Exercise 1
b [b], d [d], g [g], k [k],
o [o], e [e], i [ı], l [l]
big ill kid bed |
egg bell dog doll |
ill bed dog big |
bell egg doll kid |
Exercise 2
p [p], n [n], s [s], t [t]
pen pond spend |
sit not spot |
desk leg end |
egg dog big |
doll ill bell |
bed kid spell |
Exercise 3
f [f], m [m]
sit not pot let |
top get milk film |
end leg bed spend |
pond desk doll bell |
dog pen kid leg |
Exercise 4
r [r], h [h]
red rest dress trip |
hill hen hop hot |
egg film get pond |
milk net sit not |
let pot end ill |
Exercise 5
w [w]
well wet west twig |
lip kiss still him |
trip hill dress hot |
hen hop red rest |
film leg spend kid |
Exercise 6
a [ӕ]
bag flat glad man mat |
still wet lip him hill |
not let ill milk dress |
film pot pond net frost |
trip rest hen hot red |
Exercise 7
c [k]
can cap cat cab camp |
gas hand flag bag stamp |
end it get dog hill |
in leg film desk on |
men hot kid spend big |
Exercise 8
u [ʌ]
cup cut club bus but fun |
gun hut hunt drum dust run |
still belt top frog tell frost |
can spell ten cap kiss twig |
till red pot sit bell doll |
pen milk best hot trip wet |
Exercise 9
ng [ŋ]
long song strong gong |
ring bring sing spring |
must plum sun plus |
can cap mat bag |
till belt top frog |
ten tell frost spell |
kiss twig still red |
pot sit bell doll |
pen milk best hop |
trip wet hill west |
Exercise 10
ck [k]
back black pick brick stick trick |
wing song ring strong spring long |
bus cup fun hut club dust |
lip hen cat bag tent flag |
send fat stand get milk on |
Exercise 11
ee [i:]
bee see feet deep green |
meet sleep steel sweet greet |
cock clock sock duck neck |
gong bring sing long spring |
ten hunt back nest frost |
drum land plum till hat |
spell cannot doll tram sun |
spell cannot doll kiss cab |
Exercise 12
ea [i:]
eat meat seat clean |
leaf lead meal speak |
sleep street sweep deep |
pick back trick black |
song ring long strong |
man cut rag dust |
net hill sand club |
plus glad cup tell |
lamp gun bad end |
desk kid men trip |
Exercise 13
sh [ʃ]
brush dish fish fresh |
wish shelf ship shop |
mean read weak tea |
bee see feet steel |
kick stick clock brick |
flag top mat bus |
ring stand left cup |
song wing sock must |
spring sad sun swim |
stamp run frog can |
Exercise 14
ch [tʃ]
chess chin much lunch |
bench rich chick children |
brush fresh fish dish |
clean meat eat seat |
sweet week meet green |
back bring plum hat |
from camp sell pot |
get drum cock rest |
pick tap best well |
tram fun flat belt |
Exercise 15
ar [ɑ:]
arm car dark barn |
far park mark farm |
bench rich chick children |
shop ship shelf wish |
speak lead leaf meal |
green fish fat stop |
tent deep hunt west |
street trip meet but |
egg doll wing spring |
bag nest run spend |
Exercise 16
or [ɔ]
corn for form fork |
born horn storm sport |
dark arm far park |
chin chess much lunch |
fresh fish dish brush |
ten neck greet trick |
gong weak dust sleep |
wet plus read silk |
cat steal sun mean |
kiss tree long plan |
Exercise 17
oo [u]
book hook look took |
room broom good wood |
corn form short horn |
car barm mark farm |
rich chess chick bench |
sweep bed eat big bag |
shelf meat ring brick bus |
bee ship sweet leg hand |
pen clean shop tree cup |
week pond seat wish gun |
Exercise 18
ir [ə:]
girl bird first shirt skirt |
book look wood broom good |
for fork storm horn sport |
dark arm far park mark |
chess much lunch chin bench |
song clock read feet |
strong meet cut leaf |
speak kick rag meal |
black deal club green |
desk land bring stand |
Exercise 19
nk [ŋk]
ink pink bank tank trunk |
shirt bird first skirt girl |
book room hook cook brook |
born short form corn storm |
arm farm car garde farm |
cap chin must see long |
duck seat fish bench spring |
fresh lead sock plum sing |
shelf tea gas wing end |
street bee drum dress cannot |
Exercise 20
th [ð], th [ѳ]
this that then them with |
thin thick three think third |
rank bank rink drink tank |
skirt shirt first bird girl |
good wood took brook look |
corn carpet red rich kick sleep song |
born car weak ring dish let chick |
meat horn bring neck plus mark in |
form park hop mean wish sad hut |
storm mark tree greet song it brush |
Exercise 21
ou [au], ow [au]
cout sound cloud ground shout |
brown cow now down how |
then with this them that |
fifth teeth thick third three |
drink pink trunk rank ink |
girl but hen lunch shop for |
