif    

             Great Britain – London              



H:\от Димки\Государственный-флаг-Ирландии.jpg

              Ireland – Dublin                                                           



H:\от Димки\294.png

               USA – Washington                                    



H:\от Димки\canflagb.gif

               Canada – Ottawa                                        



H:\от Димки\travelplanet-australia.gif              

               Australia – Canberra                                  



H:\от Димки\338.png

               New Zealand – Wellington                        



H:\от Димки\uarflagb.gif

              Republic of South Africa – Praetoria        



H:\от Димки\IN.jpg

               India – New Delhi                                     



The 3-d game

1. The Thames

2. Buckingham Palace

3. Madam Tussaud’s

4. London

5. Union Jack

6. Red

7. Tea

8. A skirt

9. http://im3-tub-ru.yandex.net/i?id=78526264-25-72&n=21

10. http://im3-tub-ru.yandex.net/i?id=21210393-54-72&n=21

11. Pound

12. Oxford

13. 10 Downing Street

14. St.Paul’s Cathedral

15. Hyde Park

16. Westminster Abbey

17. October 31th

18. Pumpkin

19. Trafalgar Square

20. Regent’s Park

21. 11:00 am

22.6 streets

23. House of Parliament

24. Red Rose

25. Thistle

26. The Potomac

27. The White House

28. Alaska

29. 50

30. George Washington

31. Los Angeles

32. Big Apple

33. On Halloween

34. the President


The 4-th game


http://cartoonsimages.com/sites/default/files/field/image/Winnie-Pooh-2-311562.jpg Alan Milne

http://i141.photobucket.com/albums/r56/bhchica05/wallpaper/Myspace007.jpg Lewis Carrol

http://data1.ibtimes.co.in/en/full/542396/new-harry-potter-story-halloween.png Joanne Rowling

https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR1f9BI3_mydYukbPvaI0CyhKE4FFHLI6AuOGe9r5uiXk9SM0NO         Rudyard Kipling

http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/3/37015/853624-gulliver1.jpg Jonathan Swift

http://www.peremeny.ru/blog/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/gamlet.jpg William Shakespeare

http://www.ljplus.ru/img4/s/t/staryfotograf_1/Aranjuez-04-Don-Quxote-by-Fayzullin.jpg Cervantes



The 5-th game

John Lennon

George Harrison

Ringo Starr

Paul MacCartney

Elvis Presley

Freddie Mercury

Michel Jackson

Whitney Huston


The 7-th game

1 б                                           

2 в                                           

3 б                                           

4 б                                           

5 в                                           

6 в                                           

7 б                                           

8 б                                         

9 б                                          

10 в                                        

11 в                                       

12 б

13 в

14 б

15 г

16 б

17 в


The 8-th game

                        Statue of  Liberty                                                         Big Ben


The 9-th game

1st team: London, Thames, Double-decker, White House, apple pie, Halloween

2nd team: Washington, dollar, cab, Buckingham Palace, hamburger, Thanksgiving Day


The 10-th game

                           Queen                                                                          President


The 11-th game





The 3rd game

"Blitz – UK and USA"


  1. London stands on the river
  • The Nile
  • The Mississippi
  • The Thames
  1. The Queen of England lives in
  • Buckingham Palace
  • Westminster Abbey
  • The Tower of London
  1. The famous museum of waxworks is called 
  • Pushkin Museum
  • Madame Tussaud’s
  • The National Gallery
  1. What is the capital of Great Britain?
  • Edinburgh
  • Boston
  • London
  1. The British flag is often called …
  • the Union Jack
  • the Stars and Stripes
  • the Maple Leaf
  1. What colour are the buses in London?


