Цикл уроків по темі "Життя молоді"

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Даний матеріал допоможе вчителям спланувати свою роботу по темі.Цикл включає 5 уроків,присвячених темі "Молодь".Матеріал містить різні вправи,тексти для прослуховування, країнознавчий матеріал.

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Урок 1

Тема: Життя молоді. Активізація лексики в усному та писемному мовленні.

Мета:ввести та активізувати ЛО по темі в усному та писемному мовленні;навчити вести діалог-розпитування з метою отримання додаткової інформації по темі;сформувати уявлення учнів про життя та уподобання молоді;розширювати кругозір та мовну здогадку;розвивати культуру спілкування;формувати критичне ставлення до вчинків людей.

Тип:урок ознайомлення з новим матеріалом.

Обладнання:карточки з роздатковим матеріалом,текст для читання,малюнки

                                              Lesson Development


Greeting: Good morning! I’m very glad to see you today. So we continue our work. How are you today?

P.1 I’m OK. Thank you.

P.2 It’s a pity, I’m so-so.

P.3 I’m fine.

Warm up: Brainstorming speaking.

T. Look at the board and try to guess the topic of our lesson.(There are many pictures on the board connected with the life of young people) (slide 1)

P-s give their ideas of the lesson.

T. Right you are. We’ll speak about young people and their life.



1.T. Look at the board and try to match proverbs and sayings.

1.Action speak                                                     a)than done

2.Treat others as you want                                    b)kindness

3.Don’t forget to do good and                               c)second nature

4.Kindness gives birth to                                      d)sweet

5.Evil comes                                                         e)louder than words

6.Every family has                                                f)to be treated

7.Fordidden fruit is                                               g)share what you have

8.Good can never                                                 h)a black sheep

9.Easier said                                                         i)grow out of evil

10.Habit is a                                                         j)from evil

Answers:1e, 2f, 3g, 4b, 5j, 6h, 7d, 8i, 9a, 10c.

Read the proverbs and write down any five you like.


1. Pre-reading


What can you say about the life of youth in Ukraine?

P.1To my mind it’s happy, interesting and full of problems.

P.2I think the life of youth is difficult because young people should answer such questions:”What am I?”, “What am I going to do with life?”.

P.3 I think the main thing for young people is their life position. We shouldn’t be weak. We must have strong will.

Are there any youth organizations in Ukraine?

P.1 I know such organization as “Students’ League”.

P.2 There are many young people in youth organization “Plast”.

P.3 Young people take part in the work of such organization as “Green Peace”.

P.4 There is such organization as “Young Businessmen”

P.5 There are many political organizations with the participation of young people.

Are young people active or passive? Let’s answer using”PRESS”

I think…


For example…

So, I think that…

P.1 To my mind young people are active. They take part in political and social life of people.

P.2 I think they are very active and full of energy.

P.3 I think it’s a difficult question because young people try to get only what they want.

P.4 May be I’m wrong but I think that young people are passive. They don’t think about life much.

P.5 …

2.Reading.Text”Life of youth in Ukraine”(Додаток 1)

Let’s practice some words which are on the board.

to determine

economic crisis

to lead to

to change for

to take measures for

to be aimed at

to maintain ties

to share

to preserve safe environment

to come into being

3.After reading


1.life /in Ukraine/is/of youth/What/determined by?

2.led/What/to/an employment/many/youth/people?

3.Why/youth organizations/founded/in Ukraine?

4.How/young people/united/?

5.What/young people/do/?

Individual work with cards

Fill in words which are given: youth organizations, members, to aim, to share, ties, to maintain, interests.

1.There are many ------ in our town.

2.----- of these organizations are people of different ---- but they ---- the views of their organizations. They---- at solving different problems.

3.They also ---- friendly----with organizations of many countries.

Role play “Meet my guest”

  1. You are a member of youth organization. Tell about yourself, your organization, aims, answer the pupils’ questions.

III. Summing up


Discuss the text with your partner, learn the words. Write a short composition ”One day of youth organization”.


Do you like our today’s topic?

What tasks did you find the most interesting (difficult, boring, dull)?

What activities did you like best of all and why?

Thank you for the lesson.