tell first sit clean storm cook |
dark sport shirt twig steel back |
children ship dog eat skirt farm |
stick sweet hot brook run bird |
Exercise 22
ay, ai [eı]; ei [eı]
day gay may pay paint |
they grey hey prey sley |
how now clown brown cow |
sound ground cloud shout count |
thin thick this with that |
bank form frost hook week cock |
bird bus tank horn can cannot |
hunt car bench read pick on |
arm book shelf chess feet still |
room skirt fork fish leaf lip |
Exercise 23
o [ou]
go no bone home nose rose |
hey they grey pay day paint |
town clown brown how cow now |
blouse trousers shout cloud count house |
then them fifth teeth three third |
pink barn wish meal long cab |
strong frost garden short first rank |
deep brush broom shirt gun dust |
trick leaves man took much meet |
has pot storm chin cat stocking |
Exercise 24
e [i:]
he she we these Pete me |
stove note sofa home nose rose |
play gay may prey sley they |
cow now how town clown brown |
ground sound shout blouse trousers count |
thin drink rich fresh sweep black |
girl thick corn sun mark dish |
sing speak trunk chick green think |
camp duck look that bird lead |
carpet good fun horn with wing |
Exercise 25
a [eı]
name game Kate skate cake make |
she we he Pete me these |
no go bone stove rose nose |
grey hey sley paint day pay |
house cloud count now clown brown |
men fifteen tea ship children wood |
ring neck shop storm skirt weak |
chess kitten net cap cheese must |
park mat brook hot clock little |
plus from glad cup song farm |
Exercise 26
i [ai]
nine fine I five Mike wide |
bathe plate table basin Kate make |
we she he me Pete these |
note sofa home rose stove bone |
they prey play gay may grey |
paint blouse this bank form hook |
brick bee town fifth car bench |
trousers lunch pay book three shirt |
how then first drum sport doll |
ink dark fish seat spring spell |
Exercise 27
u [u:]
blue glue true pupil student tulip |
I fine nine five wide Mike |
cake name skate he we me |
no nose go paint day pay |
ground sound shout cow now clown |
third rank for hut see brush |
cook clean much gong plum tank |
meet storm thin girl bad far |
with street chick him top shelf |
garden cut sock broom bird them |
Exercise 28
y [aı]
my by fly sky try cry |
tulip pupil student glue blue true |
Mike lie nine fine wide I |
game table basin she these Pete |
rose bone stone note sofa home |
hey count teeth chin stock wish |
this play pink read house first |
fork but carpet grey dish town |
may think took rich greet mark |
skin brown that horn room run |
Exercise 29
y [j]
yes yet yard yarn yell yelp |
fly cry sky my by try |
blue true glue pupil tulip student |
five dive wide lie fine dine |
bathe make plate Kate skate cake |
he drunk shirt look then |
go arm children steel bring |
short trick cloud pay nose |
short bus fresh leaf lamp |
how gay me club prey |
Exercise 30
x [ks]
six box fox Rex flax tax |
yoke yelp yell yarn yard yet |
my by sky cry fly try |
student glue true pupil blue tulip |
nine I Mike dine dive five |
basin we no they fifth cannot |
long middle flag kick mean paint |
sleep left clown till pond hey |
shop chess barn brook hunt drink |
bone corn Pete them bird name |
Exercise 31
oy [ɔı]
boy toy coy hey soy ploy |
Rex box six flax fox tax |
yes yoke yarn yard yelp yet |
note rose home grey hey prey |
pay day may tree cow town |
three with born trousers good ten |
farm shop bench that skirt sweet |
girl dust frog fish cab meal |
form gun wood third blouse park |
chick tree eat string get stocking |
Exercise 32
all [ɔ:l]
ball small wall hall tall fall |
ploy soy hoy coy toy boy |
box Rex six tax fox flax |
yes yell yoke nose sofa stone |
sley hey they pay gay paint |
for brown bank thin fun feet |
think book shout brush tea can |
car storm bird ground lunch hook |
hop kitten rest sun black fifteen |
ink how belt first garden stamp |
Exercise 33
er, or [ə]
dinner supper doctor teacher keeper butter |
fall tall hall wall small ball |
coy soy toy boy ploy hoy |
yet yelp yard six box flax |
no go bone prey grey they |
clown play sound thick shelf sweep |
back much ink may she then |
wing cat stop little pen flat |
meet dark count teeth day seat |
cow sport broom must shirt this |
Exercise 34
y [ı], v [v]
lorry twenty forty |
vet very cave |
mirror actor sailor |
hall fall wall |
boy coy soy |
ninety puppy Teddy |
dive visit vote |
dinner teacher butter |
