Cats - Презентація з аудіо про котів.

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Презентація з аудіо про котів. Нові слова, малюнки, завдання, питання Do you think cats are cute? Do you know anyone who is afraid of cats ? What do cats like to do in their free time? ......
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Номер слайду 1


Номер слайду 2

Wordscat foodcat nipcat toy​ claws​furkittenlickmeownap​pawspetpurrscratchtail​whiskersмяукатькошачья едакошачья мята. Кошачья игрушкаоблизыватьлапывздремнутькотёноккогтимех царапать хвостусыдомашнее животноемурлыкать

Номер слайду 3

cat food cat nip cat toy claws fur kitten lick meow ​nap ​paws petpurr scratch tail ​whiskers. My cat will __________________ when it sees a bird in a tree . My cat needs more exercise. I’m going to the pet shop and buy a ________________for it to play with. A) What kind of _________________ do you have? B) I have a cat. I don’t like dogs. A young cat is called a ________________Cats often sleep. They like to take_________meowcat toypetkittennap

Номер слайду 4

cat food cat nip cat toy claws fur kitten lick meow ​nap ​paws petpurr scratch tail ​whiskers. What kind of ______________does your cat like to eat? Cats use their tongue to _____________ themselves to stay clean. My cat likes to _________________ very loudly when it is happy. Be careful! When my cat doesn’t like some-one, it will try to ____________ that person. A cat with long, thick _________on its body doesn’t like hot weather.lickcat foodpurrscratchfur

Номер слайду 5

cat food cat nip cat toy claws fur kitten lick meow ​nap ​paws petpurr scratch tail ​whiskers. All cats have long ________________ around their nose and mouth. Most cats really enjoy the smell of a plant called_______________. It makes them very playful. Cats often like to scratch furniture when their ______________are too long and sharp. A cat’s feet are called _________________My cat has a long ____________. But some cats have a very short one.whiskersclawscat nippawstail

Номер слайду 6

LISTENThis cat is gray and striped. It has a big, black nose. It’s looking at me and … I think it’s smiling! The next cat is white. Actually, there are three white cats, but this one is wearing a ribbon on it’s neck. Below the second cat, there is another cat that is also wearing a ribbon around it’s neck. But the cat isn’t white, it’s gray. The next cat is white. It’s sitting down and it’s next to a black cat. This cat is lying down and … Wow! This cat has very big eyes! I think something scared this gray cat. It looks really afraid.

Номер слайду 7

LISTENThis cat is all gray and it’s asleep. This cat is also asleep … but it’s striped. It looks a little like the first cat at the top of the page. I think this cat is just a kitten. It looks really young. It’s playing with a butterfly. Number ten is completely black. It’s sitting next to a white cat. This cat is lying down but it’s not sleeping. It’s looking up at someone or something. Finally, number 12, … that’s my cat! Can you guess which one that is?

Номер слайду 8

Listen and number the cats from 1 to 12. 111273129541086

Номер слайду 9

Номер слайду 10

Student ‘A’1. Do you have a cat? Why? / Why not?2. When was the last time you saw a cat ?3. Have you ever been bitten or scratched by a cat? If ‘yes’, when and where?4. Compare cats and dogs.5. What are some popular names for cats ?6. Why do cats have whiskers ?7. What do cats think about ?8. About how many hours a day do most cats sleep?9. Where can you find a cat if you want to have one as a pet ?10. Cats are better pets than dogs. Do you agree or disagree? Why?

Номер слайду 11

Student ‘B’1. Why do so many people have pet cats ?2. Do you think cats are cute? Why? / Why not ?3. Why do cats purr ?4. Compare lions and cats.5. Do you know anyone who is afraid of cats ? If yes , who?6. What do most cats like to eat ?7. What do cats like to do in their free time?8. Do you think cats are intelligent? Why? / Why not?9. Do you know any interesting stories about cats ?10. Should landlords allow tenants to have cats in their partments? Why? / Why not?

Номер слайду 12

VOCABULARY BUILDINGUse a dictionary to help you complete the chart below. All of the words must begin with the letter of the alphabet given. Some letters may have many different answers, while others may not have an answer.

Номер слайду 13

Slide Title. Make Effective Presentations. Using Awesome Backgrounds. Engage your Audience. Capture Audience Attention

Номер слайду 14

Slide Title. Make Effective Presentations. Using Awesome Backgrounds. Engage your Audience. Capture Audience Attention

Номер слайду 15

Slide Title. Product AFeature 1 Feature 2 Feature 3 Product BFeature 1 Feature 2 Feature 3