Урок 2

Тема:Робота по тексту «Life of Youth in Ukraine, Great Britain and the USA». Розвиток навичок мовлення на основі прочитаного.

Мета:активізувати ЛО до теми у мові учнів,тренувати у читанні, мовленні та вмінні отримувати інформацію;поглибити знання учнів з граматики та практики мовлення;розширювати кругозір та соціальну культуру,тренувати пам’ять та увагу;виховувати самостійність у праці,вміння реально оцінювати події,прищеплювати любов до мови.

Тип:урок формування і вдосконалення вмінь та навичок.

Обладнання:завдання для читання, граматичні вправи, додаткова інформація,підручник.

                                      Lesson Development



T. At this lesson we’ll work further at our theme ”Youth” and do different kinds of exercises in reading, speaking and grammar.


Teacher: The weather is good today, isn’t it?

P.1Yes it is.

P.2 Certainly, it is.

T. Does it influence your mood?

P.1 As for me it does, but there are people who don’t refer to such category.

P.2 The weather doesn’t influence my mood. I try to controle it myself.

Teacher: Our life is the most expensive thing and we should care of it.

Do you agree with it? Why?

How do teenagers spend their life?

(pupils answer the questions and give examples)

Let’s make a MIND-MAP


to be funny                  to have many friends                   to date

                                    To be young

to be contradictory                                                         to go to the disco

                               to be rebellion

to drink beer, smoke         to listen to music           to chat on the phone

to spend money on…                                              to be crazy about computer

Brainstorming (pupils make up sentences using their ideas)


1.Teacher: Very often young people ask the question:”Who am I?” So finish the sentence (Незакінчені речення)

I think I am…

P. First of all I am a person with such features as kindness, strong will, readiness to help others.

My strong points are…

My weak points are…

I appreciate in people…

2.Teacher youth organizations help young people to develop their features of character, to improve behavior. So I propose for you the text for reading and discussion.

Навчаючи учусь

Each of you will get the text with the information, read and understand it. Then speak with your classmates and give your information. You should speak with one pupil simultaneously. (учні отримують інформацію,вивчають її, а потім передають її іншим.(Додаток1)

Teacher: What information have you got?

Speaking(pupils tell the information they’ve got)

3. Relaxation

Let’s listen to the song.



There is an expression ”to come of age”. Can you guess what it means…(pupils give their variants). It means you are old enough to begin independent life.”To come of age” is to attain perfection.

When do young people come of age in Ukraine?

Possible answers: 18 when one can vote, 16 when one can get passport, 17 when one finish school.

Teacher: I think it is 18 though 16 is also important. Have you got your passports?

Was it an important day in your life? Did you celebrate it?

Now listen to the story ”Twenty- one”. Pay attention to what is done in Great Britain on a person’s twenty- first birthday.


On the board:               Twenty-one today,

                                    I’ve got the key of the door,

                                    Never been 21 before.



The lines of the poem introduce us to some of the traditions in Britain. The tradition is connected with a person’s coming of age.

In England much importance is given to the event. Twenty-first birthday is usually celebrated by everyone. Friends and relatives are invited. Those who are invited to the party send or bring a card. On this card a picture of a key is usually painted which is a symbol of the young person’s independence.

3)After listening.

T. Answer my questions, give full answers.

1.What happens to a young man or a young girl when they are twenty-one?

                           (They come of age.)

2.Is much or little importance given to the event?

                            (Much importance is given to the event)

3.Who is the twenty-first birthday celebrated by?

                            (It is celebrated by everyone.)

4.Who is invited to the birthday party?

                             (Friends and relatives are invited.)

5.What is usually painted on the cards they send?

                              (A key of the door is usually painted.)

5. Speaking: Tell the class what was done on your 16th birthday.

6. Writing: Write questions concerning our today’s topic starting with: “who?”, “why?”, “what?”, “where?”, “when?”, “how?” to get much information about your friends.

7. Jig-Saw

Doing this task pupils work in “home groups”, they read texts then they work in expert groups and change the information. After that they return into their home groups and do the tasks. (Додаток 2)

III Summarizing

1.Your homework is to prepare interesting facts about the life of youth, learn the vocabulary to the topic.