  1. British national drink is …
  • Tea
  • Coca-cola
  • Coffee
  1. The kilt is …
  • A pair of trousers
  • A shirt
  • A skirt
  1. What is the national flag of the Wales?

http://im3-tub-ru.yandex.net/i?id=78526264-25-72&n=21 http://im8-tub-ru.yandex.net/i?id=187620295-25-72&n=21 http://im3-tub-ru.yandex.net/i?id=21210393-54-72&n=21


  1. What is the national flag of the England?


  1. Money in the UK is …
  • Dollar
  • Pound
  • Euro
  1. Which is the oldest university ?
  •  Cambridge
  •  Oxford
  • London
  1. The Prime minister lives at…
  • 12 Whitehall
  • 10 Downing Street
  • 7 Russel Street
  • 15 Oxford Street
  1. Sir Christopher Wren built …
  • Buckingham Palace
  • The Tower of London
  • Trafalgar Square
  • St. Paul’s Cathedral


  1. Speaker’s Corner is in …
  • Hyde Park
  • Green Park
  • http://downloads.bbc.co.uk/rmhttp/schools/primaryhistory/images/anglo_saxons/what_happened_to_the_anglo-saxons/as_westminster_abbey.jpgRegent’s Park
  1. This is …
  • Westminster Abbey
  • The Houses of Parliament
  • The Bloody Tower
  1. When is Halloween celebrated?
  • December 25th
  • February 14th
  • October 31th
  1. In Scotland, what vegetable was traditionally carved into a jack-o’-lantern?
  • A watermelon
  • A turnip
  • A pumpkin
  1. You can see the column with a statue of Nelson in…
  • Piccadilly Circus
  • Hyde Park
  • Trafalgar Square
  1. London Zoo is in…
  • Regent’s Park
  • St. Jame’s Park
  • Hyde Park
  1. They change the Guard every day at…
  • 9:30 a.m.
  • 11: 00 a.m.
  • 12:00 a.m.
  1. Piccadilly Circus is the meeting-point of …
  • 5 streets
  • 7 streets
  • 6 streets
  1. The seat of the British government is…
  •  the Houses of Parliament
  •  Buckingham Palace
  •  Piccadilly Circus
  1. What is the symbol of England?
  • Red rose
  • Daffodil
  • Shamrock
  • Thistle
  1. What is the symbol of Scotland?
  • Red rose
  • Daffodil (нарцисс)
  • Shamrock (трилистник)
  • Thistle (чертополох)
  1. On what river is the capital of the USA situated?
  • The Thames
  • The Nile
  • The Mississippi
  • The Potomac
  1. Where does the President of the USA live and work?
  • The Buckingham Palace
  • The White House
  • The Pentagon
  • Congress
  1. Which is the biggest state in the USA?
  • Texas
  • California
  • Alaska


  1. How many States are there in the USA?
  • 48
  • 52
  • 50
  1. Who was the first president of the USA?
  •  George Washington
  •  Abraham Lincoln
  • Ulysses Grant
  1. In which city is Hollywood?
  • New York
  • San Francisco
  • Los Angeles
  1. What is the nickname of New York?
  • Big Apple
  • Big City
  • Big Jack
  1. On what holiday do children say “Trick or treat! Money or eat!”?
  •  On Christmas
  •  On New Year
  •  On Halloween
  1. Who is the head of state in the USA?
  • The British Monarch
  • The President
  • The prime Minister











H:\от Димки\travelplanet-england.gifGreat Britain


H:\от Димки\Государственный-флаг-Ирландии.jpg             





H:\от Димки\294.pngUSA  Washington                                    


H:\от Димки\canflagb.gifCanada


H:\от Димки\travelplanet-australia.gif



H:\от Димки\338.png

New Zealand


H:\от Димки\uarflagb.gifH:\от Димки\IN.jpgRepublic of South Africa






New Delhi                                     





The 5th game

"Musical competition"


Task: Combine these parts so as to get a name and surname the famous musicians.























  •                     London
  •                     Thames
  •                     Double-decker
  •                     White House
  •                     apple pie
  •                     Halloween











  •                     Washington
  •                     dollar
  •                     cab
  •                     Buckingham Palace
  •                     Hamburger
  •                     Thanksgiving Day



























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