ball small tall |
box Rex tax |
my fly cry |
blue wide game me note they |
now them tank storm chin cap |
dine bathe third plus wish cock |
these rose paint house lead think |
five room plate far week pupil |
Exercise 35
a [ɑ:]
grass class glass father basket bath |
visit vet cave very five dive |
thirty fifty seventy puppy lorry sixty |
supper doctor keeper mirror teacher sailor |
fox six flax ball wall tall |
try glue fork table fifth home |
cloud I bird rank he carpet |
Kate swim town rich sand weak |
dish dog cheese hey well spring |
tulip Mike we pay sky hat |
Exercise 36
ear [ıə]
near dear fear hear ear rear |
bath basket father class glass grass |
twenty forty ninety Teddy sixty lorry |
actor dinner butter tax box Rex |
fall small hall soy boy coy |
yelp true fine basin stove three |
student nine she sley blouse trunk |
end milk frost land ring neck |
cock first make arm cry corner |
brown gay by yarn Pete drum |
Exercise 37
o [ʌ]
front some other brother mother colour |
rear ear hear fear dear near |
class basket father grass bath class |
thirty fifty puppy supper teacher mirror |
six ball toy ploy vail flax |
yes fly pupil dive skate me |
sofa prey how with pink skirt |
horn took part chess deep hut |
fresh trick fat cup hot ill |
song speak thin trousers day yoke |
Exercise 38
wa [wɔ]
wash watch want water was waffle |
some colour other mother brother front |
fear ear hear rear near dear |
class grass bath seventy Teddy lorry |
sailor keeper diner fox tax six |
wall hoy blue yard lie cake |
my these grey cow think plum |
nose ground girl corn look greet |
play that drink children barn song |
ship dark best camp kiss meat |
Exercise 39
ow [ou]
window yellow follow pillow shallow marrow |
was want water wash waffle watch |
front some brother other colour mother |
ear rear fear hear dear near |
twenty forty sixty glass father basket |
doctor fall soy name he rose shirt |
small butter yet box try may short |
we yell boy actor Rex paint brook |
sky game wide clown teeth bank chick |
they do dine coy hall shout mark |
Exercise 40
air [ɛə], ear [ɛə]
chair hair fair pair stair |
pear bear wear tear swear |
arrow sparrow borrow elbow pillow |
water want wash watch was |
other some front mother brother |
ear bath ninety sailor no sound run |
flax puppy fear ball pay ink wood |
bone sley by Pete now bird car |
teacher ploy glue Pete now born fish |
I bath tulip yarn thirty grass read |
Exercise 41
This is a table.
This is a plate.
This is a pear.
This is a chair.
This is a Teddy bear.
The table is brown.
The plate is white.
The pear is yellow.
The chair is brown.
The Teddy bear is black.
The table is on the carpet,
The plate is on the table.
The pear is on the plate.
The Teddy bear is on the sofa.
Exercise 42
This is a pen.
This is a book.
This is a notebook.
This is a bag.
This is a desk.
The pen is black.
The book is grey.
The notebook is pink.
The bag is brown.
The desk is green and yellow.
The pen is on the desk.
The book is on the desk, too. The notebook is near the book. The bag is in the desk.
The desk is on the floor.
Exercise 43
This is a tree. The tree is green. This is a The bus is big. This is a car. The car is ill This is a tram. The train is red and yellow. This is a lorry. The lorry is green.
Ann is in the street. She has a bag. Her bag is black. It is in her hand.
Ann is wearing a hat, a dress, socks and hoes. Her hat is brown. Her dress is brown, Her socks are white, and her shoes are black.
Exercise 44
This is a boy. His name is Alik. Alik is a big boy.
Alik's family is .large. Alik has a father and a mother. His father is a doctor. His mother is a teacher. Alik has a brother and a sister. The names are Oleg and Ira. Oleg is a driver. Ira is a student. Alik has a grandfather and grandmother. His grandfather is an engineer. His grandmother is a shop-assistant.
Exercise 45
Fred is eating. He is eating a cake. He is eating the cake in the kitchen.
Dan is not eating. He is reading. He is reading a book. He is reading the book in the sitting-room.
Nell is not reading. She is playing. She is playing ball. She is playing ball in the garden.
Ann is not playing ball. She is swimming. She is swimming in the river.
Tom is not swimming. He is running. He is running in the park.
Kate is not running. She is sitting. She is sitting on the bench.
Exercise 46
This is a classroom. The classroom is large and clean.
