Cube games for young learners Дидактичні матеріали

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Гра, як відомо, є провідною формою діяльності дитини в молодшому та середньому шкільному віці. Багато видатних педагогів наголошували на ефективності використання ігор під час навчального процесу. Це дуже актуально саме зараз, бо вчителі мають неабиякі можливості для використання своїх творчих неординарних ідей під час навчання учнів.

Пропоную добірку матеріалів для рухливих ігор з використанням кубиків.

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You can find more free printables and ideas for your preschoolers at: or

Thanks again,

Debora Stewart

Teach Preschool     © Color Cube - Paint Splotches

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Cube Pattern

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Moving is good for your whole body. Because moving is so good for you, you should move every day. To move, you can dance or run or jump. Can you name other healthy ways to move?

What You’ll Learn

You can move in lots of fun ways. It doesn’t matter how you move. It just matters that you move and play!

Get a grown-up to help you play this game.


You Will Need:

1.         Move Cube page

2.         Scissors

3.         Tape

Get Ready to Play:

1.         Ask a grown-up for help to make the Move Cube.

2.         To make your cube, cut the cube picture out on the solid lines.

3.         Now, fold the cube picture along the dotted lines to make your cube look like dice.

4.         Fold and tuck the flaps inside the cube.

5.         Tape the edges to hold the cube together.

© 2011 WebMD   

1.         Take turns gently rolling the cube.

2.         When the cube lands, look at the picture that faces up.

3.         Do that move for as long as it takes you to sing, “Happy Birthday.” When you get    to the end of the song, stop.

4.         Roll the cube again to get your next move!


You should move every day to keep your body healthy. It doesn’t matter what you do. You can run, jump, or dance. It’s just important that you move!

© 2011 WebMD   

© 2011 Sanford Health            © 2011 WebMD

Did you move and play hard today? That’s so good for your body. You get a prize for moving and playing! Here is a cool wristband. Ask your mom or dad to cut it out and tape it around your wrist. Wear it all day.

Moving is good for your body and your brain. Moving keeps your muscles, bones, and heart strong. You should move every day to stay healthy. Jump, dance, or run. Just move! Moving feels so good!

I moved and played hard today!

© 2011 WebMD  

16 березня 2019
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