Читання. Контрольна робота 3 клас

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Контрольна робота містить текст та 3 різнорівневі завдання, які допоможуть оцінити навички читання учнів 3го класу.
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Reading 3/II

Winter is here

 Winter is wonderful season. It is my favourite season because it is snowy and everything looks like a fairy-tale.

 The weather is usually snowy and frosty in winter. Sometimes it is foggy. The trees, streets and houses are white with snow. Some animals sleep all winter. There are no leaves on the trees and there aren’t any flowers.

 I spend a lot of time outdoors in winter. I like to do lots of things. I like to ski and skate. When it snows, my friends and I play snowballs and make a snowman.

 I like winter very much.


I. Read the sentences and mark them T(true) or F(false).

1. Spring is a wonderful season.

2. The weather is usually hot and sunny.

3. The trees, streets and houses are white with snow.

4. Some animals sleep all winter.

5. Ann likes to ski and skate.


II. Complete the sentences.

  1. Ann’s favourite season is ______________.
  2. In winter everything looks like a _________________.
  3. _____________ is usually snowy and frosty  in ____________.
  4. Ann and her friends play ___________ and make a ___________.


III. Answer the questions.

  1. What is Ann’s favourite season? Why?
  2. What is the weather like in winter?
  3. What does Ann do in winter?
  4. What is your favourite season? Why?
17 травня 2020
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