2.You were great today. I liked your working very much. You were very active and inventive at the lesson. I’d like to know, what tasks did you like most of all and why? What activities were dull and boring for you?

-   As for your marks they are…

-   Good luck and see you next time.




Урок 3

Тема:Проблеми підлітків. Розвиток мовних та мовленнєвих навичок по темі.

Мета:удосконалювати навички ситуативного обговорення проблем молоді,уміння працювати у групах,формувати вміння працювати з аутентичним текстом(читання та слухання),розвивати мислення учнів,творчість,активність,вміння логічно висловлювати свої думки,спілкуватися з іншими,виробляти правильну позицію й погляди на проблеми,що стосуються підлітків.

Тип:урок закріплення та застосування вмінь та навичок.

Обладнання:дидактичний матеріал, підстановочні таблиці,магнітофон.      

                                              Lesson Development

I. Greeting

T. Good morning, dear friends! Today we shall speak about your life and problems. I hope that our lesson will be interesting for you and you can make your decision on this or that point of our lesson.

Life is beautiful. Like a sailor you should sail on the waves of your future life. And life is full of problems.


Speaking Brainstorming.

T. Name the most common problems of the teenagers.

P. (possible answers).Relations with parents, lack of freedom, the problem of pocket money, conflicts, misunderstanding between parents and children, desire to be quite independent, dependence on parents, desire to make decisions, to get good education, basking, begging.

(Pupils do MIND-MAP)


1.Let’s discuss some teenagers’ problems. You’ll work in groups.In families teens are brought up, educated, grow, get knowledge about relations between people, society they live in till certain age. So discuss the question, prove your opinion, give examples.


What do            British              teenagers think of their families?


Young Americans          have/do not have                                      relations with     

Young Britains                                                happy                     their families,

Young Ukranians                                         comfortable                 parents

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Finish the sentence, prove your opinion.

The traditional disagreements are over such things…

( time to come home at night, to attend religious services or not, doing work around the house, friends with whom teens spend their leisure time,…)

2.1) Pre - listening. Let’s practice some words to the text for listening:

according to – відповідно

allowed to – дозволили

be disturbed by-бути стурбованим

claim - стверджувати

complaints - скарги

facilities - можливості

furthermore - до того ж

hang around - товпитися навколо

nowhere - ніде,нікуди

resident - житель

somewhere else - подекуди,де-не-де

2) Listening

Listen to the text  ”Report on the problems of young people in Whitton”

3) After listening. Mark the statements as T (True) F(False)

1. In recent weeks young people have been meeting at night in the football field in front of the primary school.

2. In recent weeks young people have been meeting at night in the football field in front of the secondary school.

3. The local residents welcome teenagers’ meetings.

4. The residents have been disturbed by the sound of loud music, people talking and the noise from motorcycles.

5. The teenagers were leaving the bottles on the field.

6. A lot of rubbish is left by people who come and watch volleyball.

7. The students regard this problem as very serious.

8. They meet outside because they have nowhere else to go.

9. There are no cinemas and cafes in the village.

10. The last bus to and from the nearest town is at seven o’clock at night.

11. There is no doubt there is a problem because of the rich facilities.

12. The solution of the problem is to start a sport club in the school.

1. T ,2F,3.F,4T, 5F,6F, 7F,8T,9T,10T,11F,12 T.

T. Please, write down a summary of the text using your test task. Read your summary.

3. Reading

1) Pre-reading.

Let’s compare the problems of young people in Whitton and your problems. What problems do you have? Try to comment your point of view. ( pupils speak on the problem)

2) Reading

T.As a rule a problem has got two sides. Read the report quickly and answer the questions:

1. What is the problem for young people? (groups 1, 2 )

2. What is the problem for the people in the houses near the football field? (3, 4 )


Report on the problem

This report looks at the problems of young people in Whitton in order to suggest a solution. In recent weeks young people have been meeting at night in the football field in front of the primary school. This had led to lots of complaints from local residents. I spoke to the teenagers and some local residents in order to write this report.                                                                                                                                

According to the residents they have been disturbed by the sound of loud music, people talking and the noise from motorcycles. They claimed that some of the teenagers were taking drugs. They were also unhappy because of the rubbish the teenagers were leaving on the field. They want the teenagers to stop using the field.

