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По горизонталі: 1. Santa rides on the_____. 4. Kids По вертикалі: 2. Which month is Christmas. 3. What like to play _____ in winer. 7. Kids open _______ on kids make in winter. 5. Who builds and wraps the Christmas. 9. What type of animal pulls the sleigh. toys. 6. What is falling from the sky in winer.
10. _____ Christmas and a Happy New Year. 8. Presents go under the. 11. Who delives presents on Christmas day.
Створено за допомогою генератора завдань на сайті “Розвиток дитини”
По горизонталі: 1. Santa rides on the_____. 4. Kids По вертикалі: 2. Which month is Christmas. 3. What like to play _____ in winer. 7. Kids open _______ on kids make in winter. 5. Who builds and wraps the Christmas. 9. What type of animal pulls the sleigh. toys. 6. What is falling from the sky in winer.
10. _____ Christmas and a Happy New Year. 8. Presents go under the. 11. Who delives presents on Christmas day.
Створено за допомогою генератора завдань на сайті “Розвиток дитини”