The teacher is in the classroom. There are some children in the classroom. The children are sitting. They are sitting at their desks. They are looking at the teacher.
The teacher is not sitting. He is standing, He standing at the table. He is speaking English.
The teacher is wearing a shirt, a coat, trousers, socks and shoes. His shirt is white, his coat is grey, his trousers are grey, too, his socks are green and his shoes are black.
Exercise 47
Six and seven is thirteen. Nine and ten is nineteen. Thirteen and seventeen is thirty. Forty and thirty is seventy. Fifty from sixty is ten. Twelve from sixteen is five. Seventy from ninety is twenty.
Exercise 48
This is a dining-room. The dining-room is small. There is a window in the dining-room. There is a sideboard in the dining-room. There is the table in the dining-room.
There are chairs near the table. There are plates on the table. There are apples on the plate.
There are cakes on the plate. There are cups on the table. There is tea in the cups.
There is a man at the table. There is a woman at the table. There is a girl at the table. There is a boy at the table.
Exercise 49
This is a sitting-room. The sitting-room is large.
There is a table in the sitting-room. The table is in the middle of the room. There are some chairs in the sitting-room. The chairs are near the table. There is a flower-stand in front of the window. There are three window-plants on the flower-stand. There is a piano in the corner. There is a vase on the piano. There is a flow in the vase.
There is a bookcase in the sitting-room. The bookcase is near the wall. There is a clock on the bookcase. There is a picture on the wall.
A woman is sitting on the sofa. She is reading a magazine. A cat is sleeping on the carpet. A kitten is sitting on the mat.
Exercise 50
This is a park. The park is large. There are many trees and flowers in the park. The leaves on the trees are green, and flowers are red, yellow and white. There are many benches in the park. The benches are green.
They are under the trees. There is a pond in the park. The pond is small. A boy, a girl and their mother are walking in the park. The mother has an English book in her hand. The girl has a doll. The boy has a Teddy bear.
The girl is wearing a blue hat, a blue blouse, a blue skirt, white stockings and brown shoes. The boy is wearing a grey cap, a grey coat, grey trousers, green socks and black shoes.
Дополнительные упражнения
Exercise 1
c [s], [k]
civil clad claim civic central class cut cissy customs cutlet cat cistern cicada cigarette cabinet cabal cinch celebrity copy carry December cyber |
cinema cabin citron city cyst cabbie cab cynic calico cam camel cynical cyclamen camp cylinder capacity cell canteen cement central nice |
Exercise 2
g [ɡ], [dʒ]
gyps goose gold orange gym frog fridge go gain gin beige grape Gypsy bridge guess Regent large |
giddy gaze gave German genetics gender cartridge gest garden Gipsy geography message margin golden engineer gallery guitar |
Exercise 3
-tion [ʃn] collection translation foundation station direction collation protection correction combination position |
-ssion [ʃn] profession compassion passion concussion commission procession mission mission expression |
-ture [tʃə] picture lecture rapture nature culture feature furniture departure |
-sur [ʒə(r)] measure pleasure treasure usurer |
-ey [ı] money key abbey monkey honey keyboard |
В закрытом слоге за ударной гласной следует одна или несколько согласных (любых согласных кроме r): pen, bad. Гласная буква в закрытом слоге передаёт краткий звук. Буква Звук в закрытом слоге Пример
Aa [ ei ] [ æ ] cat [ kæt ] - кот
Ee [ i: ] [ e ] pen [ pen ] - ручка
Ii [ ai ] [ i ] sit [ sit ] - сидеть
Oo [ ou ] [ ɔ ] not [ nɔt ] - не
Uu [ ju: ] [ ʌ ] sun [ sʌn ] - солнце
Yy [ wai ] [ i ] myth [ miθ ] - миф
Открытый слог оканчивается на гласную: my, go или на немую e, перед которой стоит согласная: home, name. Помните, что немая e не читается (на то она и немая), она лишь указывает на открытый тип слога. Гласные в этом типе слога читаются также как в алфавите, за исключением буквы Yy, которая произноситься как [ ai ]. Буква Звук в открытом слоге Пример
Aa [ ei ] [ ei ] late [ leit ] - поздно
Ee [ i: ] [ i: ] be [ bi: ] - быть
Ii [ ai ] [ ai ] like [ laik ] - нравиться
Oo [ ou ] [ ou ] go [ gou ] - идти
Uu [ ju: ] [ ju: ] tune [ tju:n ] - мотив
Yy [ wai ] [ ai ] my [ mai ] - мой
Примечание: В открытом типе слога после звуков [ dʒ, r ] буква u читается как [ u: ]: June [ dʒu:n ], rule [ ru:l ].
Далее: Носовой взрыв: сочетание звуков [ t, d ] cо звуком [ n ]