The teenagers felt that the problem was not so serious as the residents claimed. They agreed that they made a little noise but they were not taking drugs. Furthermore, a lot of the rubbish is left by people who come and watch football. They have nowhere else to go.

It is a fact that teenagers in Whitton have nowhere to go in the evening. There are no cinemas and cafes in the village. They are not allowed in the pubs and the last bus to and from the nearest town is at seven o’clock at night. Unless their parents drive them, the teenagers cannot go out in the evening.

In conclusion, there is no doubt there is a problem because of the poor facilities. However, the problem will not go away. If the teenagers are stopped from meeting on the field, they will go somewhere else. I would recommend allowing the teenagers to start a club in the school hall. This will mean less noise for everyone.

3) After reading

Pupils answer the questions with discussion.

4 .Reading for specific information

Look through the phrases teenagers use explaining their complaints.

Neutral: I’m sorry, I’m afraid…

              It can really be hard…

              I quite like, but…

              There is too much to complain about…

Formal: I’m not completely satisfied with…

              I wish to complain about…

              I’m not the person who usually complains, but…

Informal:  I’m sick and tired of …!

                 I’m fed up with…!

                 That’s really unfair…!

                  It just won’t do!

5. Dialogues

Make up short dialogues about your problems

6. As you know as a result of many problems teenagers leave home.

Now you’ll get such information (Навчаючи-вчуcя)

-Most 18 and 19 year-old Britain are quite independent people.

-English people say that children grow up more quickly now.

-Relationships within the British family are different now.

-Children have more freedom to make their own decisions.

-In Britain, it is natural for children to leave home.

-About 20% of British teenagers leave home between the ages of 16 and 20.

-In London there were estimated 75,000 homeless people-a high percentage between the age of 17 and 25.

-Every year in Britain, over 5,000 young people leave home.

-Most young people are over 16 but some are even younger.

-Most of young people are escaping from an unhappy home life.

-Teenagers find an opportunity to earn money.

-When their money runs out, some start begging or basking to earn money.

-They live in the streets and sleep in doorways or in squats.

-Some teenagers return home after a few months.

-Some say they prefer the freedom of the streets to life at home.

-25,000young people in Australia are homeless.

-Washington has 25,000 homeless.

-In Italy there is no government policy for the homeless.

-20,000 people are homeless in France.

-Almost no homeless in Sweden and Japan.

T. What information have you got?

Are there homeless in our country?(you’ll add this information at home)


What do the parents forbid these teenagers to do? Choose the correct word to complete the complaints.

  1. John’s father…him not to stay out late again.
  1. allows
  2. orders
  3. lets
  1. His parents never allowed him…
  1. smoking
  2. smoked
  3. to smoke
  1. Deborah’s father won’t… her drive his car.
  1. permit
  2. forbid
  3. lit

      4. My mum is very strict, so it will be difficult…her to buy me a motorbike. She thinks 11 am too young.

          a) to suggest

          b) to persuade

          c) to make

III. Summarizing

Thank you for the lesson. Your work was good and interesting. Today’s marks are.

Урок 5

Тема:Молодіжні субкультури. Неофіційні угрупування молоді

Мета:активізувати мовленнєві навички учнів при обговоренні теми уроку,тренувати у читанні та слуханні;розвивати навички роботи у групах та парах з використанням інтерактивних технологій,розвивати навички роботи з комп’ютером,розвивати вміння висловити власну точку зору та обґрунтувати її;виховувати повагу до поглядів інших,інтерес до вивчення англійської  мови.

Тип:урок закріплення та застосування вмінь та навичок.

Обладнання: роздатковий матеріал по темі(тексти,картки),повідомлення учнів по темі з використанням ПК.

                                     Lesson Development


Good morning friends! I’m glad to see you.

How are you?

What do you think about?


Look at these numbers on the board and at your phones. Try to guess the word.

                                1           2           3

                              abc        def        ghi 

                                4           5            6

                              jkl         mno       pqr

                                 7          8             9

                               st          uv          wx  



1847862 (culture)

Yes. You are right. Today we’ll speak about youth subculture.

What do you think about when you hear this word?

Brainstorm (subculture)

( pupils give their ideas as for the word ‘subculture’)

T. Thank you very much. So the topic of our lesson is “The Youth Subculture”. We’ll speak about young people, their behavior, appearance and the reason of it.

II. Main part

T.I think, you’ll tell much interesting about different youth subcultures. And it is very interesting to me: are modern young people happy or not? Why?

1. Microphone (pupils give their answers)

2. T. Look at these pictures and discuss in pairs.

3. Listening

Pre – listening

T. Let’s listen to the definition of a subculture given by the encyclopedia and compare it with your ideas. What is youth subculture?

P1.Subculture is the behavior, beliefs and customs of a particular group of people within a society.

P2.Often subculture is a group whose behavior is disapproved by most people and whose interests are different from those of the mainstream culture.

Role play “Be My Guest”

T. Today we have some representatives of different subcultures.

Listen to their stories and be ready to do some tasks.

Meet our first guest John.


Hi, my name is John. I’m the raver. This subculture appeared in seventies and in eighties, raves became popular in Britain. These were illegal, all-night parties in fields or empty buildings. In early 90s, raves moved to London nightclubs. The first big club was called The Ministry of Sound, an empty building with bad toilets but a fantastic sound system. They wear bright clothes, decorate their bodies with rings and listen to the euphoric music.

My name is Vicky. I’m a hippie. My parents are hippies too. We like to be in a group and to go to the disco. Hippie appeared in 60s – 70s.We prefer rock’n’roll, especially Beatles. We usually wear bright and loose clothes, long hair. We like to wear different weaved of beads things. We want to change the world to the best. Yoga and meditation bring us this inner peace and help us to act in balance with our surroundings. Our dream is to live in harmony with each other and our planet. Our subculture is dying because many people use drugs.

My name is Randy. I’m Goths. I have many friends. Sometimes we get together and talk about the end of the world. We wear black with a lot of silver jewellery and have black hair. In our subculture music plays a great role. It affects the emotions. Goths are not more criminally included than other groups. But I’ve seen some kinds of crimes such as underage drinking, drug using, spray painting.

After listening

T. Thank you John, Vicky and Randy. Let’s play the ‘loto’ (pupils take the questions from the box and give right answers.)

1. Who likes weaved things?

2. What subculture do Beatles popular among?

3. What representatives dance all-night?

4. What subculture is dying because of using many drugs?

5. Whose clothes have got a lot of silver jewellery?

6. Who likes to gather together and speak about the end of the the world?

4. T. To get more information about youth subculture I propose you to do Teaching-learn task.(учні отримують інформацію про молодіжні організації,рухаючись по класу і спілкуючись лише з одним учнем одночасно, вони збирають інформацію за певний час,після чого розповідають про нове.)

1.Hippies like to travel by car stopping.

2. Goths are united into Gothdom.

3. To be a skinhead means to have a belief but not to be bold.

4. Skinheads like to be in the crew.

5. Skinheads try to keep their bloodline clean.

6. Skinheads preserve their race and nation.

7. Punks like to wear brightly coloured hair.

8. Skinheads are reggae fans.

9. Hippie’s colours are black and pink.

10. Brakes have a common interest to the dance’brake’.

11. Punks have negative attitude to work.

12. Brakes don’t smoke.

13. Punks use drugs and drink.

14. Brakes wear narrow dark glasses.

15. Rockers wear big army boots and leather jackets.

16. Rockers listen to rock music.

17. Rockers ride 2 or 3 wheeled motorized vehicle.

5.  T.  Thank you for the work. Let’s listen to your new information. (speaking)

6. T. We have listen to about different subcultures. And it’s just the time to express your point of view as for this topic. Should all young people be involved into groups or subcultures? How should they behave?

Take your position. (For. Against. I don’t know)

(pupils take the position and prove their choice)

III. Summarizing

T. I’m quite satisfied with your work at the lesson. Thank you for your participation. I wish you to be attentive to your own life because joining a subculture can help you to escape from loneliness but on the other hand it may cause much more difficult problems.

I’m sure you’ll the best.


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  1. Гринько Анастасія
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Галич Алла
30 серпня 2018
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